St. Matthias the Apostle Catholic Church


St. Matthias the Apostle Catholic Church
St. Matthias the Apostle Catholic Church
“ A welcoming community, committed to fostering a deeper love of Jesus through faith, family, and service to others.”
Archdiocese of Galveston - Houston
September 4, 2016
Established 1978
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
In every age, O Lord, you have been our refuge (Psalm 90)
Señor, tú has sido nuestro refugio de generación en generación (Salmo 89)
302 South Magnolia Blvd.
Magnolia, Texas 77355-8535
Office: 281-356-2000 Fax: 281-789-4243
Celebration of the Eucharist
Monday - Word & Sacrament Service,
8:00 am
Tuesday - Friday - Mass, 8:00 am
Saturday Mass - 5:00 pm, English
Sunday Masses - English 8:00 & 10:30 am
Spanish 1:00 pm
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Mon. - Thursday - 8:30 am - 9:30 am
Friday - 8:30—12:00 pm
Office Hours: Monday – Friday: 8:00 am– 5:00 pm
Reconciliation: Tues.-Fri. 8:30 - 9:30 am
Saturday 3:30 – 4:30 pm
Baptisms: Contact the parish office
Matrimony: 6 months in advance
Anointing of the Sick: 8am Mass 1st Fri.
of each month or call the parish office
First Eucharist & Confirmation:
Call the Parish CCE office
Parish Staff
Fr. Christopher Nguyen
Sidney “Butch” Prewitt
Rafael Millet
Parish Manager
Tom Mayhew
Parish DRE
Marlene Grauvogl
Dir. Youth Ministry
Sylvia Perez
Music Director
Dr. Frankie Kelly
Marita Karger
Parish Secretary
Mary Ann Ford
Assistant Secretary
Sandra Medrano
Campaign Support Mary Ann Zanoff
Pastoral Council
Fred Cytacki
Brenda Hoppe
Isabel Ramirez
Gus Rodriguez
Kathy White
Jim Yates
Finance Council
Glynn Trahan
Building Committee
Jerry Strenk
Funeral/Wedding Ministry
Sandy Bartlett
Patrick Hedderman
Arts & Environment
Deborah Okopinski
Catholic Daughters
Yolanda Garcia
Mary Ann Zanoff
Friends of St. Francis
Kim Herben
Ginny Mock
Grupo de Oración
Mónica Velázquez
Maria Cuellar
Knights of Columbus
Denton Rowley
Legion of Mary
Ignacio Villanueva
Men's Club
Bobby Holub
Movimiento Familiar Cristiano
Anabel Garza
Catherine Smith
Respect Life
Danica R. Vassigh
St. Vincent de Paul
Steve Dinnell
Stewardship Committee
Kathleen Oates
Ushers / Greeters
Debbie Stachowiak
Archdiocesan Collection for the
Louisiana Flood Victims
Bishop Sheltz has requested a special collection for
our brothers and sisters that have been impacted by the
historic flooding in Louisiana. This collection will be on
the weekend of Sept 17-18 at all of our Masses. This
collection will support the humanitarian efforts of Catholic Charities and to provide pastoral and rebuilding support to impacted dioceses.
The Louisiana flooding over the recent weeks has
been the worse in the area since hurricane Katrina. As
many as 60,000 homes were damaged and nearly 20,000
people were rescued from flood waters. Thousands of
lives have been cruelly altered due to this disaster. As
people of God, let us come to their aid and respond generously in this time of need. Our prayer and material
support is urgently needed to help rebuild their lives.
Thank you for your prayers and support.
Our regularly scheduled second collection for this
weekend, Youth and Faith Development, will be held the
following weekend, September 24-25.
1 Cor 5:1-8; Ps 5:5-7, 12; Lk 6:6-11,
or, for Labor Day, any readings from the
Mass “For the Blessings of Human Labor,”
nos. 907-911
1 Cor 6:1-11; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 6:12-19
Wednesday: 1 Cor 7:25-31; Ps 45:11-12, 14-17; Lk 6:20-26
Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30; Ps 13:6; Mt 1:1-16,
18-23 [18-23]
1 Cor 9:16-19, 22b-27; Ps 84:3-6, 12; Lk 6:3942
1 Cor 10:14-22; Ps 116:12-13, 17-18; Lk 6:4349
Ex 32:7-11, 13-14; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 17, 19;
1 Tm 1:12-17; Lk 15:1-32 [1-10]
Mother Teresa will be Canonized a
Saint by Pope Francis in Rome on
Sunday, Sept. 4th.
