eighteenth sunday in ordinary time decimoctavo domingo en el
eighteenth sunday in ordinary time decimoctavo domingo en el
Bulletin EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME DECIMOCTAVO DOMINGO EN EL TIEMPO ORDINARIO Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church & School 11291 Southwest 142nd Avenue, Miami, Florida 33186 (305) 386-4121 www.ololourdes.org Msgr. Kenneth K. Schwanger, Pastor Parochial Vicars: Rev. Andrew Pietraszko and Rev. Javier Barreto Deacons: Dcn. Michael Plummer, Dcn. José M. Naranjo and Dcn. Isidoro Villa July 31, 2016 - Eighteenth Sunday in ordinary time General Information Mass Schedule, Reconciliations, Devotions Parish Office......................................................... (305) 386-4121 Mass Schedule Monday - Friday...................................................8:30am - 4:30pm (closed for lunch 12:30pm - 1:30pm) Saturday and Sunday.......................................9:00am - 2:00pm Mon- Sat Mon- Fri Saturday Vigil Location ENGLISH SPANISH Chapel Chapel Church 8:00am 5:00pm 7:15am 10:15am 11:45am 5:00pm 7:00pm 6:30pm 8:30am 1:30pm 6:30pm No Mass Christian Formation............................................ (305) 386-4894 Monday - Thursday............................................ 8:00am - 4:30pm Friday......................................................................8:00am - 2:00pm (closed Saturday and Sunday) Parochial School................................................... (305) 386-8446 Youth & Young Adult Ministry...........................(305) 386-4894 Holy Boutique Hours From To Mon- Wed Thursday Friday 5:30pm 5:45pm 2:00pm 8:00am 5:30pm 8:00am 5:30pm 8:00pm 8:00pm 8:00pm 12:00pm 8:00pm 3:00pm 8:00am Saturday Sunday Sunday Church Holy Days of Obligation Vigil................................................................................................................................. 7:00pm (Bilingual) Holy Day .............................................. 8:00am (Eng), 12:15pm (Bilingual), 6:30pm (Eng), 8:00pm (Spa) Devotion to Our Lady of Lourdes............11th day of the month, at the Grotto, 8:00pm (Bilingual) Divine Mercy Chaptlet........................................................................................... Sundays, 3:00pm French Mass...................................................... First Saturday of the month, at the Chapel, 9:30am Mass for the Blessed Mother........................ First Saturday of the month, at the Chapel, 8:00am Novena & Benediction for Our Lady of Perpetual Help.........Mondays, at the Chapel, 7:30pm Reconciliation / Confesiones 1 hour before daily Mass. Saturdays from 3:00pm to 4:00pm, in the Chapel. No Confessions on Holy Days / No habrá confesiones los Día de Precepto Mass Intentions SATURDAY, July 30th MONDAY, August 1st WEDNESDAY, August 3rd 8:00am Rosa de Valle Quintero † Humberto Viana † For the health of Illan family 5:00pm Jorge & Nancy Heredia † Rene Borgella † Jesus Illan † 6:30pm Victor Toriello † José Huaranga † Armando y Roxana Díaz † 8:00am Nicole Lafontant † Cayetano & Rosa Catucelli † Alina Alex B-day 7:00pm José Mendez † Julio E. Garavito † Antonio Huape † 8:00am Nicole Lafontant † Octavio Fernandez † Pat Plummer † 7:00pm Lidia Stagnaro de Delgado † Pedro Hidalgo † Jorge Lopez † TUESDAY, August 2nd THURSDAY, August 4th SUNDAY, July 31st 7:15am Thanksgiving to Jesus Thanksgiving to Holy Spirit For all Souls in Purgatory 8:30am Por la familia Parroquial 10:15am Richard Hackshaw † Nicole Lafontant † Alfonso Chao, Jr. † 11:45am Raymond Quigley † Jessica Longueira † Marzouka – Blanchard family 1:30pm Esperanza García † José Antonio Rodriguez † Acción de gracias al Espíritu Santo y a la Virgen María 5:00pm Francine Khawly † Santa Mantilla † Angela Alvarez B-day 6:30pm María Luisa Rojas † Ulises Calzado † Emilia María Guevara † www.ololourdes.org 8:00am Nicole Lafontant † 8:00am Nicole Lafontant † Josefina Tolosa † Carmen Quintero de Valle † Thanksgiving to Jesus Adeline Danache † for Robert Ambroise 7:00pm Nora Ramirez † 7:00pm Adolfo y Sara Garay † Jesús Illan † Ana María Velazquez † Por las Almas del Purgatorio † Lucía Ramirez † OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL FRIDAY, August 5th 8:00am Victoria Gonel † Beni Mar Adaza † Nicole Lafontant † 7:00pm Alicia Restrepo † Olga Diaz † George Díaz B-day @ololourdes @OLOLCatholicMiami 31 de julio, 2016 - Decimoctavo Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario The Sacred Space,Furnishings, Vesture, Books, etc. What’s Happening... Sunday, July 31st Baptismal Font Large baptismal fonts evident in early churches have come back to us in recent years.These fonts allow for full immersion, or at least the pouring of water over the whole body of a person who gets into the font and then comes out again renewed. Many of these fonts are of an octagon shape. This shape is not only pleasing to the eye but is symbolic as well. Eight sides symbolize the eighth day, the day of resurrection, and remind us that in baptism we die to sin and rise to new life in Christ and believe that we, like him, will rise from death. Flowing water, or water that moves in some way is also a feature of these newer fonts. This water gives new life, and so it is living water flowing, springing, bubbling somehow alive. Wednesday, August 3rd Coffee & Doughnuts – Salve Regina Group (PH) 3:00pm - 4:00pm Sunday, July 31st Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1st: Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23 RP: Ps 90:3-4, 5-6, 1213, 14, 17 2nd: Col 3:1-5, 9-11 Gospel: Lk 12:13-21 Divine Mercy Chaplet (Cha) 8:00pm – 10:00pm 9:00am - 10:00pm Camino Neocatecumenal Convivencia (BFI) Cenáculo Contemplativo de la Divina Misericordia (Cha) Liturgy Committee (BFI) 8:15pm-10:15pm Monday, August 1st No Ministry Meetings 2:00pm - 5:00pm Young Once (BFI) 7:30pm - 10:00pm English Bible Classes (BFI) Monday, August 1st Saint Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the Church 1st: Jer 28:1-17 RP: Ps 119:29, 43, 79, 80, 95, 102 Gospel: Mt 14:13-21 Tuesday, August 2nd Saint Eusebius of Vercelli, Bishop Saint Peter Julian Eymard, Priest 1st: Jer 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22 Rp: Ps 102:16-18, 19-21, 29, and 22-23 Gospel: Mt 14:22-36 Wednesday, August 3rd 1st: Jer 31:1-7 RP: Jer 31:10, 11-12ab, 13 Gospel: Mt 15:21-28 Saturday, August 6th The Transfiguration of the Lord 1st: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 RP: Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9 2nd: 2 Pt 1:16-19 Gospel: Lk 9:28b-36 Sunday, August 7th Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1st: Wis 18:6-9 RP: Ps 33:1, 12, 18-19, 20-22 2nd: Heb 11:1-2, 8-19 Gospel: Lk 12:32-48 www.ololourdes.org KEY: BFI : Bishop Fernando Isern Hall Cha : Chapel ER: Expansion Room Kit: Kitchen 1:30pm - 3:30pm Faith (KIT) No Ministry Meetings 5:00pm 7:30pm - 10:00pm Neocates Liturgy (BFI) Friday, August 5th Neuróticos Anónimos (PH) Chu : Church Matrimonios en Victoria (PH) Neuróticos Anónimos (PH) Tuesday, August 2nd 10:30am – 11:30am Lectors Montly Meeting (BFI) Grupo de Oración Carismático en español (BFI) Hijos de la Madre de Dios (PH) Saturday, August 6th Annual General Meeting with all Parish groups (PH) Thursday, August 4th Spanish Bible Classes (BFI) Friday, August 