In Solidarity with - St Stephen Protomartyr
In Solidarity with - St Stephen Protomartyr
St. Stephen Protomartyr Church Des Plaines, IL 847-824-2026 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ August 10, 2014 In Solidarity with Decimonoveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 10 de Agosto del 2014 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Dear Friends and Parishioners, May the God of Peace be always with you! I would like to thank the hard work of those who made our Family Fest a successful event. Great activities, great fun! Our families and their children enjoyed the variety of entertainment. It was another great moment to express our camaraderie as a parish. We are blessed to have events like the parish picnic and family fest, which allows us to enjoy the diversity of our community. I made an announcement last Sunday to pray for peace in the Middle East. I feel sad each time I read the newspaper or see the news about the number of casualties and families losing their homes due to a bombing in Gaza, in Iraq or in Egypt. Surely, this is something that most of us are aware of through social media. The evil of war destroys plenty of life. Christians in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq, are being persecuted. Little children cannot enjoy their childhood as they live in fear each day. Women have been physically and sexually abused. Fathers of the families do not know how to provide a safe place for their children as they were pressured to abandon their homes. As reported by National Review Online on July 23, 2014, “the Islamic State, formerly known as ISIS, had marked homes and businesses owned by Christians with a red, painted (نpronounced “noon”), the 14th letter of the Arabic alphabet and the equivalent to the Roman letter N. The نstands for Nasara or Nazarenes, a pejorative Arabic word for Christians.” They might live on another part of the globe, we might not be able to understand their language, we might not know them personally – yet we share with them a common ground. They are humans too who want to live comfortably. They are people and families who would like to raise their children like anyone else. We share one profession of faith with them and we ought to be in solidarity with our fellow Christians. I would like to make an appeal. Please cut out the front page of the bulletin this weekend and post them by your entrance door. Perhaps this would be an opportunity for us to be in solidarity with them who are being persecuted because of their profession of faith. Let us convert this sign of hostility to be a sign of hope and our support to the Arab Christians. Many of them left Mosul – one of the biggest cities in Iraq, bringing nothing with them. They do not know where to stay. They’ve lost their properties as they have been confiscated by the leading government. The Vatican sent the Iraqi church financial aid last week. I thought that perhaps we could also do something as a community. I propose to have a second collection during the weekend of August 24th. We will send the money to the Mission Office of the Archdiocese who will in turn forward the fund to the proper church agency. Also, I would like to call our community to be gathered in prayer on September 11th to pray for peace and the end of war in the world. We are blessed to be able to worship and express our faith publicly. We are blessed to live comfortably – not under the pressure of political war and persecution. Let us then act together and pray for the conversion of heart of those who play a role in this conflict. Finally, let us allow ourselves to become God’s instrument of peace. Let our interaction with one another become a visible sign that we are Christians. A peaceful person radiates nothing but peace alone. See you next weekend. Fr. Noel Masses, Intentions & Liturgies Pray for the Sick and the Homebound MONDAY, AUGUST 11 REQUESTED: 8:00am John & Helen Ochocki Dennis Krystyn Julie Arkus Family Dale Spielman John Dini TUESDAY, AUGUST 12 8:00am End of war WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13 8:00am Therese & Marion Drelicharz Rosemary Ward THURSDAY, AUGUST 14 8:00am Gene Hughes FRIDAY, AUGUST 15 8:00am Vilma & Julio Vega, wedding anniversary Tony & Pat Towey SATURDAY, AUGUST 16 8:00am Peace in the world 5:00pm Dorothy Scieszka Tom & Barb Stancato Ruth Pelinski Deacon Bill Joan Potempa Carmen Maso Mike Danzi Ed Sowin Edwin Dahm Jim & Terri Dahm Stephen Grygiel Family Harriet Frischmann Ruth & Bill Pelinski SUNDAY, AUGUST 17 8:30am Marion Drelicharz Anthem Propane Jane Davis Lillian Morrison 10am Kathy S. & Ron Farrar, healing