07-24-16 - St. Raphael
07-24-16 - St. Raphael
ST. RAPHAEL’S PARISH 35-20 Greenpoint Avenue, L.I.C., NY 11101 Telephone: 718-729-8957 Fax: 729-5238 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.straphael-queens.org MISSION STATEMENT: St. Raphael’s is a parish rooted in tradition yet responding to an evolving community by evangelization in action. We seek to inspire the larger Catholic community to a more committed faith life and to heed Christ’s call of sharing time, talent and treasure for the needs of others. DECLARACION DE MISION: San Rafael es una parroquia enraizada en la tradición y a la vez responde a una comunidad que evoluciona con una acción evangelizadora. Buscamos inspirar a la comunidad católica global a que vivan una fe más comprometida y a prestar atención a la llamada de Cristo a compartir tiempo, talento y bienes con los necesitados. EUCHARIST SCHEDULE Saturday/Sábado Sunday/Domingo 5:00pm - English 8:00am - English 9:45am - Korean 11:00 am—English 12:30 pm—Spanish/Español WEEKDAY SCHEDULE Monday - Friday 9:00am Lunes - Viernes 9:00am OFFICE HOURS/HORARIO Monday - Friday/Lunes - Viernes 9:00-1:00pm & 2:00-4:00pm Saturday/Sábado By appointment / Mediante cita BAPTISM/BAUTISMO Please contact the rectory to make arrangements. You will need the child’s birth certificate. favor de llamar la rectoria. niño. Necesitará el certificado de nacimiento del MARRIAGE/MATRIMONIO Any couple wishing to marry should contact the rectory at least six (6) months before the wedding. Una pareja que está pensando en el matrimonio debe de llamar la rectoría seis (6) meses antes de la boda. RECONCILIATION/RECONCILIACION Saturday/Sábado 4:00-4:45pm and by appointment/y por cita. MINISTRY TO THE SICK/ CUIDADO DE LOS ENFERMOS Please call the rectory at 729-8957 to make arrangements for the sick person to receive Holy Communion or the Anointing of the sick at home. favor de llamar la rectoría al 729-8957 para que la persona enferma reciba la Comunión o Unción de los Enfermos en la casa. July 24th: Seventeenth Sunday In Ordinary Time FROM THE PASTOR… Dear Parishioners, This weekend, we welcome Sister Esther and Sister Dollie of the Hospitaller Sisters of Mercy, as they visit St. Raphael’s for the annual Summer Mission Appeal. Many of our Catholic brothers and sisters around the world experience poverty and injustice the likes of which we will never know. Jesus challenges us not to turn away from them, but respond with generosity and hope. Elsewhere in this bulletin is a page (printed horizontally) that describes the good works done by the Hospitaller Sisters in various parts of the world. They clearly reach out to those in need and extend the Gospel to them. The Sisters’ specific form of service involves assisting “the least among us” who suffer. They recognize in those individuals the face of Christ himself. Aware of the high cost of medicine and medical care in our own country, we can readily identify with the importance of their outreach and how it enhances the dignity of the most vulnerable. Today’s second collection (the collection after Communion) will go to the Hospitaller Sisters to support their many good works. Please be as gene5rous as you can, recognizing our Catholic responsibility to build families of faith that reach out beyond national boundaries. If you were not prepared for today’s appeal, but would like to lend a hand, the collection will not be sent out before this coming Friday. Any late offerings can be brought to the rectory office (or put through the rectory mail slot). Simply mark them MISSION APPEAL or HOSPITALLER SISTERS, and we will see to it that your donation is added to the total. Many thanks. -Father Jerry Jecewiz P.S. In this bulletin are a couple of photos of a precious