The Missionaries of Charity in Houston
invite all to attend a Mass of Celebration in
commemoration of the Canonization of
Mother Teresa on her Feast Day—Monday,
Sept. 5th , presided by Daniel Cardinal
DiNardo, at 9:30 a.m., at the Co-Cathedral
of the Sacred Heart, 1111 St. Joseph Parkway, Houston. The celebration will include a short procession
around the Co-Cathedral beginning at 9:00 a.m. prior to the
Mass and Veneration of a first class relic of Mother Teresa
following the Mass.
For more information about the Archdiocesan Mass, visit
September 5—September 11
8:00 am Word and Sacrament Service
8:00 am Chuck & Lou Yost +
8:00 am Russell, Lindsey, Cullen Halfmann
8:00 am Bobby Delarosa (liv)
8:00 am Judy Wall +
5:00 pm S. J. Corolla +
8:00 am
Parishioners of St. Matthias Parish
10:30 am Tom Brown +
1:00 pm
Deceased +
Living (liv)
Please contact the parish office to request a Mass Intention.
Also, if you would like to furnish flowers for the altar for a special
occasion or in memory of someone, please contact the parish office.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
is held:
Monday-Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Friday, 8:30 a.m.—12:00 p.m.
I am here, come visit Me
Let us Rejoice and Pray for these
soon-to-be married couples.
Christopher Sparks & Paula Diaz
Mario Roque De Leon & Violeta Rosas
May I receive the Sacraments if I am Catholic,
divorced and remarried outside the Church?
If you, as a Catholic, are divorced and remarried
“outside” the Catholic Church with no dispensation
or permission from the Bishop and are sharing fully in all marital relations you have taken an action that is contrary to the
teachings of Christ and are living in sin (cf. Catechism of the
Catholic Church, #1650). Therefore, you are not able to receive
the Sacraments, except in the danger of death.
The Catholic Church is not punishing you. Rather the
Church is being faithful to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Although you are not able to receive the Eucharist, you still have
an obligation to attend Mass faithfully every Sunday and are
encouraged to participate in your parish as fully as you are able.
If your marriage later becomes valid in the eyes of the
Church, you may again receive the Sacraments (i.e. you receive
a declaration of nullity or your former spouse dies and you contract a valid marriage in the eyes of the Church).
If you have any questions, please call the parish office to make
an appointment with Fr Chris or contact the sponsors: Kathleen
Oates (English) 281-356-6294 or Deacon Rafael Millet
(Spanish) 281-324-0559
August 28, 2016
Envelopes (243) - $ 8,165.00
Loose Checks/Cash - $ 2,806.55
Online Giving - $ 811.92
Children’s Collection - $ 181.00
Capital Renewal - $ 373.00
Second collection next weekend—Catholic University/ Univ. of
St Thomas
Our deep gratitude to parishioners and guests for their
support to the ongoing work of Christ at St. Matthias.
Electronic Contributions through MyEoffering
St. Matthias has partnered with myEoffering, a secure,
private, web-based system, to provide you with the convenience of online contributions. Online contributions are very
much like online bill pay where parishioners can choose to
have their financial contributions to St. Matthias withdrawn
directly from their credit, debit, checking or savings account
in lieu of bringing cash or checks to church each
Sunday. This can include your regular weekly offertory envelope, second collections, and capital campaign contributions. With myEoffering, donors can make one-time or
recurring donations at frequencies that best fit your
situation. You can access myEoffering from any computer or
mobile device with internet access. For information on how
to sign up, go to our church website (,
and click
on which is located
under the myEoffering button on the home page.
Once you sign up for myEoffering, green and white Collection Cards are available in the narthex. If desired, pick
one up on your way into church and drop it in the collection
basket (in lieu of your envelope) as a way to show your support for our parish.
