High Schoolers Go To Italy - King


High Schoolers Go To Italy - King
Neighborhood of Schools
“Benvenuti In Italia”
High Schoolers Go To Italy
By Shelby Frederickson
What could be more exciting than a trip
to Italy? On October 10th, 13 students from
King-Chavez Community High School’s
Italian classes headed to the historical city
of Bologna, Italy. They were accompanied
by the school’s Italian teacher, Jocelyn
Threatt, and the Vice Principal, Keith Fowler.
The Italian class was hosted by its sister
school, Liceo Copernico. Students stayed
with Italian families who live in Bologna, but
also traveled to other cities such as Florence,
Rome, Ferrara, Verona and Venice. Before the
trip, each student was given the name of an
Italian student who they corresponded with
electronically. Using the Internet was a way
for American students to get to know their
Italian hosts before they arrived in Italy. Aliya
Foster, who is a KCCHS junior communicated
with a 17-year-old senior who lives in Italy.
“I used a lot of Google translate,” said Foster.
Their first tour was to Bologna, which is in
central Italy. Among the historical sites they
visited were Piazza Maggiore, also known
as “Center of City Life,” and Piazza Ravegnana, where the Two Towers of Asinelli are
located. Piazza Maggiore has a downtown
feeling and included many street performers. After admiring the famous architecture,
they ate dinner. “The pizza was delicious
and thin, and not as greasy as the pizza
here,” said Francisco Beltran, KCCHS senior.
They also toured Verona, where Romeo and Juliet took place. They had the
chance to tour the balcony scene where
the true Romeo and Juliet allegedly kissed.
One of the walls was covered with lockets
imprinted with names and dates to symbolize love towards a significant other.
This romantic city is filled with beautiful medieval buildings and towers, which
the students enjoyed. They continued onto
Ferrara by train to visit a castle and an
outdoor marketplace, among other sites.
A week after they arrived, they were
off to enjoy the fabulous city of Venice,
the city of medieval canals. They had to
take gondolas on the canals that flow
through the city, as there are no streets.
Next on the agenda, was the renowned
cooking institute, La Vecchia Scuola Bolognese, where they learned how to make pasta
and devoured their delicious masterpieces.
This trip was a life-changing event that
transformed the students. Beltran said, “I
benefited from this trip by experiencing
what Italian culture is like. It was interesting
hearing my Italian correspondent speak the
language and communicate with his family.”
The highpoint of the trip was left to the final day in Italy, when students toured Rome,
the capital of Italy. Part of their experience
was to visit some of the amazing art and
works of Leonardo DaVinci, Michelangelo,
and Galileo. Some of the artworks they saw
were Michelangelo’s The Last Supper and
the larger-than-life marble statue, David.
Benvenuti in Italia
Por Shelby Frederickson
¿Qué podría ser más emocionante que un
viaje a Italia? El 10 de octubre del 2013 varios estudiantes de las clases de italiano de la
escuela preparatoria de la comunidad KingChávez se dirigieron a la histórica ciudad
de Bolonia, Italia. Estuvieron acompañados
por la maestra de la clase de italiano, Jocelyn Threatt, y el subdirector, Keith Fowler.
Liceo Copernico fue la escuela anfitriona de
nuestras clases de Italiano. Los estudiantes
se hospedaron con familias italianas que viven en Bolonia, al igual tubieron la oportunidad de viajar a otras ciudades, como Florencia, Roma, Ferrara, Verona y Venecia. Antes
del viaje, a cada estudiante se le proporciono
el nombre de un estudiante italiano para
intercambiar correspondencia electrónicamente. El propocito del uso de el Internet fue
una forma en la cual nuestros estudiantes
estadounidenses pudieron llegar a conocer a
sus anfitriones italianos antes de llegar a Italia. Aliya Foster, quien es una estudiante del
onceavo grado de KCCHS se estubo comunicando con una estudiante de 17 años de
edad que vive en Italia. “He utilizado bastante el traductor de Google,” comento Foster.
La primera visita de nuestros estudiantes
fue a Bolonia, que se encuentra en el centro
de Italia. Algunos de los lugares de interés
histórico que visitaron los estudiantes fue
a Piazza Maggiore, también conocido como
“Centro de la Vida en la ciudad,” y Piazza
Ravegnana, donde se encuentran las dos
Message From Our
King-Chavez students are among the
500,000 students in California whose parents
have made a choice decision for a different
kind of education for their children. But we
might ask what makes King-Chavez Neighborhood of Schools different from any other
public schools. That difference lies in the
three layers of the King-Chavez educational
pyramid which begins with the bottom Cultural Foundation, the middle layer of Rigorous
torres de Asinelli. Piazza Maggiore daba una
sensación como al centro de la ciudad e incluia a muchos artistas callejeros. Después de
admirar las famosas arquitecturas, nuestros
estudiantes cenaban. “La pizza era deliciosa
y fina, al igual no era tan grasosa como la
pizza de aquí”, menciono Francisco Beltrán,
estudiante del doceavo grado de KCCHS.
También nuestros estudiantes dieron un
recorrido por Verona, donde la historia de
Romeo y Julieta se llevo a cabo. Tambien
tuvieron la oportunidad de recorrer la escena del balcón donde los verdaderos Romeo y Julieta supuestamente se besaron.
Una de las paredes estaba cubierta con
cerraduras impresas con los nombres de
personas y con fechas para simbolizar el
amor hacia la persona amada. Esta romántica ciudad está llena de hermosos edificios
y torres medievales, la cual los estudiantes
disfrutaron. El viaje continuó en Ferrara y se
transportaron en tren para visitar un castillo
y mercado al aire libre, entre otros sitios.
A una semana después de la estancia de
los estudiantes, ellos se pusieron en marcha
para disfrutar de la maravillosa ciudad de
Venecia, la ciudad de los canales medievales. Como modo de transporte se tenía
que utilizar góndolas en los canales que
atraviesan la ciudad, ya que no hay calles.
Lo Siguiente en el itinerario, fue el reconocido
instituto de cocina, La Vecchia Scuola Bolognese, donde aprendieron cómo hacer pasta
y devoraron sus deliciosas obras maestras.
Este viaje fue un evento que transformó a
a nuestros estudiantes. Beltrán menciono: “Me he beneficiado de este viaje
al experimentar la cultura italiana tal
y como es. Fue interesante escuchar
mi corresponsal italiano hablar el
idioma y comunicarse con su familia.”
“El punto culminante de la excursión fue
el último día en Italia, cuando los estudiantes visitaron Roma, la capital de Italia.
Parte de su experiencia fue visitar algunas
de las increíbles obras de arte de Leonardo
da Vinci, Miguel Ángel y Galileo. Algunas
de las obras de arte que admiraron fue de
Miguel Ángel, La Última Cena, y la estatua
de mármol más grande que la vida, David.