event that took place here July 9th: a retreat, in Spanish, for children. The talks were given by Sister Alice Michael and the music handled by a children’s group, the Stars of Mary. About 100 children, plus their families, took part and raved about the day. Thanks to our newly commissioned pastoral minister, Paul Casiano, and his collaborators in our Vino Nuevo (New Wine) apostolate for organizing such a great experience. PARISH STAFF/EQUIPO PARROQUIAL Rev. Jerry Jecewiz, Pastor Rev. Luke Kim, Korean Ministry Sister Christine Scherer, D.W., Religious Educ. Mr. Jan Wnek, Music Minister PARISH STEWARDSHIP Last week’s church offering $4,179.00 Average weekly expenses $6,185.00 July 24th: Seventeenth Sunday In Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for the Week of July 24 THIS WEEK’S EVENTS Sunday, July 24th: 8:00— Judy Buckley (Delia Dela Cruz) 9:45— KOREAN MASS 11:00— Thomas McMahon (19th Anniversary Remembrance) (Alex and Robert Boehler) 12:30— Teresa Quintero (Enith Parra) Monday, July 25th: 9:00— Wladyslaw Mirecki (29th Anniversary Remembrance) (Mirecki Family) Tuesday, July 26th: 9:00— Anna Buchalska (Ingenito Family) Wednesday, July 27th: 9:00 — Juanita Leon (Estate) Thursday, July 28th: 9:00— Joseph Nordquist (Carol Nordquist) Friday, July 29th: 9:00— Deceased of the Boyle Family (Family) Saturday, July 30th: 5:00— Joseph and Marica Buble (Anthony and Irene Trgo) Sunday, July 31st: 8:00— Judy Buckley (Dina Filingeri) 9:45—KOREAN MASS 11:00— Thelma Picardo and Phillip Everson Deceased Family Members (Thelma and Phillip) 12:30— Bolney Ramirez (Enith Parra) Sun., July 24: The Bread and Wine this week is offered for racial and civil harmony. Fri., July 29: 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Summer Mission Appeal Lord of Pardon celebration (2 pm—Prayers; 3 pm—Mass; reception downstairs follows) Mon., July 25: Feast of St. James Tues., July 26: Feast of Sts. Joachim & Anne Wed., July 27: 7 pm—Spanish Rosary & Praise Thurs., July 28: Food Pantry closed today 6 pm—Mariachi Academy Feast of St. Martha UPCOMING BAPTISM DATES: In English: Sat., Aug. 6, 2:00 pm. Prep class is Sat., July 30, 11:00 am. 7 pm—Folkloric Dance Group 7 pm—Spanish Faith Formation for Children Sat., July 30: (Fumio Tanai photo) Feast of St. Peter Chrysologus In Spanish: Sat., Aug. 20, 2:00 pm. Prep class is Mon., Aug. 15, 7:30 pm. Sat., Sept. 24, 2:00 pm. Prep class is Mon., Sept. 19, 7:30 pm. Food Pantry closed today 12 noon—Baptism 3 pm—Wedding/Baptism FOOD PANTRY is usually open Thursdays from 10:30 am to 12:00 noon, and Saturdays from 1:30 to 3:00 pm. New volunteers are always welcome, as are donations of canned, packaged foods (non-perishable). We do not accept clothing, books or furniture. THIS ‘N THAT 1. Looking for a Catholic elementary school nearby? The closest to St. Raphael’s is St. Stanislaus Kostka Catholic Academy, just one mile away (just over the Greenpoint Ave. Bridge). Info: phone 718-383-1970. 2. Until Labor Day, the rectory office will close on Fridays at 2:00 pm. 3. Our Food Pantry will have its annual summer closing the last two weeks of July and the first two weeks of August. OUR NEXT FLEA MARKET: Sun., August 7th, 9 am to 3 pm. Phone or visit the rectory office to reserve your spot: 718-729-8957. SIGN UP NOW FOR RELIGIOUS ED. CLASSES STARTING IN SEPTEMBER All returning students must register using the PINK registration form available in the rectory if you lost it. Stop by the rectory during weekday office hours to reregister. New Students need to fill out a PINK registration form (available in the rectory), attach a COPY of the child’s BAPTISM Certificate and pay the registration fee ($75 for 1 child; $100 for 2 children of same parent; $110 for 3 or more children). If the child is not baptized, you need to send a COPY of their Birth Certificate. Sr. Christine will need to meet NEW families. She will be in touch with you to arrange this appointment, usually on Wednesday or Thursday from 2pm on. THIS ‘N THAT 1. At the rear of the church are envelopes marked AIR CONDITIONING. If you have not yet done so, please consider (this month or next) a $50 donation per family towards the cost of maintaining and running this utility which keeps our church comfortable for summer worship. Thanks. 