As always, thank you for your generous support for your
The altar flowers this weekend
are provided by
Victor and Trudy Ferrugia
in memory of their parents.
DSF Report as of 8-23-2016
Parish Goal: $ 65,000.00
Amount paid: $ 64,141.46
Paid Under Goal: ($ 858.54)
Thank you to the parishioners who have returned their DSF envelope
with their pledge to support the 2016 campaign. Envelopes are available in the Narthex and the parish office. Please pray over your ability
to support the Cardinal’s many important ministries and submit a
completed pledge envelope in the collection basket, parish office, or
by mail.
Today Jesus lays out the demands of
following Him, the great cost of discipleship. The Society makes no distinction in
those served because, in them, Vincentians
see the face of Christ.
Monthly needed items: canned mixed fruit, and
canned sweet potatoes
“Together in Faith-Honoring our Past,
Building Our Future”
As of Aug 30, 2016
Amount Pledged: $ 2,898,528
Amount Paid: $ 503,691
Number of Donors:
Please Help Us Build Our New Church!
As of mid-August, over 460 families (about 30%
of our registered families) have committed more than
$2,898,000 toward our Capital Campaign to build a new
sanctuary and St. Vincent de Paul facility. They are truly a
blessing to all of us! This exceeded our minimum goal of
$2.4M but left us short of our Challenge Goal of $4M and
well short our Miracle Goal of $7M which would allow us
to complete the new church and St. Vincent de Paul building debt free and then quickly begin to plan for the next
phase of work (e.g., new parish hall and kitchen, youth activity space, additional meeting space).
While it’s difficult to estimate how many unregistered families regularly come to St. Matthias, just for an
argument’s sake, let’s add 200 more families for a total of
1800. This leaves about 1350 families who are still praying
about a pledge to support our new church.
Here’s where it gets interesting… If each of these families could commit just $2 a day over the three year pledge
period of our campaign, we would raise another $3,000,000
enabling our parish to build the new church with very little
debt. The message here is that no pledge amount is too
small. If we all get involved and work together to support
our campaign, we can realize our dream of a new church.
You can give by check, cash, stocks, bonds, or other items
of value. MyEoffering is available to make your pledge
payment easy through automatic debit of your checking or
savings account or credit card.
Please continue to pray and listen to God’s reply.
While not all checkbooks are made equal, our hearts are all
the same size with the same capacity hear God’s word and
respond with love. We ask that each family give based on
your ability and God will respond with many blessings in
Please contact the parish office at 281-356-2000 if you
have any questions.
Norwood, Manuel Hernandez, Mike Hysmith, Jason Dodson, Peggy &
Jim Brewer, Rob Brady, Mark Ward, James Fayard, Liam Roth, Ruby
Barrow, Neil MacDonald, Judy Pierett, David Nordin, Jerry McClean,
Heather Stachowiak, Lori Wood, Elda Maldonado, Lastie Rozas,
Dorothy Koniceznz, Itzel Sayon, Vivian Lane, Mario A. Garcia, Jr.,
Felicity Guerrero, Douglas Baughman, Susie Kaughman, Delia Carpentier, Richard Nava, Raymond Tatum, Buddy Harrison, McKenzie Covert, Tom McDermott, Edwina Kaminski, Cindy Stroberg, Andrea Corolla Phillips, Jim Jacobs, Kimberly Copeland, Lina & Roger Dehoyas,
Norah Ortega, Marlene Gondek, Greg Stepanek, George & Vivian
Nolan, Carolyn & Bob Foster
Names on the prayer list will be removed after 2 months.
If you want a name to continue longer, please contact the
parish office.
If a family member, a neighbor or someone you know from our parish
is homebound and is in need of Holy Communion and/or prayer,
please notify the office so that arrangements can be made for home or
hospital visits. You may also call for assistance in leading rosaries for
your deceased loved ones 's funeral.