5th The Dedication of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major 1st: Na 2:1, 3, 3:1-3, 6-7 RP: Dt 32:35cd-36ab, 39abcd, 41 Gospel: Mt 16:24-28 Rosario de Primer Viernes de Mes – (CSDLM) 9:30pm - 3:30pm 7:30pm - 10:00pm Thursday, August 4th Saint John Vianney, Priest 1st: Jer 31:31-34 RP: Ps 51:12-13, 14-15, 18-19 Gospel: Mt 16:13-23 Grupo Divina Voluntad (BFI) 10:00am – 11:00am Mary Queen of Peace Prayer Group (BFI) No Ministry Meetings Readings for the Week 7:00pm - 10:00pm No Ministry Meetings Sunday, August 7th 7:00am Coffee and Doughnuts – Padres y Madres Orantes (PH) No Ministry Meetings 8:00pm - 2:30pm 10:00am - 11:00am School of Evangelization (BFI) Mary Queen of Peace Prayer Group (BFI) 3:00pm - 4:00pm Divine Mercy (Cha) MS: Middle School St.B: St. Bernadette Hall OA: Outside Altar SDLM: Capilla Señor de PH: Parish Hall los Milagros PL: Parking Lot TBA: To Be Assigned Rm: School Classroom TL: Teachers Lounge MR: Music Room Please Consider electronic giving through Faith Direct to support Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church. Faith Direct is a blessing for our parish. A “win-win” for both of us! Ready to sign up? Por favor Considere hacer donaciones electrónicas a través de Faith Direct apoyando a la Parroquia Nuestra Señora de Lourdes. Faith Direct es una bendición para su parroquia. ¡Una ganancia para ambos! ¿Listo para registrarse? OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL Give us a call: Sandra Arciniega (305) 386-4121, ext. 306 @ololourdes @OLOLCatholicMiami July 31, 2016 - Eighteenth Sunday in ordinary time Message from Msgr. Schwanger My Dear Family of Our Lady of Lourdes, I want to thank the members of our Finance Council for all their hard work; not only in preparing our financial report to the parish but for all the work they do throughout the year! The purpose of the Council is to advise the pastor in matters concerning financial planning and management in order to promote the good stewardship of resources and advance the mission of the parish community. In addition to the annual report from our Finance Council, every three years we undergo an outside audit of our financial records, policies, and procedures. We have just recently received the completed report from Verdeja & De Armas, LLP. The report analyzes our financial health and compares it to other large parishes in the Archdiocese of Miami. It was a very complimentary report and I would like to commend the Accounting Department for the parish and school as well as the Parish Finance Council for their good work! In regards to the school we were commended for covering regular operating expenses with regular operating income. Our tuition is a little lower than the average and our salary expense takes a larger share of tuition income than average. That means that we are doing a good job providing salary and benefits for our faculty and staff while also keeping tuition as affordable as possible. The report was also complimentary of our financial aid program for tuition assistance. In regards to the church the analysis found that the contribution per parishioner is below average for parishes our size in the Archdiocese of Miami. Our average contribution has inched up to about $5 per week in comparison with an average of $9 per week for our sister parishes. Please try to increase your weekly offering to help us average at least $10 per week. $10 per week would be a 5% contribution for someone earning $10,000 per year. I think we can handle that level of support and it would make a big difference; helping us to pay down our long-term debt and to expand our