Standards Based Data Driven Instruction
and is topped with Executive Functioning
Skills. At King-Chavez Neighborhood of
Schools the Foundation of Culture is the
most important of building quality schools:
a foundation of relationships of loving support in which children are protected, loved,
and respected. The center of the pyramid
consists of A Rigorous Standards-Based
Data Driven Instruction: a program in which
all aspects of instruction follow Common
Core Standards, results are continuously
measured, and adults and students are held
accountable for outcomes. The top of the
pyramid are the Executive Functioning Skills:
All instruction ultimately aimed at making
sure every student is able to form relationships and enter into the 21st Century workforce with skills of communication, teamwork,
critical thinking, creativity, entrepreneurship, self-management and problem solving.
Make an appointment today to visit one of
our schools.
In the service of love,
Dr. Tim Wolf
King-Chavez Neighborhood of Schools
02 I Academics I
Greetings From Texas DISPUTING SDG&E’S
By Nathaniel Alcaide
Dr. Rich Dusansky, a University of Texas
professor visited King-Chavez Community High School and shared his knowledge
about college.The classroom was full of
junior and senior students who are interested in attending university. Dusansky lives
part-time in San Diego and the other part
of the year in Austin. Dusansky answered
questions regarding college and shared
some of his personal life experiences.
Born in Brooklyn, New York, Dusansky said “I
grew up in a very tough neighborhood.” Many
of his friends either passed away or have
gone to jail. Staying away from bad influences, he managed to stay on the right track.
Dusansky claimed to be an average student
in high school, but progressed onto Brooklyn College. Excelling in econmics, he was
able to continue his studies at Brown University earning his doctoral degree in the field.
The presentation ended with the lunch
bell and the students thanked him for
coming to KCCHS. Afterwards one of
the upperclassmen, Gerardo Antunez,
said ”It was pretty interesting because I
was able to learn from a professor that
we aren’t the only ones with problems.
We could achieve anything we want.”
taking advantage of its customers. Quintero,16, said, “I compared it to the taxes put
on the colonies after the seven-year war. I
stated how Britain unfairly charged the colonies for a war they had nothing to do with.”
He thinks it is inconceivable that SDG&E
wants the citizens to pay for its mistake.
Susana Sanchez, the KCCHS U.S. History
teacher said, “Like everyone else there, I too
was angry that a company with such huge
profits wants to pass on the costs to the customers, but I was also not surprised.” She
thinks it is completely unfair the company
wants to make customers pay, knowing that
they have enough money to fix the problem
on its own. Although Sanchez did not speak at
the meeting, she was extremely proud of her
students who gave knowledgeable speeches.
Saludos desde
Por Nathaniel Alcalde
Traducido por C. Manríquez
El Dr. Rich Dusansky, professor de la Universidad de Tejas visitó la Preparatoria Comunitaria de King-Chavéz (KCCHS) y compartió
su conocimiento sobre la vida universitaria.
El salón estaba lleno de estudiantes del 11avo y 12avo que están interesados en asistir la universidad.
Dusansky vive parte de su tiempo en
San Diego y la otra parte en Austin. Dusansky contestó preguntas sobre la
vida universitaria y compartió parte de
sus experiencias de su vida personal.
El nació en Brooklyn, Nueva York, Dusansky dijo “crecí en un barrio muy difícil.”
Muchos de sus amigos murieron o están
encardelados. Alejándose de malas influencias, él se mantuvo en un camino bueno.
Dusansky dice que era un estudiante mediocre en la preparatoria pero progresó al
Colegio de Brooklyn. Exitoso en economía,
él pudo continuar sus estudios en la Universidad de Brown dónde obtuvo un doctorado.
La presentación acabó en cuanto la campana para el almuerzo y los estudiantes le
agradecieron por haber venido a KCCHS.
Después, uno de los estudiantes, Gerardo
Antunez, dijo, “fue interesante la presentación porque pude aprender que nosotros
no somos los únicos con problemas. Nosotros podemos lograr lo que queramos.”
Leo Quintero, KCCHS junior speaks
at SDG&E meeting.
By Maria Mendoza
If someone breaks your window would
it be fair if that person made you pay for
it? Communities all around San Diego
county are dealing with a similar situation.
There is a huge potential bill that San Diego
Gas & Electric (SDG&E) is hoping citizens pay
for. The company wants to raise San Diego
citizens’ bills in order to pay for a nuclear
plant in San Onofre, which shut down due
to failure. SDG&E is looking for $800 million dollars from customers to cover costs
due to the shutdown of the plant in 2012.
Students from the AP U.S. History and
Government class at King-Chavez Community High School participated in one of the
public meetings about this possible SDG&E
bill. Students travelled to Kearny Mesa
for the meeting and one by one stepped
up to the podium and spoke their minds.
Current KCCHS junior Leonardo Quintero,
felt angry when he first heard about the issue. He feels that raising costs for consumers is completely unfair and that SDG&E is
Debatando el error
de SDG&E
Kearny Mesa para la junta y uno por uno
subieron al podio para dar su opinión.
Nuestro estudiante del 11º grado de
KCCHS Leonardo Quintero, sintió enojo cundo primero escucho del tema. El siente que el
subir los costos del consumido es algo muy
injusto y que SDG&E esta tomado ventaja
de sus consumidores. Quintero, de 16 años,
dijo, “Lo he comparado a los impuestos que
se les cobro a las colonias después de la
guerra de siete años. Decía como Bretaña
injustamente le cobro a las colonia por la
guerra en la cual no tuvieron nada que ver.”
El cree que es inconcebible que SDG&E quiere que los ciudadanos paguen por su error.
Susana Sánchez, la maestra de Historia
de Estados Unidos de KCCHS dijo, “Como
todos los demás presente, yo también estaba enojada que una compañía con tan
altos beneficios quiere pasar el costo al consumidor, pero tampoco estuve sorprendida.”
Ella siente que es completamente injusto
que la compañía quiera que sus consumidores paguen, sabiendo que ellos mismos
tienen el dinero para arreglar el problema.
Aunque Sánchez no hablo en la junta, ella
estuvo extremadamente orgullosa de los
estudiantes que dieron discursos sabios.
(Gas y Electricidad de San Diego)
Por Maria Mendoza
Si alguien quiebra tu ventana se te haría
justo que esa persona te haga a ti pagarlo? Las comunidades de San Diego han
tenido que lidiar con una situación similar.
Hay una cuenta potencial enorme que
SDG&E desea que los ciudadanos paguen.
La compañía quiere aumentar las cuentas de los ciudadanos de San Diego para
poder pagar por la planta nuclear de San
Onofre, que cerro debido a un fracaso.
SDG&E esta buscando $800 millones de
dólares del consumidor para cubrir los costos debido al cierre de la planta en el 2012.
Los estudiantes de la clase de Historia
de los Estados Unidos Avanzada y de la
clase de Gobierno en King-Chávez Community High School participaron en una
de las juntas públicas sobre este posible cargo. Los estudiantes viajaron a
Kearny Mesa para la junta y uno por uno
King-chávez Neighborhood Of Schools
Director: Alicia Tripoli
Uniform Colors: Grey & Green
Principal: Scott Worthing
Uniform Colors: Turquoise & Khaki
Principal: Gerry Guevara
Uniform Colors: Burgundy & Khaki
415 31st St.
San Diego, CA 92102
Phone: (619) 525-7320
Fax: (619) 696-7459
2258 Island Ave.
San Diego, CA 92102
Site Supervisor: Myrna Sandoval
500 30th St.