Series on Understanding Our Catholic Faith
Join us for this free, 10 week Formed series “KNOWING
THE FAITH”. The series offers information on topics
from Faith and Divine Revelation all the way to The Last
Things in a no homework and no class preparation format. The series will be offered on Thursdays at 10:00 a.m.
and 7:00 p.m. beginning on September 8th. Please come
and learn and share with fellow parishioners these exciting
adventures into our Catholic Faith. This is a great opportunity as kids are now back in school and is a good time for
adults to rejuvenate before the flurry of holiday events
begin. Please call the parish office to sign up or you can
just show up at either of the sessions. All are welcome!
Sun., Sept. 4
Mon., Sept. 5
Tues. Sept. 6
Wed., Sept. 7
Capital Campaign Fundraising Committee
As part of our Capital Campaign Cabinet, the Fundraising
Committee is working on plans to bring our Parish family closer together, have some fun, and raise additional money to help
build our new church. The committee has met with a number
of parish ministry leaders and developed a list of ideas for fund
raisers. Two ideas were introduced in the bulletin last
week. Below are a couple more ideas for you to think about.
During September, we will list other ideas then invite parishioners to vote on their favorite ones through Flocknote.
This week's ideas:
1. Christmas Shopping/Babysitting Event—Parents can
bring their children to the parish hall for an evening so parents
can get some Christmas Shopping done. Food, drinks, entertainment, and plenty of supervision and fun would be provided
for the kids.
2. Murder Mystery - Think a "live" version of the game
CLUE. Parishioners purchase tickets and take on a character's
role for the evening trying to guess who the "murderer" is.
If you are interested in joining this exciting and important committee, please contact Bridget Minchuk at [email protected].
LAY MINISTERS - September 10/11
5:00 p.m.
Mass Coordinator: C. Yost
Acolytes: M. Zanoff, S. Zanoff, S. Skwer es
Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon/Inst. Acolyte, B. J ames, P. Yost, C. Yost,
A. McHugh, B. Jackson, P. Souriall
P. Yost, P. Sour iall
L. Her zog, J . J ackson
Greeters: P. Ratcliff, D. Ratcliff
Rosary: A. McHugh
8:00 a.m.
Mass Coordinator: M. Sullivan
Acolytes: C. Brown, K. Brown, N. Brown
Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon/Inst. Acolyte, M. Sullivan, E. J auma,
R. Jauma, A. Meyers, L. Cardenas, P. Taake,
S. Sorrells, J. Okopinski
E. J auma, R. J auma
G. Glowski, J. Daskalos, R. Holub, R. Arce
Greeters: R. Arce, J. Daskalos
S. Smith
10:30 a.m.
Mass Coordinator : R. Tambor ello
Acolytes: W. Polombo, D. Rios, N. Rios
Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon/Ins. Acolyte, D. Tr ahan, T. Hancock,
S. Broerman, R. Tamborello, S. Tamborello,
I. Villanueva, C. McCorquodale, L. Denison
Lectors: J. Chojnacki, G. Trahan
J. Oates, D. Stockert, T. Mayhew, R. McCorquodale
Greeters: J. Chojnacki, P. Chojnacki
K. Oates
Thurs. Sept. 8
Fri., Sept. 9
8:00 am
10:30 am
1:00 pm
2:00 pm
8:00 am
8:30 am
Adoration & Confessions
Legion of Mary, St Mary Rm (13/14)
Spanish Choir Practice, Church
ACTS Retreat Meeting, St Jerome Rm (17)
Guadalupanos Meeting, St. Mary Rm (13/14)
Adoration & Confessions
Confirmation 2 Class, Parish Hall, St Mary Rm
(13/14), St Philip Neri Rm (9/11)
8:00 am
8:30 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Adoration & Confessions
AMSIF, Parish hall, classrooms 1-7,10
Symbolon, St Mary Rm. (13/14)
English Choir Practice, Church
Symbolon, St Philip Neri Rm, (9/11)
Hispanic Prayer Group Leaders, St Mary Rm
8:00 am
8:30 am
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
10:00 am
10:00 am
3:30 pm
5:00 pm
Sun., Sept. 11
Labor Day
Word and Sacrament Service
Parish Offices Closed
8:00 am
8:30 am
10:00 am
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
8:00 am
8:30 am
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Sat., Sept. 10
Mass, English
Mass, English
Mass, Spanish
Family Movement, Parish Hall
8:00 am
8:00 am
10:30 am
11:30 am
11:30 am
1:00 pm
Adoration & Confessions
Matachines, Pavilion
Hispanic Prayer Group, Parish Hall, St Thomas
Aquinas Rm (10)
Family Movement Meeting, St Philip Neri Rm
Confirmation Retreat, Parish hall, St Mary Rm, St
Philip Neri Rm
Spanish Baptisms, Church
Confessions, Church
Mass, English
Mass, English
RCIA, St Mary Rm
Mass, English
Spanish Adult Confirmation Class, St Mary Rm
English Adult Confirmation Class, St Jerome Rm
Mass, Spanish
The parish offices will be closed Monday,
September 5. We will have a Word and
Sacrament Service at 8am
We hope that you have visited our music
ministry webpage. Be sure to click onto the link
of the Mass setting entitled “Mass of Awakening”. Being familiar with this will make a transition to its inclusion seamless. We plan to introduce the new Mass it at Christmas.