Carmela & Vincenzo Faraone Marie Arns Sandy & Ron Hope Family Mary Hope Sandy & Ron Hope Family Mary Besenhofer Lorraine Forbes Bud Wenk Esther Foropoulos Helen Lasak Laverne Reilly Joe Palermo Maryann Moscinski Carmela & Roy Anderson Claro Dulay Please pray for our family & friends who currently serve in the military, especially PFC. Kevin Reilly, Army Cmdr Debbie Vavrus, Navy SSG. Nicholas Giovanelli, Army 1st Lt. Kevin Niemczyk, Army SPC Matthew Appelhans, Army CPL Brian Shaw, Army SHSR Joshua Storck, Navy 2nd Lt. Jeff Erkel, Army Por favor oren por nuestra familia y amigos que son veteranos y por quienes sirven actualmente en el ejército. Continued Mass Intentions 10:00am Marion Vana Ann Wenk 12pm For the immigrants Dick Vana Glenda Raupp Liturgical Ministries Schedule PRESIDER LECTOR LEADER OF SONG COMMUNION MINISTERS N/A August 16 5:00 PM Rev. Noel Reyes Barb Weyna Rosemary Thomas Cantor R Rzaca M Serrano P Scherer S Dalka August 17 8:30 AM Rev. Chuck Cooper Libby Giovanni Cantor G Raupp J Kozlik J Kozlik T Schrautemyer August 17 10:00 AM Rev. Sally Fortier Ginny Schetter Folk Choir J Niemczyk P Rotondo L Gallichio J Gallichio B Suriano T Ring K Hope C Mendoza August 17 12:00 PM Rev. Noel Reyes Marisol Reyna Marisela Moreno St. Stephen Spanish Choir J Márquez H Márquez E Alvarado M Reyna D Palacios C Palacios STEWARDSHIP for Fiscal Year July 2014 – June 2015 8/3/14 (240 envelopes received) Budgeted Sunday Collection $7,500 Other Income $3,020 For Week $10,520 Surplus(Deficit) for Week Surplus(Deficit) for Year Children’s Collection R.E. Actual $ 7,357 $9,871 $17,228 $6,708 $600 $2 Last Year $7,835 $12,115 $19,950 MINISTERS OF CARE Lee Manor N/A ALTAR SERVERS M Kloberdanz M Kloberdanz N Bartnowski K Salmeron M Suriano S Suriano MINISTRY OF CARE Any parishioner who is ill and unable to come to Mass, may request Holy Communion. Please contact the Parish Center to schedule a visit from a Minister of Care. 847-824-2026 Weekly Parish Events Eventos Parroquiales Semanales DATE/EVENT Monday, August 11, 2014 7:00pm Rosary Group 7:30pm Circulo de Oracion Tuesday, August 12, 2014 6:30pm Charismatic Choir Practice 7:30pm Folk Choir Rehearsal Wednesday, August 13, 2014 6:00pm Apache Park Open House 6:30pm Circulo de Oracion Thursday, August 14, 2014 1:00pm HandMades 7:00pm Sol Azteca Dance Group Friday, August 15, 2014 1:00pm Golden Hearts 6:00pm Hispanic Choir Saturday, August 16, 2014 12:00pm Market Day LOCATION Church Cry Room Music Room Music Room Gym Cry Room Santa Maria Room Mezydlo Room Mezydlo Room Music Room Gym Sunday, August 17, 2014 Outdoor Bilingual Mass of Evangelization (Hosted by the English Community) Friday, August 22nd at 6PM Cris & Marino Mendoza 1081 Irwin Ave. Des Plaines, IL 60018 The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary Misa de evangelización Viernes, 22 de Agosto a las 6pm Lugar por determinar El Reinado de la Santísima Virgen María OUR LADY OF DESTINY SCHOOL School starts on Thursday, August 21st. It is all-day for grades 1-8. Dismissal for all pre-schoolers and kindergarten students will be at 11:20am. We are still accepting applications for the 2014-2015 school year. Please call the office for more information. 847-827-2900 Janice Robles & Joko Diel Children’s Backpack Ministry Our Backpack Cupboard is bare. It is time to start gathering food supplies that we can begin to dispense to needy school children in District 62. Every Friday we will be putting together backpack loads of breakfasts, lunches, and dinners that will keep children nourished through the weekends when school lunches are not available to them. Last year we were able to aid 10 children in this way and we hope to top that this year if we can. PLEASE add some of the items from our list to your grocery list. You can drop off your donations in the bins at the back of the church marked “Backpack Ministry.” God bless you for your generosity. CANNED ITEMS Pasta: Ravioli, Spaghetti-os Soup Vegetables: Green Beans, Peas, Corn, Mixed Fruit, large can Beef Stew, Chili Peanut Butter, med. Plastic jar Jelly in squeeze pouch Canned Tuna, sausages, Chicken Tomato Sauce Macaroni and cheese (box) Pinto beans, Rice BREAKFAST Cereal, individual boxes Oatmeal packets (carton of 100 mixed) Indiv. Fruit cups SNACKS AND DESSERTS Pudding cups Individual packets: cookies, fruit snacks, raisins, Crackers with cheese or peanut butter Rice Krispy treats Juice boxes and pouches, Non refrigerated milk drinks St. Stephen Culinaires 2014-2015 Season September 20 October 18 November 15 December 6 & 7 February 7 March 21 May 16 All American Chicken Dinner OktoberFest/German Dinner