ministries. All in all though it was a great report and I again want to thank everyone. Congratulations. Msgr. Schwanger Mensaje de Mons. Schwanger Mi querida familia de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes, Quiero agradecer a los miembros de nuestro Consejo de Finanzas por todo su arduo trabajo; no sólo en la preparación de nuestro informe financiero a la parroquia, sino también ¡por todo el trabajo que realizan durante todo el año! El objetivo del Consejo es asesorar al pastor en los asuntos relacionados con la planificación y la gestión financiera con el fin de promover la buena administración de los recursos y avanzar en la misión de la comunidad parroquial. Además del informe anual de nuestro Consejo de Finanzas, cada tres años nos sometemos a una auditoría externa de nuestros registros financieros, políticas y procedimientos. Hemos recibido recientemente el informe completo de parte de Verdeja y De Armas, LLP. El informe analiza nuestra salud financiera y la compara con otras parroquias grandes en la Arquidiócesis de Miami. Fue un informe muy elogioso y me gustaría ¡felicitar al Departamento de Contabilidad de la parroquia y la escuela, así como el Consejo Parroquial de Finanzas por su buen trabajo! En lo que respecta a la escuela fuimos elogiados en cuanto a que cubrimos los gastos ordinarios de funcionamiento con la utilidad de operación normal. Nuestra matrícula es un poco inferior a la media y nuestro gasto salarial utiliza una parte mayor de los ingresos de matrícula que el promedio. Eso significa que estamos haciendo un buen trabajo proporcionando salarios y beneficios para nuestra facultad y personal al mismo tiempo que mantenemos la matrícula lo más asequible posible. El informe también elogió nuestro programa de ayuda financiera para matrícula. En lo que respecta a la iglesia el análisis encontró que la contribución por feligrés está por debajo de la media para las parroquias de nuestro tamaño en la Arquidiócesis de Miami. Nuestra contribución media ha aumentado paulatinamente hasta alrededor de $5 por semana en comparación con un promedio de $9 por semana entre nuestras parroquias hermanas. Por favor, trate de aumentar su oferta semanal promedio para ayudarnos a por lo menos $10 por semana. $10 por semana sería una contribución del 5% para alguien que gana $10.000 por año. Creo que podemos manejar ese nivel de apoyo y que va a hacer una gran diferencia; ayudándonos a pagar nuestra deuda a largo plazo y para ampliar nuestros ministerios. En resumen, fue un buen reporte y una vez más quiero agradecer a todo el mundo. Felicitaciones. Mons. Schwanger www.ololourdes.org OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL @ololourdes @OLOLCatholicMiami 3131dedejulio, julio,2016 2016- Decimoctavo - DecimoctavoDomingo DomingoenenelelTiempo TiempoOrdinario Ordinario Financial Reports Parish Statement of Activities Offertory Parish School Statement of Activities June 2016 June 2015 Tuition and Ordinary School June 2016 June 2015 3,732,251 3,651,573 328,282 351,769 1,491,718 1,457,254 Fund Raising 233,673 324,692 Otehre School Revenues School Pledge 161,918 136,648 Fund Raising, Gifts & Donations 87,369 78,596 CCD, Youth & Other Ministries 161,174 150,844 Total Support Revenue 4,147,902 4,081,938 School Building Fund 109,164 93,576 Merchandising 156,274 158,157 Salaries 2,231,867 2,411,529 Debt Reduction Drives 111,966 121,917 Benefits 440,489 449,322 Payroll Taxes 159,269 175,634 Supplies 194,356 127,770 Other Revenues 17,446 26,430 Subsidy 42,606 (15,343) Stole Fees 53,455 88,261 Repairs & Maintenance 160,817 162,310 4,241 11,621 Utilities 143,924 149,445 912 871 