The English speaking choir is learning new choral pieces
almost weekly. Our cantors are also working hard to deliver
messages through the Psalms with greater vocal presence.
I hope to hear from you directly by email or text message at
504-432-9998 if you see yourself as a potential choir
member. Having something of a choral background will make
singing in the choir a pleasant experience.
Singing is worship!
Dr. Frankie
[email protected]
Marlene Grauvogl at 281-356-2000 x 14
E-mail: [email protected]
Have you registered your children yet for CCE? We are
in the process of getting classes set and catechists in
place. Please bring your paperwork to the office as soon
as possible.
PLEASE NOTE: Students whose paperwork is
turned in on the first day of class will be asked to
begin their class the following week.
Is God calling you to teach our children? We have many
returning catechists, however we are still in need of
additional help. Catechists and aides are needed for elementary in both English and Spanish. On Wednesday nights we
have a critical shortage of catechists. We need catechists for
Jr. High as well as more small group leaders for grades 911. Please prayerfully consider being a part of our Wednesday
night Teen Night. The laborers are few and the students are
hungry to learn more about their faith. Will you be the one to
answer “The Call” ? CHRIST needs you and WE need you!
Call Marlene at 281-356-2000 for more information.
Wednesday T.E.E.N. Night –Tuesday,
September 13 - 7:00pm – St. Padre Pio Rm (9/11)
Elementary Catechist – Tuesday,
September 20 - 7:00pm – St. Padre Pio Rm (9/11)
Please let me know if you are unable to attend.
Elementary catechist, please bring your books.
September 17 – Confirmation at the 5:00 p.m. Mass
September 18 – Catechetical Sunday – “Prayer – The
Faith Prayed” All catechists will be
commissioned at the 10:30 Mass.
September 21 – First Day of Wednesday Teen Night.
Schedule – 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. – Food and Fellowship
6:30 - Proclaim – Night lesson begins
7:00 - Break into small groups
7:45 - Mass and homily to complete
the lesson
September 25 – First day of Elementary Sunday Classes
Session 1 – 9:05-10:30 a.m.
Session 2 – 11:35 a.m. - 12:50 p.m. (Kindergarten
through Grade 2 are in Spanish)
We still have First Communion pictures. Please
stop by the Education Office to pick them up.
Sylvia Perez at 281- 356-2000 x 12
E-mail: [email protected]
SEPTEMBER 17, 2016
in St. Philip Neri & Padre Pio Rooms (9/11)
7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday, September 7, 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, September 14, 7:00 p.m.
Please bring all your missing information to class:
Baptismal Certificate
Candidate Commitment/ Covenant
Parent information/ Covenant
Sponsor Information /Covenant
Service Call Forms- All candidates are required to
complete four (4) service calls per program year.
Confirmation Day of Enrichment
Parents/Sponsors/Candidates – (Mandatory)
Saturday, September 10, 2016
11am – 6pm – Parish Hall
Rite of Confirmation Rehearsal
Thursday, September 15, 2016 – 7:00 p.m.
(Candidates and Sponsors Only!)