San Diego, CA 92102
Phone: (619) 744-3828
Fax: (619) 744-3829
Principal: Laura Todd
Uniform Colors: Brown & Khaki
201 A Street
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone: (619) 704-1020
Fax: (619) 704-1021
Principal: Consuelo Manriquez
2850 Logan Ave
San Diego, CA 92113
Phone: (619) 232-2825
Fax: (619) 232-2943
Principal: Jorge Collins
Uniform Colors: Blue & Khaki
1010 2nd Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101
Phone: (619) 610-9060
Fax: (619) 704-1021
Principal: Consuelo Manriquez
School Colors: Green & Orange
Like us on Facebook.com at King-Chávez Neighborhood of Schools
03 I Athletics I
Avenida de Cross Country
la Grandeza CIF
Por Micahel Lagunas
Traducido por C. Manríquez
Kevin Bradshaw, KCCHS Dean of students
playing for U.S. International University.
Nancy Rosas, KCCHS boys soccer coach.
By Gio Sanchez
Nancy Rosas is the first female soccer
coach for the boys soccer program and will
be working with approximately 40 players
on the Varsity and Junior Varsity teams at
King-Chavez Community High School.
She is teaching English as a Second Language in addition to coaching. The reason
she decided to become the new coach is
because she loves the game. “The game
teaches people how to be humble, respectful and to be competitive in life.”
Rosas has been a leader on the field
for more than six years and spent three
years coaching a varsity team and two
years for a JV team at another school.
She also coaches for the Carlsbad Lightning Soccer Club. Her objective for the
KCCHS soccer team is to build a foundation of excellence both on and off field.
During the third week of November she
looked for players who supported the team’s
philosophy of playing great fundamental
soccer. The team will be utilizing the 4-3-21 style that every elite team in the world is
displaying. Position and control of the ball,
Rosas believes, will provide the wins “because if we have the ball they can’t score.”
She has an extraordinary way of interacting with boys, and as a professional coach
can teach soccer players at any level. The
King-Chavez Varsity team has been Frontier
League Champions for two years in a row.
The school does not compete in the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF), but it
participates in the Frontier League against
similar public, private, and charter schools.
The soccer season is a dramatic and busy
time and Coach Rosas said it “is an extreme
honor and one that I value very much. I know
that through my connections and soccer IQ
we will make a great soccer program.”
Año Nuevo, Nueva
Entrenadora de Futból
Por Gio Sánchez
Traducido por C. Manríquez
Nancy Rosas es la primera entrenadora
de futból femenina para el programa de
futból y va estar trabajando con aproximadamente para 40 en los equipos de
mayors y menores de la Preparatoria
Comunitaria King-Chavéz (KCCHS).
Aparte de ser la entrenadora, ella está
enseñando Inglés como Segunda Lengua
(ESL). La razón porque ella decidió ser la
nueva entrenadora es porque a ella le fascina el juego. “El juego enseña uno ser humilde, respetoso y ser competitivo en la vida.”
Rosas ha sido líder en el campo por
más de seis años y ha estado como entrenadora por tres años a un equipo
mayor dos años a un equipo menor en
otra escuela. También, entrena a un
equipo para el Club de Futból Relámpago
de Carlsbad. Su meta para el equipo en
KCCHS es contruír una fundación de excelencia en el campo y afuera del campo.
Durante la tercera semana de noviembre ella está buscando por estudiantes
que apoyan la filosofía del equipo de jugar
fundamentalmente un gran juego. El equip
ova utilizar el estilo 4-3-2-1 que se usa en
cada equipo élite de este mundo. Posición
y control de la pelota, Rosas cree, proveerá
las ganancias “porque si tenemos control
de la pelato, los otros no podran puntuar.”
Ella tiene una forma extraordinaria en
como interactuar con los jugadores y
como entrenadora professional puede entrenar a jugadores en cualquier nivel. El
equipo de KCCHS ha sido campeones de
la Liga Frontera por los dos últimos años.
La escuela no compite en la Federación Interescolar de California (CIF), pero participa
en la Liga Frontera contra escuelas públicas,
privadas y autónoma parecidas. La temporada de futból es dramatica y ocupada y la
entrenadora Rosas dijo “es un gran honor y
uno que valoro mucho. Yo sé que por mis
conexiones y mi conocimiento de futból
tendremos un gran programa de futból.”
Avenue of
By Michael D. Laguna
Although King- Chavez Community High
School’s Dean of Students, Kevin Bradshaw,
holds the record for most points scored in a
college basketball game, played professional
basketball in Israel and has a documentary
dedicated to him, he is not an arrogant man.
“I did not believe it at all,” he admits when
referring to the fact that his hometown of
Gainesville, Florida called him and announced
the city was going to name a street after
him. The former basketball star hopes that
‘Bradshaw Avenue’ will help bring attention
to his outreach program setup for teenagers.
Bradshaw scored 72 points against Loyola
Marymount while playing for U.S. International University on Jan. 5, 1991. It was the most
points scored against a Division I opponent,
breaking the record set by Pete Maravich.
His eyes became misty when asked if
he deserved to have his name on a street.
He replied, “No, I think a lot of other people deserve their name on that street.”
This school year, Bradshaw was appointed the Dean of Students by the
school board. Bradshaw had previously
coached and taught at the high school.
One high school student said she is happy for Bradshaw and his new position but
added, “I wish that he was still teaching.”
Most students agree with that statement.
Bradshaw had a difficult life, as shown in the
documentary ‘Shooting For Home.’ He admits
he has made many mistakes, but has moved
passed those times and now has the the
goal of helping others. The new Dean of Students has dealt with many “knuckleheads”
as he calls them, but knows they are not bad
kids and continues to help many students.
The Dean told a story of how one of his
friends visited him and was bewildered
when he learned Bradshaw was working in education. The Dean of Students
reminisced, “the old Kevin Bradshaw
is gone, and a new one took his place.”
Bradshaw wants people to know that
no matter what they do wrong, there
will be a second chance waiting for
them. “If I can make it, anyone can.”
Aunque el Decano de Estudiantes de la
Preparatoria Comunitaria King-Chavez
(KCCHS) Kevin Bradshaw, tiene el record
del major apuntaje en el basquetból universitario, jugó basquetból profesionalmente en Israel y tiene un documental
dedicado a él, no es un hombre arrogante.
“No lo puedo creer para nada,” admite
Bradshaw cuando se habla del hecho del
lugar donde creció Gainesville, Florida que
van a nombrar una calle a su honor. El
pasado estrella basquetbolista espera que
la ‘Avenida Bradshaw’ traiga ayuda y atención al programa dedicado a jóvenes.
Bradshaw apuntó 72 puntos contra la
Univesidad Loyola Marymount mientras
jugaba para la Universidad Internacional de los Estados Unidos el 5 de enero, 1991. Eso ha sido el puntuaje más
alto en un juego en la Division 1 rompiendo el record hecho por Pete Maravich.
Se le nublan sus ojos cuando le preguntan si él piensa que se merece ponerle su nombre a la calle donde creció. El
contesta. “No, yo pienso que otra gente
más merece el nombre en esa calle.”
