St. Stephen Protomartyr Church Des Plaines, IL 847-824-2026 Pentecost Sunday ~ May 24, 2015 Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth. Envía tu Espíritu, Señor, y renueva la faz de la tierra. Memorial Day Mass May 25, 2015 at 9am Misa de Memorial Day sera a las 9am. Domingo de Pentecostés ~ 24 de Mayo del 2015 PARISH OFFICE STAFF: Rev. Noel Reyes………….....…Pastor Rev. John Era, CM..…Associate Pastor Mr. Bill Warmouth…………...Deacon Mr. Tony Towey……………...Deacon Mr. Don Telposky………RTD Deacon Sr. Alma Rosa…...Rel. Ed. Coordinator Toni Olague……….. Rel. Ed. Assistant Mrs. Linda Chorazy…O.L.D. Principal Marieth Quintero…….. Music Director Phyllis Rotondo…………..Bookkeeper Noreen Johnson……...Parish Secretary Ezequiel Teran…………..Receptionist Mariana Parra………….Records Clerk Daniel Roldan…Weekend Receptionist PARISH CENTER: 1253 Everett Ave. 847-824-2026 Des Plaines, Illinois 60018 (fax)3842 Office Hours: Tue-Fri 8:30 - 12 & 1-5PM Saturday 9:00AM to 1:00PM Sunday & Monday Closed ANNOUNCEMENTS ** Children are invited to bring flowers during the month of May to present to Our Blessed Mother. ** Parish Calendar Meeting will be on Tuesday, June 16th in the Mezydlo Room. ** Virtus training will be on Saturday, June 13th from 1-4pm in the Mezydlo Room. Please call the office to register. ANUNCIOS PARROQUIALES ** Los niños están invitados a llevar flores durante el mes de mayo para presentar a Nuestra Madre Santísima. OUR LADY OF DESTINY SCHOOL 1880 Ash Street 847-827-2900 Des Plaines, Illinois 60018 CHURCH: 1280 Prospect Ave. Des Plaines, Illinois 60018 MASSES: Weekdays: 8:00AM Vigil Mass Sat: 5:00PM Sundays: 8:30AM &10:00AM 12:00 PM - Spanish ROSARY: Mon-Sat after daily Mass Sun after 10am Mass CONFESSIONS: Saturday 4:00-4:30PM BAPTISMS & WEDDINGS Please call the Parish Center for more information. NEW MEMBERS: Please register at the Parish Center. NEW WEBSITE: EMAIL: [email protected] NW SUBURBAN CATHOLIC SR. NETWORK 16TH ANNUAL SENIOR DAY TOPIC: “LORD, ARE YOU LISTENING?’ PRESENTED BY AMY FLORIAN WEDNESDAY – JUNE 24, 2015 AT - ST. THOMAS BECKET 1321 BURNING BUSH LANE, MT. PROSPECT, IL TIME: 10:00 A.M. COFFEE, JUICE & DONUT HOLES PRESENTATION - 10:30 TO 11:30 AM BOX LUNCH TO FOLLOW COST: $9.00, non-refundable Make check payable to St. Stephen Parish by 06-15-15. Questions? Contact Terri Ring at 847-296-3970. Pray for the Sick and the Homebound Masses, Intentions & Liturgies Lorraine Forbes Helen Lasak MONDAY, MAY 25 ~ Memorial Day 9:00am For Veterans and All Military Personnel Laverne Reilly Joe Palermo Claro Dulay TUESDAY, MAY 26 ~ Feast of St. Philip Neri, Priest Marty Vece Carmela & Roy Anderson 8:00am Rosemma Devasia Thomas Family Judy Waring Deacon Don Telposky WEDNESDAY, MAY 27 Marion Tenczar Alex Rodriguez 8:00am Rosemma Devasia Thomas Family Marie Wienert Michael Fudala THURSDAY, MAY 28 Kathy Merkel 8:00am For Priestly & Religious Vocations FRIDAY, MAY 29 Please pray for our family & friends who currently 8:00am For Persecuted Christians serve in the military, especially SATURDAY, MAY 30 PFC. Kevin Reilly, Army 8:00am For Our First Communicants Cmdr Debbie Vavrus, Navy 5:00pm Barbara Koziol Stancato Family SSG. Nicholas Giovanelli, Army SUNDAY, MAY 31 ~ Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity 1st Lt. Kevin Niemczyk, Army SPC Matthew Appelhans, Army 8:30am Pat Steinbach Choir SGT Brian Shaw, Army Karen Macuras Jim Szczesniak SHSR Joshua Storck, Navy Barbara Koziol Glenda Raupp 2nd Lt. Jeff Erkel, Army 10:00am First Communicants PFC Ross Eugene Raupp, Marines Marion Vana Dick Vana PFC Emmanuel Garibay, Army 