We will be holding Altar Server training on the
following Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. in the
Sept 3 & 24, Oct 1 , 8, & 22
I encourage all Altar Servers, new and experienced, to attend these sessions. Thank you so
much and God Bless you all.
Mr. Pat Hedderman
[email protected] or 281-259-2214
St. Matthias has a gift for you and your family.
A free subscription to so that you and your family
can enjoy great spiritual movies, audio presentations,
e-books, Bible studies and more. The summer is a great time
for family movies nights.
Here is how easy it is to get started:
♦ Go to homepage.
♦ Sign up by entering the Parish code 4bb7c2 under “Does
your Parish already have Formed?” (middle of home page)
♦ Register with your username, email and password
Returning users, log in top right with your username /email
and password. You are in!
We hope you and your family enjoy this FREE subscription
source of Catholic educational materials.
Declaración de la Misión Parroquial
“Una comunidad acogedora, comprometida a fomentar un amor más profundo por Jesús, por medio de la Fe, la familia y el servicio a los demás.”
Colección especial de la Arquidiócesis para las
victimas de la Inundación de Luisiana
Obispo Sheltz ha solicitado una colección especial para
nuestros hermanos y hermanas que han sido afectados por la inundación histórica en Luisiana. Esta colecta será el fin de semana del
17 y 18 de septiembre en todas las misas. Esta colecta apoyará los
esfuerzos humanitarios de Caridades Católicas y para proporcionar
apoyo pastoral y la reconstrucción de las diócesis afectadas.
La inundación de Luisiana sobre las últimas semanas ha
sido el peor en la zona desde que el huracán Katrina. Nada menos
que 60,000 viviendas fueron dañadas y cerca de 20,000 personas
fueron rescatadas de las aguas de inundación. Miles de vidas han
sido cruelmente alterados debido a este desastre. Como pueblo de
Dios, vallamos a su ayuda y responder con generosidad en este
momento de necesidad. Se necesita urgentemente nuestro apoyo
en oración y materiales para ayudar a reconstruir sus vidas. Gracias por sus oraciones y apoyo.
Nuestra segunda colecta programada regularmente para
este fin de semana para los Jóvenes y Desarrollo de Fe, se llevará a
cabo el próxima fin de semana, el 24 y 25 de septiembre.
Alegrémonos y recemos por estas
parejas que pronto se casarán.
Christopher Sparks & Paula Díaz
Mario Roque De León & Violeta Rosas
Misa de Celebración en Conmemoración de la
Canonización de la Madre Teresa de Calcuta
Los Misioneros de Caridad en Houston, invitan a todos asistir a una Misa de Celebración en conmemoración de la Canonización de la Madre Teresa en su día
de Fiesta el Lunes, 5 de septiembre, presidida por el
Cardenal Daniel DiNardo a las 9:30am en la
Co-Catedral del Sagrado Corazón en 1111 St. Joseph Parkway,
Houston TX. 77002. La celebración incluirá una breve procesión alrededor de la Co-Catedral antes del comienzo de la Misa a las 9am y
veneración de la reliquia primera clase de madre teresa después de la
misa. Para más información sobre las Misas Arquidiocesana, visite
Tendremos entrenamiento para los servidores del altar las
siguiente fechas de 10:00am a 12:00 del mediodía en la
1ra. Lectura: Gloria García
2da. Lectura: Carlos Hernández
Ministros: Diácono Rafael 1b, A. Navarro 1c, C. Hernández 2b,
C. Hernández 2c, M. Guevara, 3b, A. Guevara 3c, E. Osorio 4c,
M. Torres 5c, E. Merino 6c
Monaguillos: A. García, D. Benítez, V. Pacheco
Ujieres: R. Benítez, M. García, L. García, M. Estrada, M. Tadeo
Ofertorio: José y Perla Ríos
Visita de la Virgen Peregrina a la familia: José y Perla Ríos
Coordinador de la Misa: Luciano y Leticia Chávez
Intención de la Misa de Hoy: Salvador Alvarado †
La oficina parroquial estará cerrada
mañana Lunes, 05 de septiembre
por el Día del Trabajo.
¡Por favor, ayúdenos a construir nuestra nueva Iglesia!