En este año escolar, Bradshaw lleva a
cargo el puesto de Decano de Estudiantes
como lo asigno la Mesa Directiva. Previamente, Bradshaw era maestro de educación
física en la preparatoria. Un estudiante de
la preparatoria dijo que estaba felíz de la
nueva posición de Bradshaw pero a la vez
“quisiera que todavía estuviera enseñando.”
Muchos estudiantes están de acuerdo
con el previo comentario. Bradshaw tuvo
una vida dificil, como se vé en el documental “Shooting from Home” (Disparar desde
Casa). El admite que ha hecho muchos errors pero él ha sobresalido y ha puesto eso
en el pasado y ahora se concentra en ayudar
a otros. En su nueva posición,
Bradshaw lidea con estudiantes que él
llama “cabezones” pero él sabe que no son
malos estudiantes y continua ayudándolos.
Bradshaw platica sobre uno de sus amigos que lo vino a visitar y su amigo estaba
sorprendido que él estaba trabajando en el
campo de educación. El Decano recuerda
su vida pasada y dice “el Kevin del pasado
ya no existe, y el nuevo tomó su lugar.”
Bradshaw quiere que todos sepan que no
importa lo que uno ha hecho mal, siempre
hay una segunda oportunidad esperándolos.
“Si yo la hice, todo mundo la pueda hacer.”
On Saturday November 22, four of our
KCCHS Vaqueros took on the challenge
of competing in the CIF San Diego Cross
Country Championship race. Below you
will find David S., Carlos C., Gissel A.,
Melissa C. in action. Great job Vaqueros!
04 I Athletics/Community I
Crystal Guevera, captain of this year’s cheer squad.
By Aliya Foster
The cheer squad has approximately 19
members and the club teaches cheerleaders integrity and allows them to express their school spirit. Every Tuesday
and Thursday, King-Chavez Community High School’s Cheerleading Club
meets at the upper classmen’s cafeteria.
This is the first year KCCHS cheerleaders
have had a Captain who was voted on by the
squad. The cheerleaders who wanted the
position were required to write essays explaining why they deserved the coveted titles.
This year’s Captain is Crystal Guevera, a senior who has been cheering from the first year the club started in
2010. Crystal is known as an outgoing
student, who is especially friendly with
new cheerleaders. She also moves to
her own beat during dance routines.
Cheer coaches Priscilla Cortez and Cynthia
Carrillo have already planned an exciting year
for the squad, starting with fundraisers at
lunch when the squad sells healthy snacks.
The team also attended a San Diego
State University cheer clinic where the
cheerleaders met the university’s cheer
squad. The cheer clinic taught the students how to perform different stunts,
dance routines and cheers. During soccer games the most popular cheer that
gets the crowd on its feet and excited is:
“Everywhere we go
People want to know
Who we are
So we tell them,
We are the Vaqueros!
The mighty green Vaqueros!
Espíritu KCCHS
Por Aliya Foster
Traducio por S. Martinez
El equipo de porristas tiene aproximadamente 19 miembros y el club les enseña al
equipo de porristas integridad y les permite
expresar su espíritu escolar. Todos los martes y jueves, el club de porristas de KingChávez Community High School se reúne
en la cafetería del plantel del 11º y 12º grado.
Este es el primer año que el equipo de
porristas de KCCHS tienen un Capitán,
a como fue el voto del equipo. Los porristas interesados en estas posiciones
tuvieron que escribir un ensayo explicando el por qué se merecían el título.
Este año el Capitán es Crystal Guevara, una estudiante del 12º grado que
ha sido una porrista desde el primer año
del club en el 2010. Crystal es conocida
como una estudiante extrovertida, que
es especialmente amigable con porristas nuevos. Ella también se mueve a
su propio ritmo durante bailes de rutina.
Las entrenadoras del equipo de porristas Priscilla Cortez y Cynthia Carrillo ya
han planeado un año emocionante para el
equipo, empezando con ventas para recaudar fondos durante el almuerzo donde
el equipo vende botanas saludables.
El equipo también asistió a la clínica de
porristas de La Universidad estatal de San
Diego (SDSU) donde los porristas conocieron el equipo de porristas de la universidad. La clínica de porristas les enseño
al equipo como interpretar diferentes
trucos, bailes de rutina y porras. Durante
los juegos de futbol la porra que mantiene a la gente de pie y emocionada es:
“A donde quiera que vayamos
La gente quiere saber
Quienes somos
Y les decimos,
¡Somos los Vaqueros!
¡Los poderosos Vaqueros verdes!”
California Department of
Education Awards Arts
Academy Dissemination
The King-Chávez Neighborhood of
Schools is pleased to announce that the
Arts Academy has been awarded a Dissemination Sub-grant from the California Department of Education. The grant was awarded
on the basis of KC Arts’ outstanding student
performance. It provides resources to support schools as they seek to share their
best practices. Grant activities will include
a series of workshops to build awareness
and skills in blended learning. “Blended
learning” involves using educational technology so that students have some elements of control in when and/or how they
learn. Moving into the future, students’
choices and proficiencies with technology
will become increasingly important for longterm success in college and their careers.
Over the next two years, KC Arts will bring
together a strong and diverse cohort of educators, administrators, and technology experts from across San Diego’s charter school
community to share best practices and improve student learning. In addition to KingChávez Primary, Preparatory, and Community High School, participants include
Health Sciences High and Middle College,
Museum School Collaborative, KIPP Adelante Preparatory Academy, and Darnall Charter
School. The King Chavez schools will be
working closely with the San Diego County
Office of Education as KC schools will assist
its partners in designing educational programs that meet the needs of all students.
Beca de Difusión para
las Academias de Artes
de la Secretaría de Educación de California
75 students from the King-Chavez Com-
Las escuelas de la Comunidad King-
Academy of Excellence attended the Na-
Chávez les complace anunciar que la Academia de las Artes ha sido galardonada con
la sub-beca de Difusión de la Secretaría de
Educación de California. La beca fue otorgada en base al rendimiento excepcional de
los estudiantes de la Academia de las Artes
de KC. Tal beca proporciona recursos para
apoyar a las escuelas en su intento de compartir sus mejores prácticas. Las actividades
de la beca incluye una serie de talleres para
edificar conciencia y habilidades en el aprendizaje combinado. “El Aprendizaje Combinado” involucra usar tecnología educacional
para que los estudiantes tengan algunos
elementos de mando en el momento y/o la
forma en que aprenden. Moviéndonos hacia el futuro, las decisiones y competencias
de los estudiantes con la tecnología será
cada vez más importante para el éxito a
largo plazo en la universidad y sus carreras.
Durante los próximos 2 años, la Academia
de Arte KC reunirá a una cohorte fuerte y
diversa de educadores, administradores
y expertos en tecnología de toda la comunidad de escuelas autónomas de San Diego para compartir sus mejores prácticas
y mejorar el aprendizaje de los estudiantes.