2. Catholic Charities has outpatient behavioral health clinics, to deal with crisis and trauma therapy and to offer individual, group and family counseling. The nearest branch is in Jackson Heights. Phone 718-7791600. 3. Msgr. McClancy Memorial High school is now accepting applications for the TACHS preparation program starting on Sept. 10th and continuing for 7 Saturdays. Info, phone 718-898-3800, ext. 3. 4. Bishop Di Marzio is leading a pilgrimage to the Holy Doors of Rome and Assisi (Sept. 15-23) and (optional extension) the Holy Land (Sept. 23-29) in this Year of Mercy. For a brochure, call Susan at 1-800-8424842. 5. Father Jerry’s “Magic with a Message” show will be presented this coming Friday at the U.S. Army Base in Fort Hamilton. Beneficiary of the performance is St. Raphael’s parish. 6. Banns of Marriage are announced for the July 30tyh wedding here of Daniel Salvador Tito Panora and Maria Esperanza Guaman Uruchima, both of St. Raphael’s. 7. Thanks to all who planned, worked and patronized our July 10th Flea Market, which raised $1833 for the parish. Great job! 8. Our Food Pantry thanks Queen of Angels parish for its regular donation (this time, $428) and the Green Valley Marketplace of Sunnyside for its contribution ($100). This support is deeply appreciated. 9. We welcome to the 11 am Mass this Sunday Father Richard Hoare, from Blessed Sacrament parish in Jackson Heights and wish him well as he officially retires from fulltime priestly ministry this month. EL RINCON HISPANO LA SEGUNDA COLECTA DE HOY LE DA APOYO A LAS HERMANAS HOSPITALERAS DE LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA EN SU MINISTERIO DE SERVIR A CRISTO QUE SUFRE EN SUS MIEMBROS. SEAN GENEROSOS, POR FAVOR. GRACIAS. Arriba: El retiro para los niños que tuvo lugar aqui el sabado 9 de julio. El retiro fue presentado en español por la Hermana Alicia Miguel. Mas de cien niños participaron con sus fam,ilias. El grupo musical, Estrellas de Maria, fue encargado con el ministerio de música.. Gracias a Paul Casiano y sus colaboradores en el apostolado Vino Nuevo por la organización de este evento tan precioso. San Rafael Catecismo (Educación Religiosa) Estimados padres de familia Un nuevo año escolar ha comenzado. Espero que hayan tenido tiempo para relajarse y renovarse. Es tiempo para inscribirse para las clases de CCD aquí en San Rafael. Todos los estudiantes que regresan sólo tiene que llenar un formulario de inscripción y pagar la cuota. Los honorarios son $75 para 1 niño, $100 para 2 niños y $ 110 para 3 niños. Un formulario de inscripción adjunto. Usted puede enviar por correo, poner en la colecta del domingo o venir a la rectoría de lunes a viernes entre las 9:00 AM y 4:00 PM para inscribirse en el nuevo año. Las clases comienzan el domingo, 25 de septiembre a las 9:30 AM. Sinceramente, Sr. Christine Scherer DW Rosario y Alabanza: Cada miércoles a las 7:00 pm en el sótano de la rectoría. FORMACION EN LA FE Un programa espiritual (en español) para los niños y las niñas empezando con la edad de 4 años. Viernes de las 7 pm a las 8 pm en el sótano de la rectoría. Todos están invitados a participar. Con la colaboración del apostolado Vino Nuevo. A TOD Y BENEFICIARY OF TODAY’S SECOND COLLECTION