Fund Raising 22,721 35,243 Financial Expense 92,733 88,724 Other Expenses 67,892 50,298 109,488 116,349 25,031 30,736 140,001 117,275 55,104 50,747 1,811 12,056 Gifts & Donations Financial Income Other Extraordinary Receipts 8,310 12,624 2,552,858 2,567,552 Salaries 717,623 738,513 Equipment Rentals Benefits 154,435 161,495 Food & Cafeteria Total Suppor & Revenue Porperty & Liability Insurance 45,295 46,668 Repairs & Maintenance Payroll Taxes 230,062 211,262 Summer Session & Camp Property & Liability Insurance 151,514 174,093 Subsidy 39,000 39,600 Supplies 169,995 168,235 Test, Guidance & Report Card 11,392 9,170 Assessment 158,337 162,843 Yearbook & Bulletin 36,492 33,849 Utilities 157,218 140,981 Graduation 13,009 19,299 Financial Expense 123,270 81,149 Transportation Services 30,412 24,799 Fund Raising 113,734 127,928 3,975,807 4,104,155 Other Expenses 156,005 26,223 172,095 (22,216) 77,278 74,759 Rectory - Room & Board Merchandising 39,034.30 33,968.46 Total Expenses 2,293,801 2,148,118 259,057 419,434 Net Income Athletics Total Expenses Net Income Repayment of Parish Debt 5,714,728 259,057 172,095 431,152 Balance of Debt as of June 2016 Net Income Church Net Income School Total Available to Pay Debt Yearly Payments due on Parish Debt Surplus after Debt Payments www.ololourdes.org OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL @ololourdes 350,763 80,389 @OLOLCatholicMiami July 31, 2016 - Eighteenth Sunday in ordinary time Christian Formation Classes Registration is Open Baptism Confirmation Eucharist Contact the Christian Formation office www.ololourdes.org El Ministerio Padres y Madres Orantes y la Iglesia Our Lady Of Lourdes Our Lady of Lourdes Church and The Ministry of Praying Parents Los Invitan al Rosario, la misa, exposicion del santisimo. Invite you to pray for our children and children of the whole world Invitation del señor, nuestro Dios. With the blessing of our Heavenly Father for our children TENGAMOS HOGARES DE AMOR Y ORACION, PARA QUE NUESTROS HIJOS APRENDAN AMAR Y ORAR. LET US HAVE HOMES FULL OF LOVE AND PRAYER, SO OUR CHILDREN LEARN TO LOVE AND PRAY. 2016 Tuesday, August 9, 7:45pm Ministerio Padres y Madres Orantes Ministry of Praying Parents Para información llamar / Contact Stella o Samir 305-380 0501 www.ololourdes.org OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL @ololourdes @OLOLCatholicMiami 31 de julio, 2016 - Decimoctavo Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario Are you reaching your dreams? Problem trusting? Do you want a relatioship with Christ? Our Lady of Lourdes Parish invites young adults between 19 to 34 years of age to an unforgettable and life changing “JUMP” Retreat! Spend a weekend in the company of the Lord and become the best version of you the one that God intended for you to be! He is calling! Are you ready to JUMP and come along this journey and transform your life? Then say, YES TO JUMP! WHEN: Starts Friday, August 19 at 6:30 p.m. and finishes Sunday, August 21@ 5 p.m. English Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish. WHERE: Morning Star Renewal Center, 7275 SW 124th Street, Pinecrest, Florida 33156 COST: $145 per person (includes room & board, all meals & retreat materials) PAYMENT: Cash, check or VISA/MC Credit Cards (Please do not let the cost affect your decision to come. Contact us first.) Visit our web site to download registration form: www.ololourdes.org For more information: Ana Giron: [email protected] or 786-499-7327 Cristina Fernandez: [email protected] www.ololourdes.org OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL @ololourdes @OLOLCatholicMiami July 31, 2016 - Eighteenth Sunday in ordinary time Prayer and Life Workshops / Talleres de Oración y Vida Fr. Ignacio Larrañaga “Learn how to pray to learn how to live” Would you like to deepen your faith?