Además de la Primaria, Preparatoria y la
Community High School de King-Chávez, se
incluye la participación de Health Sciences
High y Middle College, Museum School
Collaborative, KIPP Adelante Preparatory
Academy y Darnall Charter School. Las
escuelas de King-Chávez estarán trabajando cercanamente con la Oficina de Educación del Condado de San Diego ya que
estarán asistiendo a sus socios en diseñar
programas educacionales que satisfagan
las necesidades de todos los estudiantes.
tional Asian American Coalition Economic
munity High School, the King-Chavez Preparatory Academy, and the King-Chavez
Development and Empowerment Conference
at the Jacobs Center on Wednesday. Pictured
are Tim Wolf, CEO, High School Principal,
Consuelo Manriquez, and Brian Sheehy receiving a $25,000 check from Promontory for
the King-Chavez Financial Literacy Pathway.
It was another productive Dissemination Grant Blended Learning Workshop at
the SDCOE yesterday. Thank you to Rich
Newman, Director of Innovation at Poway
USD for the keynote yesterday. (4 photos)
05 I Celebration I
“We Got Spirit, How ‘bout You?”
estudiantes que parecían como plumones
fluorescentes. Muchos estudiantes continuaron con las celebraciones de la semana
asistiendo el primer baile del año que se llevo acabo en la Biblioteca de Logan Heights.
Los estudiantes llevaban colores que varían
de rosa a un amarillo eléctrico. La semana
fue todo un éxito con una variedad de estudiantes suficientemente valientes para llevar
ropa única.
Maria Mendoza is spun by Hector Zamudio.
Everybody Todo Mundo
a Bailar
Everybody Dance
By Michael Laguna
Imagine a cup of Hollywood’s hottest nightclub, a teaspoon of a Quinceanera, and a
dash of Dateline NBC. That was what it was
like during King-Chavez Community High
School’s first dance of the new school year.
“Blackout” was the dance theme since it
was a nighttime activity when students were
encouraged to wear bright colored clothing
in a dark, “black out” room. One junior even
wore glow-in-the-dark horns. The Logan
Heights Public Library, site of the dance, was
filled with glow sticks, which were arranged
in various designs. Other glowing objects
also decorated the area such as LED lights
placed in styrofoam tubes, and black lights
for extra pizzazz.
While libraries are normally quiet places,
on September 27th this library was anything
but. Music ranging from Maroon 5 to traditional Mexican Corridos filled the hall, putting all attendants in a dancing mood. Using
their styrofoam tubes as Lightsabers, freshmen and juniors acted as if they were Jedi
Masters. Senior, Laridza Barajas used the
plasma-like substance inside of a glow stick
to paint her shirt.
During the evening, students were surprised how much their teachers were dancing. Many gasped at how funny they were
acting on the dance floor. But no one could
compete with KCCHS’ junior Sergio Perez,
who was doing special moves with “Electro
Hands.” Speech and debate teacher Jose
Cruz was also another standout who danced
at an incredible pace.
“It was so fun,” KCCHS student Ernesto
Moreno said. “I thought my legs were going
to fall off.”
Por Michael Lagunas
Traducido por C. Manríquez
Imagínense un taza del club más popular de
Hollywood, una cucharada de una Quinceañera, y una pizca de Notivisa. Eso describe lo
que fue durante el primer baile del año de la
Preparatoria Comunitario de King-Chavez.
El tema que llevaba este baile fue “el
apagón” porque fue una actividad por
la noche donde se le pidió a los estudiantes que se vistieran ropa de colores resaltantes en el salon oscuro. Un
estudiante del 11avo grado hasta se
puso cuernos que brillaban en la noche.
El salón de actividades en la Biblioteca de Barrio Logan estaba llena de
palillos fosforecentes que se encontraban en alrededor del salón. Otros objetos fosforencentes decoraban el salón
para darle más ambiente a la fiesta.
Mientras las bibliotecas son conocidas por se calladas, el 27 de septiembre
esta biblioteca no fue nada de callada. La
música de Maroon 5 a música de cumbia
y banda llenó el salón e hizo a muchos de
las personas a ponerse a bailar. Usando
los tubos de foam como salvaluces, los estudiantes pretendían del Maestros de Jedi.
Laridza Barajas del 12avo grado tomó lo
de adentro de los palillos fosforecentes
para pintar su camiseta durante el baile.
Durante la noche, muchos de los estudiantes se sorprendieron lo tanto que sus
maestros bailaron. Mucho más le llamó la
atención que chistoso de veían en la pista de
baile. Pero nadie podia competir con Sergio Perez, que nos mostró unas movidas de
baile con sus “Manos Electras.” También, el
maestro de debate José Cruz, fue un gran
bailador con sus pasos movidos en la pista.
“Fue bien divertido,” dijo el estudiante de KCCHS Ernesto Moreno y añadió
“sentía que mis piernas se me iban a caer!”
Seniors, Montserrat Sanchez, Estefany Penaloza, Maria Duarte, Abigail
Juarez, Cristal Organis De La Rosa, Reyna Lozano and Leslit Velela.
By Bianca Bustamante
Vaqueros at King-Chavez Community
High School were in the spirit when the
school year began and in late September,
students from 9th to 12th grades and even
teachers dressed according to the day’s fun
The week started with a day when students were asked to wear their crazy socks.
Students wore all sorts of wacky socks from
Batman symbols to cheetah print designs.
Tuesday was Pattern Day when students
and teachers showed their spirit by dressing
in many colorful and unique patterns. These
patterns ranged from stripes to flowers.
Checkers were also popular and one high
schooler simply wore a shirt that had the
word ‘pattern’ on the front of it.
Wednesday was Tropical Day when the campus was dotted with students wearing floral,
Hawaiian-styled shirts and dresses..
On Thursday students showed their enthusiasm with Color Wars. Seniors were the
most spirited, wearing their blue attire. An
all-girl group of seniors caught everyone’s
attention with their unique idea to spell out
‘S.E.N.I.O.R.S’ on their bright blue t-shirts.
The Class of 2015 wore black, while the class
of 2016 represented the green and the class
of 2017 had orange. Many juniors dressed in
black attire ranging from dresses to hoodies.
The least to show their class pride were the
sophomores, although they still had some
students dressed in green. Several freshmen
wore bright orange T-shirts and cheerfully
showed off their spirit.
On Friday, students wore splashes of bright
and vivid neon colors and many resembled
fluorescent signs. Looking at the students’
outfits was like seeing walking highlighters
stroll down the hallways. Many students
continued on with the festivities later on that
day by going to the Logan Heights Library,
where the school hosted its first dance of the
year. Many partygoers wore colors varying
from neon pink to electric yellow. Spirit week
at KCCHS was a success with a variety of
students brave enough to wear unique outfits.
We Got Spirit,
¿Qué tal usted?
By Bianca Bustamante
Los Vaqueros de King-Chávez Community High School demostraron su espíritu
escolar al inicio del año escolar y también
a finales de septiembre cuando los estudiantes del noveno a doceavo año e incluso los
profesores se vistieron en diferentes maneras de acuerdo con el tema del día.
La semana comenzó con un día en que se
les pidió a los estudiantes usar calcetines de
diferentes colores y diseños.