12:00pm First Communicants Por favor oren por nuestra familia y amigos que son veteranos y por quienes sirven actualmente en el ejército. Liturgical Ministries Schedule PRESIDER LECTOR LEADER OF SONG COMMUNION MINISTERS N/A May 30 5:00 PM Rev. John Era Sr. F Rolfes B Stauder J Wenghofer N Johnson R Rzaca C Darrey MB Conte May 31 8:30 AM Rev. Ronald Paulino L Ryan L Giovanni Traditional Choir D Stance M Brunson J Kozlik J Kozlik May 31 10:00 AM Fr. Tom McQuaid First Communion H Orengo L Scarsella Folk Choir J Kwarcinski P Rotondo M Bilodeau D Zagorski May 31 12:00 PM Fr. Noel Reyes First Communion R Hernandez L Hernández Spanish Choir L Bahamon M Reyna R Bahamon E Alvarado J Marquez R Velazco H Marquez STEWARDSHIP for Fiscal Year July 2014—June 2015 5/17/15 (248 envelopes received) Budgeted Actual Sunday Collection $7,500 $6,181 Other Income $3,020 $3,265 For Week $10,520 $9,446 Surplus (Deficit) for Week ($1,074) Surplus (Deficit) for Year $11,022 Extraordinary Expense $2,618 Spanish RE Kids $101 Homeschool Kids $4 Last Year $6,804 $1,561 $8,365 $2,671 $12 $6 MINISTERS OF CARE Lee Manor N/A T Ring M Ungaro F Millares P Suerth ALTAR SERVERS R Morales R Morales C Escobar S Ponte G Gaglio C Janzen M Janzen F Rocha M Serrano J Rothweiler L Rothweiler K Figuero J Hernandez K Moreno A Cortes J Benitez E Benitez MINISTRY OF CARE Any parishioner who is ill and unable to come to Mass, may request Holy Communion. Please contact the Parish Center to schedule a visit from a Minister of Care 847-824-2026 Weekly Parish Events Children’s Backpack Ministry Eventos Parroquiales Semanales DATE/EVENT Monday, May 25, 2015 9:00am Memorial Day Mass Tuesday, May 26, 2015 6:30pm Charismatic Choir Practice 7:30pm Folk Choir Rehearsal Wednesday, May 27, 2015 4:00pm 8th Grade Dinner Dance 5:00pm Traditional Choir Rehearsal 6:30pm Grupo de Oracion Thursday, May 28, 2015 1:00pm HandMades 7:00pm Sol Azteca LOCATION Church Music Room Church Gym Music Room Church Santa Maria Room Mezydlo Room Friday, May 29, 2015 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm First Communion Rehearsal (Eng) Church Music Room Hispanic Choir Altar Server Faith Formation Library Youth Group Saturday, May 30, 2015 6:30pm Bingo Sunday, May 31, 2015 10:00am First Communion Mass (Eng) 12:00pm First Communion Mass (Spa) Gym Church Church The Backpack Ministry blue collection bin in the back of the church is never empty on Monday morning. The Sunday collection has brought cash donations as well. So many parishioners have enabled us to distribute nearly 1000 items of food since September to children in need. The 2014-2015 school year will come to an end in 6 more weeks. The Backpack food supply is currently well supplied with juice boxes, macaroni and cheese, and ramen noodles. We will not need further donations of these items. We do need a few more weeks supplies of : Canned pasta meals, Soup, Beef Stew, Canned fruit, Raisins, Snack bars, Single Serving Bags of Chips, Pretzels, Fruit Snacks, Goldfish Crackers, Peanut Butter & Jelly...etc God bless you all for your generous support of this parish-wide project. “There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit.” -- 1 Corinthians 12:4 “Hay diferentes dones, pero el Espíritu es el mismo.” -- 1 Corintios 12:4 “I have found the one whom my soul loves.” Song of Solomon 3:4 Jerry and Gloria Gryzik May God bless you on your 48th wedding anniversary. Claro & Lumen Dulay May God bless you on your 55th wedding anniversary. MAY BAPTISMS Nora Grace Weber & Family Lane Arthur Lowder & Family “… baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19 Retiro de primer a comunion Mayo del 2015 Church News & Events // Eventos y Noticias Iglesia Come join us for Bingo! Saturday, May 30th Doors Open at 6:30pm Bingo starts at 7pm BYOB Food and Drinks for Sale Split the Pot Fecha límite el inscripción es de 28 de mayo Registration Due Date is May 28th Homeschool Religious Education First Communion Date Reminders: Monday, May 25, 2015 Communion Song Practice 7pm Friday, May 29, 2015 Communion Rehearsal 6pm Sunday, May 31, 2015 Holy Communion 10am Noticias Catechismo Favor de pasar a la Oficina de Catecismo por su "Tarjeta de Verano"... Si quiere inscribir a su niñ@ en el programa de Catecismo ya sea por primera vez o por segundo año! Esta tarjeta sera' su pase de inscripción!!! Los catequistas que estén en Misa los Domingos les firmarán sus tarjetas... Suerte! Y les esperamos en Misa todos los Domingos! CORPUS CHRISTI PROCESSION ON JUNE 7TH, WE WILL CELEBRATE CORPUS CHRISTI - ONE OF THE FEAST DAYS WE HAVE A PROCESSION. THE PROCESSION WILL TAKE PLACE FOLLOWING THE 10:00AM MASS, STARTING ON ASH, SOUTH TO HIGHLAND. FROM HIGHLAND, WEST TO SPRUCE, THEN SPRUCE BACK TO CHURCH. THREE PRAYER STATIONS ARE NEEDEDONE ON ASH, ONE ON HIGHLAND AND ONE ON SPRUCE. IF ANYONE IS INTERESTED IN HAVING A PRAYER STATION, PLEASE CONTACT TERRI RING AT 847-296-3970 Dear Golden Hearts, I would like to take this opportunity to write a simple letter of gratitude to all of you. Last week you honored me with a luncheon at the Silver Stallion Restaurant. I really enjoyed that special gathering because we took time to make others feel how special our community is. You have been an inspiration to me on how to live my life according to God's plan. Actually, my parish ministry became more meaningful because of the love we shared together. After all, we are all called to live God's commandment: "Love one another!" I will be bringing with me lots of good memories as I go home to the Philippines. The time I spent with you taught me the meaning of Christian service. I have to say that we really got to know each other well in a more personal way. As I temporarily leave you, never forget to continue on spreading that friendship with others. I am sure you will do fine even without me, especially with the support and presence of Fr. Ronald, our new Associate Pastor. Always support him because he is God's gift to you. Continue reaching out to other senior citizens in our parish, especially those who feel so alone, and invite them to join your group. The best thing that can ever happen to their life is to find a loving God in people who genuinely care for them. Until we meet again. Let us always pray for one another. In Christ, Fr. John Era, CM CHURCH NAME & NUMBER — St. Stephen #512123 ADDRESS — 1253 Everett Des Plaines, IL 60016 PHONE — 847-824-2026 CONTACT PERSON — Noreen Johnson—(847) 824-2026 [email protected] SOFTWARE — Microsoft Publisher 2000 Windows XP PRINTER — HP Deskjet 895Cse NUMBER OF PAGES SENT — Cover, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 SUNDAY DATE OF BULLETIN — 5/23/2015 - 5/24/2015 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS — Please deliver IN the church not in the office. Before 12:00 noon. 1280 Prospect Ave. Des Plaines IL Thank you!
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PARISH OFFICE STAFF: Rev. Noel Reyes………….....…Pastor Rev. John Era, CM..…Associate Pastor Mr. Bill Warmouth…………...Deacon Mr. Tony Towey……………...Deacon Mr. Don Telposky………RTD Deacon Sr. Alma Rosa….....
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