A parir de mediados de agosto, más de 460 familias (alrededor del
30% de nuestras familias registradas) se han comprometido más de $
2.898 millones hacia nuestra campaña de capital para construir un
nuevo santuario y la instalación de San Vicente de Paul. ¡Ellos son
realmente una bendición para todos nosotros! Esto superó nuestra meta
inicial de mínimo de $2.4millones pero nos dejó corto de nuestra Meta
de Desafío de $4 millones y muy bajo en nuestra Meta Milagrosa de
$7M lo que nos permitirá completar la nueva iglesia y la deuda del
edificio de San Vicente de Paul libre y luego comenzar rápidamente a
planificar la próxima fase del trabajo (por ejemplo, nuevo salón parroquial y la cocina, el espacio de actividades juveniles, espacio adicional
para reuniones).
Nuestra parroquia tiene más de 1600 familias registradas. Mientras
que es difícil estimar cuántas familias no registradas vienen regularmente a San Matías, sólo por el bien de un argumento, vamos a añadir
200 familias más para un total de 1800. Esto deja a cerca de 1350
familias que aún están rezando sobre un compromiso de apoyar para
nuestra nueva iglesia.
Aquí es donde se pone interesante… Si cada una de estas familias
podrían comprometerse sólo $2 por día durante el período de compromiso de tres años de nuestra campaña, podríamos recaudar otros
$3,000.000 permitiendo a nuestra parroquia construir la nueva iglesia
con muy poca deuda. El mensaje aquí es que ninguna cantidad es
demasiado pequeña. Si todos participamos y trabajamos juntos para
apoyar nuestra campaña, podemos realizar nuestro sueño de una nueva
iglesia. Usted puede dar por cheque, dinero en efectivo, acciones,
bonos, u otros artículos de valor. myEoffering está disponible para
hacer su pago de compromiso de fácil a través de débito automático de
su cuenta de cheques o cuenta de ahorros o tarjeta de crédito.
Fechas de las próximas reuniones:
Sábado, 24 de septiembre
Sábado, 1 de octubre
Sábado, 8 de octubre
Sábado, 22 de octubre
Por favor, continúen orando y escuche la respuesta de Dios. Aunque
no todos las chequeras son iguales, nuestros corazones son todos del
mismo tamaño con la misma capacidad de escuchar la palabra de Dios
y responder con amor. Pedimos que cada familia de basada en su capacidad y Dios responderá con muchas bendiciones a cambio.
Animo a todos los monaguillos, nuevos y con
experiencia, a asistir a estas sesiones. Muchas gracias
y que Dios los bendiga.
Por favor, póngase en contacto con la oficina parroquial al
281-356-2000 si tiene alguna pregunta.
El Matrimonio & la Iglesia Católica
¿Puedo recibir los Sacramentos si soy Católico/a,
divorciado/a, y me he vuelto casar fuera de la Iglesia?
Si usted es Católico/a, y esta divorciado/a y se ha vuelto
a casar “fuera” de la Iglesia Católica sin dispensa o
permiso de su Obispo usted ha realizado una acción
que es contraria a las enseñanzas de Cristo y por lo tanto vive en una
situación de pecado. (Ver Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica # 1650)
por lo tanto, no puede recibir los Sacramentos excepto en caso de
La Iglesia no lo está castigando. Ella está siendo fiel a las enseñanzas de Cristo. Aun cuando usted no puede recibir los Sacramentos,
usted sigue teniendo la obligación de atender fielmente a Misa cada
Si su matrimonio más tarde llega a tener un estado de validez
dentro del entendimiento de la Iglesia, podrá volver a recibir los Sacramentos. (Por ejemplo, si su ex-cónyuge le ha presidido en la muerte o
usted hubiera recibido una declaración de nulidad por su matrimonio
Si tiene preguntas, por favor llame a la oficina parroquial para hacer
una cita con el Padre Chris o ponerse en contacto con los patrocinadores: Kathleen Oates en (Inglés) 281-356-6294 o Diácono Rafael Millet
en (Español) 281-324-0559.
¿Se ha Mudado o Cambiado Información de Contacto??