El martes fue el día de usar patrones. Los
estudiantes y los profesores mostraron su
espíritu por vestirse en muchos patrones coloridos y únicos. Estos patrones variaron de
rayas y flores. Camisas con cuadros también
fueron populares. Uno de los estudiantes
simplemente vistió con una camisa que tenía
la palabra “patrón” .
El miércoles fue el Día Tropical cuando todos en el plantel usaban florales, camisas y
vestidos del estilo Hawaiian.
El jueves los estudiantes mostraron su
entusiasmo participando en la “Guerra de
color”. Los estudiantes del doceavo año
vistieron de azul. Un grupo de alumnas en el
doceavo año captaron la atención de todos
con su idea única de deletrear ‘SENIORS” en
sus camisas azules. La clase de 2015 se vistió de negro, mientras que la clase de 2016
se representó con el color verde y la clase de
2017 se vistio de anaranjado. Los estudiantes de undécimo año se vistieron de pie a
cabeza de negro. La clase que menos mostró
su orgullo fueron los del décimo año, aunque
todavía tenían algunos estudiantes vestidos de verde. Varios estudiantes de noveno
año se vistieron con camisetas anaranjadas
alegremente mostraron su espíritu.
El viernes, los estudiantes llevaban ropa
con toques de colores vivos y brillantes y
muchos se parecían como señales fluorescentes. Los pasillos estaban llenos de
Students at King-Chavez Arts & Athletics
were recognized for their display of the character trait of the month, as well as academic
achievements. Two students received the
“Principal Award” for their outstanding behavior over the last month. Mr. Guevara, principal of the KC Primary Academy, came and
spoke to the students about the importance
of self-control, which is our character trait of
the month. In addition to character and academic awards, the safety patrol team was
also recognized for placing first in the Central
Command Division over winter break. Keep
up the good work Arts & Athletics students!
06 I Arts I
Art Show Photos from the Art Show at the Ramon “Chunky” Sanchez Auditorium. We had a great turn out, and the boys auctioned off over 80 art pieces. All the money raised will go to support the Boys After School Program.
The Arts and Athletics Academies Winter Celebration was on December 17th. The students
worked hard with the music teacher, Ms. Cruikshank, to put on a wonderful musical performance. The auditorium was packed with family and friends who came to support our students.
By Alberth Carrasco
A humorous Masters of Ceremony led the King-Chavez Community High School’s talent show.
Senior, Jose “Pepe” Burgess entertained the audience with his amusing jokes. One of his jokes was “What
did the ground say to the earthquake?”
he finished with, “You crack me up.”
Burgess made the talent show more humorous than past years. He also rapped while two
juniors, Juan Villalobos and Ryan Camberos,
performed a rock song. Burgess gave a great
introduction to each contestant. Between
acts, Burgess took time to make more jokes.
Performers included seniors, Omar Rosales and Denysha Malone. While Rosales
was a solo act, Malone sang in a trio with
junior Isabel Madera and Vice Principal
Keith Fowler. Another part of the talent
show was when junior Horace Degree
drummed to “Cinema” by Skrillex, a song
he never heard before the talent show.
Furthermore, Juan Villalobos drummed
along with electric guitarist Ryan Camberos. Sergio Perez, a junior, danced to Electro
music and created a roar from the crowd.
Other staff members also joined the show.
P.E teacher, Ben Metzger was a solo drummer. He later performed with other staff
members including: Sam Hoover, Fowler ,
Chuck Elizondo, Tom Sawyer and Craig Neu.
The musicians serenaded the audience with
the Eagles` classic song “Hotel California.”
The crowd of approximately 70 students
Citlalic Campos, a former participant
said, “This year I intended to see what
new talents KCHS students and teachers
had.” Campos` favorites included Perez
with his awesome dancing, the teachers
and the unique sound effects of Hoover.
Por Alberth Carrasco
Traducido por J. Tovar
Un humorístico maestro de ceremonia dirigió el show de talentos de la escuela
King Chavez Community High School.
Estudiante de último año, José “Pepe”
Burgess entretuvo a la audiencia con sus
chistes divertidos. Una de sus bromas
fue “¿Qué le dijo el suelo al terremoto?
“ terminó con: “Me río a carcajadas.”
Burgess hizo el show de talentos más humorístico que en años pasados. Él también interpretó un rap mientras que dos
jóvenes, Juan Villalobos y Ryan Camberos,
interpretaron una canción de rock. Burgess dio una gran introducción a cada
concursante . Entre los actos , Burgess se
tomó el tiempo para hacer más bromas .
Concursantes incluyeron a estudiantes
de último año, Omar Rosales y Denysha
Malone. Mientras Rosales fue un acto solitario, Malone cantaba en un trío con junior
Isabel Madera y subdirector Keith Fowler.
Otra parte del show de talentos fue cuando
junior, Horace Grado, tamborileó “Cinema
“ de Skrillex, una canción que nunca habia escuchado antes del show de talentos .
Por otra parte, Juan Villalobos tamborileó junto con el guitarrista eléctrico Ryan
Camberos. Sergio Pérez, un joven, bailaba
con la música Electro y creó un rugido de
la multitud. Otros miembros del personal
también se unieron al espectáculo. Maestro de educación física, Ben Metzger fue
un baterista solitario. Más tarde se unió con
otros miembros del personal, incluyendo:
Sam Hoover, Fowler, Chuck Elizondo, Tom
Sawyer y Craig Neu . Los músicos dieron
una serenata a la audiencia con la canción
clásica de los Eagles “Hotel California”.
La multitud de aproximadamente
70 estudiantes asistieron el show
de talento y parecían pasarlo bien .
Citlalic Campos, un ex participante
dijo: “Este año tuve la intención de ver
qué nuevos talentos tenían los estudiantes y maestros de KCCHS. Favoritos
actos de Campos incluyeron, Pérez con
su baile impresionante, los profesores y
los efectos de sonido únicos de Hoover.
On Monday February 24th, Juniors and Seniors from KCCHS were invited to an EDS
163 class taught by Prof. Luz Chung at UCSD.
Our ‘Vaqueros’ were given a tour of the campus and facilities. Afterwards they watched
a screening of the film Precious Knowledge
and participated in group discussions with
other college students. The students chaperoned on this visit by new KCCHS counselor
Jessica Quinsaat were: Admin Espinoza,
Eileen Cruz, Gerardo Artunez, Leslit and
Mario Velela, Jocelyn Torres, Erick Barrera, Guillermo Leetonway and Luis Luna.
Upcoming Events for
Neighborhood Schools
March 18-19
CAHSEE testing
March 30th through April 6th.
Spring Break
No School
June 13th
Senior Prom,
Hilton Bayfront Hotel
June 19th
Senior Graduation night,
Golden Hall 7pm
Look for our King-Chavez Gala in
September, 2014
Date TBA
New High
By Ana Galeana
A new year means change. This year KingChavez Community High School became
home for Principal Dr. Consuelo Manriquez.
Dr. Manriquez was born in Mexicali, Mexico. She grew up in San Antonio del Mar, Rosarito, Mexico and at the age of 13, moved
to San Ysidro, Calif.
Dr. Manriquez attended Hilltop High School
but said school was extremely difficult for
her since she did not know any English.
This did not stop her from trying her best at
achieving more than just a high school diploma.