Italian Dinner Bake Sale Oriental Dinner Soup & Salad Dinner Polish Dinner Family Fest 2014 THANK YOU to all who attended the Family Fest. Please look at the bulletin next week for the amount of money raised. Raffle winners may pick up at the Parish Center. If you won "pot rack" at Yahtzee, please call the Parish Center, we have your hooks for it. Church News Events // Eventos y Noticias Iglesia 2014-2015 Catequesis Estimados padres de familia: Ya estamos recibiendo inscripciones para el próximo año catequético. Primer año – necesitamos copias de los certificados de los sacramentos que ha recibido el niño/a , copia de la acta de nacimiento y un abono de la cuota Segundo año Recuerden que se tiene que inscribir de nuevo. También traigan copias de los documentos (si es que todavía no los entregan) y las copias de los boletín de la misa dominical. Los boletines deben estar firmados por el Padre Noel, la hermana Alma Rosa o yo. Deben traer todos los boletines para iniciar su segundo año de preparación. NO SE ACEPTARAN NIŇOS QUE NO TIENEN LOS BOLETINES. PARISH OFFICE STAFF: Rev. Noel Reyes………….....…Pastor Rev. John Era, CM..…Associate Pastor Mr. Bill Warmouth…………...Deacon Mr. Tony Towey……………...Deacon Mr. Don Telposky………RTD Deacon Sr. Alma Rosa…...Rel. Ed. Coordinator Toni Olague……….. Rel. Ed. Assistant Mrs. Linda Chorazy…O.L.D. Principal Marieth Quintero…….. Music Director Phyllis Rotondo…………..Bookkeeper Noreen Johnson……...Parish Secretary Ezequiel Teran…………..Receptionist Mariana Parra………….Records Clerk Daniel Roldan…Weekend Receptionist PARISH CENTER: 1253 Everett Ave. 847-824-2026 Des Plaines, Illinois 60018 (fax)3842 Office Hours: Tue-Fri 8:30 - 12 & 1-5PM Saturday 9:00AM to 1:00PM Sunday & Monday Closed OUR LADY OF DESTINY SCHOOL 1880 Ash Street 847-827-2900 Des Plaines, Illinois 60018 CHURCH: 1280 Prospect Ave. Des Plaines, Illinois 60018 MASSES: Weekdays: 8:00AM Vigil Mass Sat: 5:00PM Sundays: 8:30AM - 10:00AM 12:00 PM - Spanish Youth Mass 1st & 3rd Sat @ 5PM ROSARY: Mon-Sat after daily Mass/Sun after 10am Mass CONFESSIONS: Saturday 4:00-4:30PM BAPTISMS & WEDDINGS Please call the Parish Center for more information. NEW MEMBERS: Please register at the Parish Center. NEW WEBSITE: ANNOUNCEMENTS ** During church repairs, our Masses will either be in the gym or outside. ** Homeschool Religious Education Program is now accepting registrations. Orientation is scheduled for Sunday, August 24th at 11am in the Mezydlo Room. ** If your family is interested in participating in an 10:00am Family Mass, please call Liz Gallichio at 847-298 -5445. **Our next Baptismal Preparation Class in English is scheduled for Monday, August 11th at 7pm in the Parish Center. The Spanish Class has been moved to Tuesday, August 12th at 7pm in the Parish Center. Please call the office to sign up. ** Marriage Information Night is scheduled for Tuesday, August 12th at 7pm in the Parish Center. Please call the office if you plan to attend. ** Apache Park Neighborhood Plan Open House will be on Wed. August 13th at 6:00pm in our gym. This plan provides ideas to improve housing, open space and neighborhood stability. All are welcome to attend. ** St. Stephen Folk Choir 50th Anniversary Concert will be on Saturday, September 27th at 1pm in church. ** If you are interested in RCIA, please contact Deacon Bill or call the Parish Center. ANUNCIOS PARROQUIALES ** Durante las reparaciones de la iglesia, la Misas será ya sea en el gimnasio o al aire libre. ** A las familias que tienen planeado hacer Misa de Quinceañera en San Esteban, deben tener al menos 60 personas asistiendo a la Misa, entre familiares y amigos. De otra manera, se celebrara una liturgia de la palabra en lugar de la Santa Misa. **Boda Comunidad en Sábado, 04 de octubre de nuestros feligreses. Por favor, llame al Centro Parroquial para registrarse. EMAIL: [email protected] [email protected] ** Nuestra Clase de Preparación Bautismal en Inglés está programada para el Lunes, 11 de Agosto a las 7 de la noche en el Centro Parroquial. GOD'S IMAGE Nature has perfections in order to show that she is the image of God, and defects to show that she is only God's image. --Blaise Pascal IMAGEN DE DIOS La naturaleza tiene perfecciones a fin de mostrarnos que ella es la imagen de Dios, así como defectos para mostrarnos que es apenas imagen de Dios. --Blas Pascal ** La Clase en Español ha sido trasladada para el Martes, 12 de Agosto a las 7 de la noche en el Centro Parroquial. Por favor llame a la oficina si usted planea asistir. ** Noche de Información para matrimonio será el martes 12 de agosto a las 7 pm. Por favor, llame al Centro Parroquial si va a asistir.