Si se ha mudado, cambiado de numero de teléfono o de celular, o tiene
una nueva dirección de correo electrónico, póngase en contacto con la
oficina parroquial para que podamos actualizar nuestros archivos
Objetos Perdidos
Algunos artículos han sido encontrados alrededor de nuestros edificios
parroquiales en los último par de semanas. Si reconoce un artículo,
por favor pase por la oficina parroquial para reclamarlos. Cualquier
cosa que no sea reclamado dentro de 2 semanas será donado a una
organización de caridad local.
Rosarios, lentes de leer, monederos, libros de oración, suéteres,
lentes de sol.
Desarrollo para la mujer AMSIF
Invita a todas las mujeres de esta Comunidad de San Matías al programa de Desarrollo para la mujer y la Familia.
Áreas de formación: Evangelización, Familia, Cocina y Nutr ición,
corte de pelo, ingles, manualidades, y administración del tiempo y
El programa es gratuito y tenemos servicios de guardería Iniciamos el
jueves 8 de Septiembre de 10:00 a 1:00 Para más información llame al
los teléfonos (281) 541-3489 con Gina Gómez o al (281) 220-9864
con Pily Urías.
Oficina de Educación Religiosa
Marlene Grauvogl al 281-356-2000 ext. 14
Correo Electrónico: [email protected]
Inscripción de Doctrina 2016-2017
¿Ha registrado a sus hijos a la doctrina? Estamos en proceso de
obtener las clases y catequistas en su lugar. Favor de traer sus
documentos a la oficina tan pronto como sea posible.
Tenga en cuenta: Los estudiantes que se registren el
primer día de clase se les pedirá que empiecen su clase la
semana siguiente.
Fechas Importantes
Septiembre 17 – Misa de Confirmación a las 5:00 p.m.
Septiembre 18 – Domingo Catequético – “La oración – La fe orada”
Todos los catequistas serán comisionados en la misa de las 10:30 a.m.
Septiembre 21 – Primer Día de Doctrina de Miércoles (6º al 12º grado)
6:00-6:30pm – Comida y Compañerismo
6:30 – Proclamación– Comienza la lección
7:00 – Dividirse en grupos pequeños
7:45 - Misa y homilía para completar la lección
Septiembre 25 – Primer día de Doctrina Elemental los Domingo
(kínder al 5º grado)
1ra Sesión – 9:05-10:30am en Inglés
2da Sesión – 11:35-12:50pm (Las clases de kínder hasta el 2º grado
son en Español)
Miércoles Noche de Jóvenes - Martes, 13 de septiembre
a las 7:00pm – Salón San Padre Pío (9/11)
Catequistas de Primaria – Martes, 20 de septiembre
a las 7:00pm – Salón Padre Pío (9/11)
**Por favor, déjeme saber si usted no podrá asistir.
Catequistas de primaria por favor traigan sus libros.
Oficina de Ministerio Juvenil
Sylvia Perez al 281-356-2000 ext. 12
Correo Electrónico: [email protected]
¡Atención Padres de estudiantes en grados 6º al 12º!
La doctrina empiezan el Miércoles, 21 de septiembre a las
6:30pm. Si usted aun no ha registrado a su estudiante a la
doctrina, por favor hágalo lo mas pronto posible.
6:00-6:30pm – Comida y Compañerismo
6:30 – Proclamación– Comienza la lección
7:00 – Dividirse en grupos pequeños
7:45 - Misa y homilía para completar la lección
Clases de Confirmación
Para los Candidatos de Confirmación que se confirman este año el 17 de
septiembre DEBEN ASISTIR a estas clases que empiezan este miércoles el
7 de septiembre a las 7pm en el salón San Felipe Neri y Padre Pio (9/11).
Los candidatos se prepararan para el Rito de Confirmación.
**Sólo los candidatos*
La próxima clase de confirmación es el 14 de Septiembre
**El candidato y su padrino/madrina solamente, deben asistir al
ensayo de Confirmación el jueves, 15 de septiembre a las 7pm en la
Enriquecimiento de Confirmación – Obligatorio para los
Candidatos/Padres/Patrocinadores Sábado, 10 de septiembre de
11am – 6pm – en el salón parroquial.