The KCCHS principal received her undergraduate degree from the University of San
Diego and then attended San Diego State
University for her Master’s degree in Arts and
Latin American literature. She then earned a
Ph.D. in Education.
Dr. Manriquez first teaching job was at an
all-girls Catholic school for two years in Los
Angeles when she was 21. Her first job in
San Diego was at Memorial Academy. She
worked 13 years as a teacher. Dr. Manriquez
then became the vice-principal of Correia
Middle School for three years. Right before
joining the King-Chavez staff, she was the
principal at San Diego High School.
Her family is full of high achievers, and she
is the fourth of five children. All of Manriquez’
brothers and sisters attended universities.
“If five kids from Mexico went onto college
then all of you can do it,” said the proud
Un Nuevo año significa cambios. Este año
la escuela Preparatoria King-Chavez se
convirtió en un segunda casa para la nueva
directora La Doctora Manriquez.
La Doctora Manriquez nació en la ciudad
de Mexicali capital de Baja California en el
estado de México. La Doctora Manriquez
creció en San Antonio del Mar, Baja California México. A la edad de 13 años, se mudo
a San Ysidro, California
La Doctora Manriquez asistió a la preparatoria Hilltop la cual era extremadamente
difícil para ella ya que ella estaba limitada
en el idioma Ingles. Sin embargo la barrera
del Idioma no le impidió solamente obtener
un diploma de preparatoria.
La directora de la preparatoria KingChavez obtuvo su Licenciatura de la Universidad de la Universidad Estatal de San
Diego para así obtener su maestría en Artes
y literatura Americana. Después obtuvo un
Doctorado en educación.
El primer trabajo de enseñanza de la doctora Manriquez fue en una escuela Católica
de señoritas durante un periodo de dos años,
en la ciudad de os Angeles a la edad de 21
años. Su Segundo trabajo en San Diego fue
en la secundaria Memorial Academy, durante
un periodo de 13 años como maestra. Con
el pasar de los años la Doctora Manriquez
se convirtió en la subdirectora de la escuela
secundaria Correia por un periodo de tres
años. Poco antes de integrarse a la escuela
preparatoria de la comunidad King-Chavez,
fue la directora de la preparatoria San Diego.
Su familia esta complete por integrantes
de alto potencial. Ella es la cuarta de 5 hijos. Los hermanos de la doctora Manriquez
asistieron a universidades.
“Si los cinco hijos de México pudieron ir a la
Universidad entonces todos ustedes pueden
hacerlo” concluyo la directora orgullosa.
07 I Teachers I
King Chávez
Academy of Excellence
Magical! ¡Mágico!
What we are doing at our school is nothing
less than magical. We celebrate children’s
learning every Friday. We have a new Science Lab and Engineering Lab. We have
wonderful, talented teachers that are becoming literacy specialists. Why? Because
of love. Love of what? Of our students! We
are the Love School and we seek Excellence in all we do from a foundation of real
love. The kind of love that moves mountains. And mountains can only be moved
by a team. WE are that team. As a team
we plan. As a team we do. And as a team
we create ways to bring literacy and opportunity to every child’s life. Go, Cheetahs!
Lo que estamos llevando a cabo en nuestra escuela no es nada menos que mágico.
Celebramos el aprendizaje de los niños
cada viernes. Tenemos un nuevo laboratorio de ciencias y un nuevo laboratorio de
ingeniería. Tenemos maestras y maestros
maravillosos, llenos de talento y dedicados
a desarrollarse como especialistas de alfabetización. ¿Y porqué? Por amor. ¿Amor
de qué? ¡De nuestros alumnos! Somos la
escuela de amor y buscamos Excelencia en
todo lo que hacemos desde un cimiento de
amor. El tipo de amor que mueve montañas.
Montañas que solo un equipo puede mover.
NOSOTROS somos ese equipo. Como equipo
planificamos. Como equip hacemos. Y como
equipo forjamos un camino de aprendizaje
y oportunidad para cada niño. ¡Adelante!
Dear King-Chavez Family and Friends
Dear King-Chavez Family and Friends,
Welcome to the 2013-2014 school year.
I have been a proud member of the KingChavez Neighborhood of Schools since
2006. Our schools have enjoyed much
success in this time and I look forward
to another year of sharing that success with the community we serve.
This year, the Primary Academy is focused on improving literacy in all grades
and we have begun some exciting technology initiatives in the classrooms. These
initiatives will help to prepare our students
for the increased expectations statewide and give them a chance to one day
compete in the 21st Century workforce.
The King-Chavez Preschool has set a
standard for preschools in the area. It is
licensed by the State of California Department of Education, Child Development
Division and provides additional services
Division and provides additional services
through First 5 San Diego Quality Preschool
Initiative (QPI). The King-Chavez Preschool
provides families a safe place to learn and
grow from the foundation of love where
they begin to develop the positive relationships with teachers and the school community necessary for academic success.
Gerry Guevara
King-Chavez Primary Academy and Preschool Principal
with Alicia Tripoli Preschool Program Director
Estimadas Familias de King-Chávez:
Bienvenidos al año escolar 2013-2014. Yo
he sido parte del Vecindario de King-Chavez
desde el 2006. Durante este tiempo hemos
logrado gran éxito y espero disfrutar y compartir de otro año exitoso con esta comunidad.
Este año la Academia Primaria se está
esforzando en mejorar los programas del
alfabetismo y la tecnología en todos los
grados. Estas iniciativas servirán para
preparar mejor a nuestros niños para
las expectativas estatales y darles una
oportunidad de competir efectivamente
por puestos de trabajo en el siglo 21.
El Preescolar King-Chavez ha demostrado
excelencia comparado con otros programas
preescolares en nuestra zona. El Preescolar
cuenta con una Licencia del Departamento
Educativo del Estado de California y provee
servicios adicionales a través de First 5 San
Diego Quality Preschool Initiative (QPI). El
Preescolar King-Chavez es un lugar sano
y seguro para el desarrollo de los niños
basado en el amor. Por lo tanto, los niños
pueden comenzar a desarrollar relaciones
positivas con maestras y la comunidad
educativa para lograr el éxito académico.
Gerardo Guevara
Director de la Academia Primaria y la
Preescolar de King-Chávez
con Alicia Tripoli - Directora del Programa
Welcome to 2013-2014 school year. We
have a number of new and exciting things
happening at KCCHS. My name is Consuelo Manríquez and I am the new principal at KCCHS. In addition to our AssistantPrincipals,, Mr. Fowler and Mr. Mason,
Mr. Bradshaw is our new Dean of Students, last year he was known as coach.
This year, more students are choosing to
come to KCCHS, giving us our largest ever
enrollment. Consequently we have our largest staff team ever also, offering a full A-G
selection of courses, AP courses, internship opportunities, and of course athletics.
After-school activities receive a huge
boost this year through a $250,000 ‘ASSET’ grant, which will bring a wide range
of academic enrichment and physical activity opportunities to our students. The
academic program is strengthened by the
use of AVID strategies by all teachers, with
students learning vital study skills and now
required to have a well-organized binder.