… Have a stronger relationship with Jesus, learn how to leave behind sadness, fear and anxieties while moving forward with peace and happiness? Subscribe today! This workshop is for you. “Aprender a Orar para Aprender a Vivir” Te gustaría profundizar en los caminos de la Fe? ….Tener una relación más íntima con nuestro Señor Jesús, aprender a dejar las tristezas, miedos y ansiedades atrás en el camino para avanzar resueltamente hacia la Paz interior y la felicidad? Inscríbete hoy! Este Taller es para Ti. STARTS / INICIO 15 SESSIONS / 15 SESIONES LOCATION / LUGAR LANGUAGE August 12th Fridays, 7:00pm to 9:00pm Room 123 English 30 de agosto Martes, 10:00am to 12:00pm Salon: Bishop F. Isern Spanish 2 de setiembre Viernes, 7:30pm to 9:30pm Salon 120 Spanish Informacion: Maribel (Martes): (305)-316-6973 Juan y Paula (Viernes): (305)-251-6349 / (786)-387-1416 e-mail: [email protected] 13 Campaña Millones de Rosarios “Rezad el Rosario todos los dias para alcanzar la paz del mundo.” Las Siervas de los Corazones Transpasados de Jesús y Maria les invitamos a participar de esta campaña para ofrecerle un regalo al Inmaculado Corazón en el Centenario de las Apariciones de Nuestra Señora de Fátima. Desde la fiesta del Immaculado Corazón 2016 hasta el 13 de Mayo, 2017 Respondamos a la Ilamada de Nuestra Madre y recemos 1 Rosario diario por: • La Paz de mundo. • Por el Triunfo del Immaculado Corazón. • Invitemos a muchos a unirse a esta campaña de amor y gratitud a la Virgen para que podamos ofrecerle estos 13 milliones de Por la conversión de los que Rosarios que tanto nuestro mundo necessita! no conocen el amor de Dios. Para ser parte de esta campaña escríbemos a [email protected] Peticion de la Virgen a los pastorcitos, 13 de Mayo, 1917 www.ololourdes.org Information: Luis E.Dorado: (305) 495- 6882 E-mail: [email protected] OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL @ololourdes @OLOLCatholicMiami 3131dedejulio, julio,2016 2016- Decimoctavo - DecimoctavoDomingo DomingoenenelelTiempo TiempoOrdinario Ordinario Matrimonios en Victoria ¿Desean ser felices en su matrimonio? Sábado, 20 de Agosto del 2016 de 7:30am a 9:30pm Domingo, 21 de Agosto del 2016 de 7:30am a 5:00pm Lugar del Retiro: “Por eso deja el hombre a su padre y a su madre y se une a su mujer, y se hacen una sola carne” (Génesis 2,24) Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church Los invitamos a vivir un retiro donde: Les oferecemos a su matrimonio la oportunidad de pasar un fin de semana que les ayudará a reflexionar en su relación de pareja Para más información llamar a: • Compartirán tiempo como pareja. • Fortalecerán su compromiso como esposos y padres. • Reflexionarán sobre sus vidas y su relación con Dios. Jesus y Olguita Martínez 305-710-5641/ 305-898-9721 Carlos y Lillian Zepeda 786-458-3541 / 786-468-4857 Archdiocesan School Escuela Arquidiocesana of Ministry de Ministerios 2016-2018 2016-2018 The School of Ministry offers you the opportunity to draw closer to Jesus, to gain a greater understanding of the Catholic beliefs, and to be better prepared for service in the community. La Escuela de Ministerios te ofrece la oportunidad de profundizar en el seguimiento de Jesús, mejorar tu comprensión de las creencias católicas, y así estar mejor preparado para servir a la comunidad. Traditional in-classroom classes begin in mid-September at: Las clases tradicionales comienzan a mediados de septiembre en: New!! Our Lady of Lourdes (English) – Wednesdays, 7:30-9:30pm It incorporates 8 five-week courses and in-person meetings (held at Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Joseph parishes). New!! Nuestra Señora de Lourdes (inglés) – miércoles, 7:30 – 9:30pm Consiste de 8 cursos de 5 semanas cada uno y de sesiones presenciales (en Ntra. Sra. de Lourdes y St. Joseph). Register now, space is limited! ¡Inscríbete ahora, cupo limitado! For more information: www.miamiarch.org/layministry 305-762-1184 or 954-525-5157 ext. 1184 [email protected] Para formularios de inscripción: www.miamiarch.org/layministry 305-762-1184 or 954-525-5157 ext. 1184 [email protected] www.ololourdes.org OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL @ololourdes @OLOLCatholicMiami July 31, 2016 - Eighteenth Sunday in ordinary time In Prayer Life... Please pray for the Holy Father, Pope Francis, as he so humbly asks of us to do; Por favor oren por el Santo Padre, Papa Francisco, como él humildemente nos ha pedido…. and for our following Brothers and Sisters in Christ... Alberto Corrales Diego Lopez Jorge Ruiz María Nazareth Reyes Orlando Suarez Alejandra Escobar Dolly Kainz José Leal Marcela Melgar Paulette Gomes Alexander Csconka Dorothy Fullerton Jose Viton Marco Rivera P. Anthony Acevedo Alexandra Rahner Dorothea Kramer Joseph Pietraszko Marcos Valenzuela P. Fulgencio Mayorga Aloma Ahkin Eida Cajigas Josephine Zamor Maria Bello P. Raul Angulo Angela Chavez Elisa Urtiaga Juan F. Velazquez Maria Isabel Amador Phil Cabase Antoinette Rocco Elodia Rubio Judith Portugal Maritza Ceballos Ramiro Fernandez Barbara Quiñones Emily Hernandez Julieta Blanco Romero Marlene Castellanos Raul Cardenas Beatriz de Mendoza Eustaquio Rodriguez Justa de la Torre Marlene Watkins Raul Rodriguez Bruce Bauer Eva Valdivia-Wheeler Kevin Arturo Martinez Martha Ferraro Rebeca Herrera Blanca Fernandez Francisca Martinez Leoncio Galan Matthew Quintana Reynaldo Castillo Blanca Kunz li Geraldine Overton Lesbia Picado Max Omphalius Robert Bodden Carlos Cardenas Giancarlo Arce Lina María Gomez Cardona Micheal Alexander Sandra Diaz-Pagan Carlos Zolueta Gia María Cianci Lillian Leal Millie Gispert Sarin Ibañez Carmen Soto Guillermo Gonzalez Lisa Zemba Modesta Quintana Sebastian Janot Celia Maria Urbina Heather Ahye Lissette Sabina Diaz Nadine Bricourt Stephan Calafel Christian CruzSosa Humberto Fasano Lorna Sewel Degregory Nadia Jean Joseph Steven Medina Cristiano M.Cabase Inez Helena Hernandez Lourdes Amor Nerida de la Torre Tom Schneider Cristina Manriquez Ivan A. Zeruigon Lourdes Millan Neyra Rodriguez Perez Tony Chao Daniel Bonilla Jackie Camacho Luis Dalmau Nicasio Urbina Victoria Sultan Danilee Ann Chin Janet Abohasen Luisa & Angel Dalmau Nidia Morales Waleska Galeano Deana East Joanne Ortolan Lyla Williams Noris Gonzalez Wanda Kljuce Derrick Portuondo Joe Camacho Malena Buck Norma Valenzuela Wendy Valle John Ehrman Manny Alvarez Olga Loero www.ololourdes.org/Live Watch our Masses online! Livestreaming has come to Our Lady of Lourdes! Now our sick and homebound brothers and sisters, those of us who are traveling and away, really all of us can watch the 11:45 and 1:30 Sunday Masses live on your computers, phones, and mobile devices. ¡Ver nuestras Misas online! ¡La trasmisión en vivo ha llegado a Nuestra Señora de Lourdes! Ahora nuestros hermanos y hermanas enfermos que no pueden salir de casa, los que están viajando y lejos, realmente todos nosotros podemos ver las Misas dominicales de 11:45 y 1:30 en vivo en los computadoras, teléfonos y dispositivos móviles. www.ololourdes.org OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL @ololourdes @OLOLCatholicMiami