We are offering an exciting CCTE (College,
Career and Technical Education) pathway
this year, which starts with Video Production
1-2 where students learn how to create, edit
and produce multi-media at a professional
level. A group of students embarked on a
cultural exchange with a school in Italy, in
October, which was the first ever international trip undertaken by KCCHS students and
staff. It is going to be a great year at KCCHS.
Bienvenidos al año escolar 2013-2014. Tenemos muchas cosas nuevas y emocionantes
que están pasando este año. Mi nombre es
Consuelo Manríquez y yo soy la nueva directora en KCCHS. Aparte de los dos Sub-directores, Mr. Fowler y Mr. Mason, Mr. Bradshaw
es el nuevo Decano de Estudiantes que el
año pasado lo conocían como el entrenador.
Este año, más estudiantes están seleccionando venir a KCCHS y eso nos ha dado un
incremento en la población de esctudiantes
y a la misma vez más maestros en la escuela. También estamos ofrecemos más
clases de A-G que son aceptables en la universidad, clases avanzadas AP, programa de
internados y una gran variedad de deportes.
Este años tenemos una gran oportunidad de actividades después de clases con
una beca que recibimos del estado por
$250,000. Esto significa que vamos a tener
muchas oportunidades para enriquecer
el programa despues de escuela. El programa AVID, una clase que prepara a los
estudiantes para el colegio, ha sido implementado en la escuela y muchas de sus estrategias son utilizadas en todos los salones.
King-Chávez Community High School Internships
and Community Service Initiative (CSI)
MISSION STATEMENT: In partnership with community interests and local businesses, provide
students with skills and opportunities that lead to careers, college, and lifelong learning.
The 2012-2013 school year marked the 2nd year of the King-Chávez Community High School Internship and the CSI (Community Service
Initiative) Program. Over 100 students have completed semester-long internships at a variety of local organizations and businesses. Additionally, all interns have donated over forty-volunteer/community service hours focused on habitat restoration, outdoor education, and environmental awareness. We thank our internship mentors and sites for their commitment, support, and dedication to workforce development in our
region and for the life-changing opportunities provided to KCCHS interns.
People to people. Theory to practice.
Discover what we like. Learn what
we need.
Build skills. Build a team.
Build a future.
Get involved! Contact
Priscilla Cortez at
[email protected]
The fall 2013 semester has been exciting, fast paced and filled with amazing learning opportunites at our
internship sites. Check out what some of the internship mentors are saying about KCHS interns!
Alexis Aguilar, Education Intern,
Living Coast Discovery Center
Perspective from an Intern….
Since the first day of my internship at the
San Diego Future Foundation, I thought I
was not going to really learn anything, just
work for free. Within the time of my
internship I learn how having an internship
helps you in so many ways such as being
a student right out of high school with no
experience but with an internship you
gain experience that you can later apply to
different work environments. I figured out
how important this Internship class was
and how the working environment is
different than school. My mentor Amanda
Cheyney helped me develop throughout
my internship in helping me chose what
path I want to take for my future. Later in
my internship, I earned an opportunity to
join M.A.N.A de San Diego a non-profit
National Women's organization which
assist young Latin girls and women, by
providing them with skills, tools and the
support they need to succeed. Internship
has made me brighter and a better person
in becoming a leader for my community
and Latin women all around me. So in the
end I’m really glad I got to be in the
Internship class because now I know for a
fact, I am going to be heading to college to
become a young businesswoman in the
life that awaits me.
Laura Cruz, EMS Intern, Project
Heartbeat / San Diego Fire Rescue
“Laura is a bright light and fits right into
our Emergency Medical Services team
with the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department. Laura is energetic and passionate
about the career path she is engaging in.
Laura has had the opportunity to be
involved in a variety of aspects of our
department and is obtaining a great base
of knowledge that will lead her toward the
right path on her journey. Several of our
Chiefs know Laura on a first name basis
and have been able to give her priceless
experience in areas that most people who
endeavor this career path do not get the
opportunity to have.
We are all very excited to watch Laura
grow and endeavor this career path she
has chosen. I know she will do well.”
Maureen O'Connor, PAD Program Manager,
San Diego Project Heart Beat
Ciara Gonzalez, Education Intern at
San Diego Futures Foundation
Andres Montano, Intern at ProKids /
The First Tee San Diego
“Ciara is doing a great job in her
internship. She is very proactive with her
duties with the Education and Training
department. Ciara follows direction and is
very self-motivated. She is always on time
and ready to work with a positive attitude.
It is a pleasure to have her on board.”
Amanda Cheyney, Education and Outreach
Manager, San Diego Futures Foundation
“Andres has become an integral part of the
Pro Kids operation, helping us complete
administrative tasks as well as building
relationships with the kids whom we
serve. His positive and determined attitude
and has been a great addition to our team.
I have entrusted Andres with detailed work
that impacts our organization and he has
taken on every task with pride. In addition
he is a great role model for our kids,
always acting with kindness and professionalism. We are so fortunate to have him
as our intern.”
Kathy Wilder, Senior Program Director,
Pro Kids / The First Tee
Luis Alvarado, Outreach Intern,
GRID Alternatives
“Luis Alvarado is enthusiastic and eager to
contribute and to learn. He is always on
time, and he greets everyone when he
arrives and when he leaves. Luis has
quickly been able to integrate himself into
the team and works well with others. Luis
works diligently while he is here and
completes all of his work in a timely
manner. He is up for any task and will ask
questions when he does not understand or
needs more information.”
Paul Cleary, Regional Director,
GRID Alternatives
King-Chávez Community High School Community Service initiative (CSI)
In partnership with the Jackie Robinson Family YMCA, San Diego Canyon Lands and the City of San Diego Parks
and Recreation Department, KCCHS Interns volunteered over 30 hours this semester. The CSI projects focused
on removing invasive plants, restoring natural habitat, planting native plants, trail maintenance, and creating a
clean and safe environment in Chollas Creek and Florida Canyon.
Admin Espinoza, City Planning
Intern, City of San Diego Planning
"Admin Espinoza is responsible for
communications and outreach to our
Southeastern San Diego and Encanto
Neighborhoods. Admin is a great member
of the team, performs at a high level, and
we love working with him!”
Karen Bucey, Community Planner, City of
San Diego
Many thanks to our Internship, CSI and Community Partners
for making the Spring 2013 semester a great success!
Border Angels
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
City of San Diego, City Planning Division
Col. Salomon Child Development Center / SDUSD
GRID Alternatives
Jackie Robinson Family YMCA
Junior Achievement
King-Chavez Neighborhood of Schools
Living Coast Discovery Center
Logan Heights Branch Library
Media Arts Center San Diego
Office of Councilmember David Alvarez
Office of Councilmember Mark Kersey
ProKids / The First Tee San Diego
Reality Changers
Reuben H. Fleet Science Center
San Diego Air and Space Museum
San Diego Futures Foundation
San Diego Project Heart Beat,
San Diego Fire Rescue Department
San Diego Union Tribune and U-T TV
San Diego Workforce Partnership
Save our Heritage Organization
Space 4 Art
Teague Insurance Agency
Employment Development Department (EDD)
United States Karate Academy
Urban Discovery Academy
Y.A.L.L.A Soccer Program