Mass and Confessions Schedule


Mass and Confessions Schedule
San Pablo Catholic Church
550 122nd Street - Ocean, Marathon, FL 33050
Mile Marker 53.5 Telephone: (305) 289-0636
Fourth Sunday of Easter
April 17, 2016
In Christian art, the earliest depictions of
Jesus Christ were not of his crucifixion or of
his resurrection. The first known renderings
of Jesus show him as the Good Shepherd, the
image put before us in today’s readings. In
the Gospel passage Jesus reveals that he is the
shepherd and his followers are his “flock.”
In the first and second readings, we are
told more about the flock. The passage from
Acts assures us that both Jews and Gentiles
are called to follow Jesus. It is faith, not
birthright, that makes us part of the company
of believers. In the passage from the book of
Revelation we learn that the flock that follows
this Lamb of God will also be washed in his
blood. They will endure a time of trial before
they enjoy eternal life. Be assured of the
promise, we are told, but know there is a
price to be paid.
Mass and Confessions Schedule
Weekend Masses: Regular Schedule
Saturday : 5:30 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM ,11:00 AM &
1:30 PM (SP)
Confessions: Saturdays at 3:00 –4:00 PM
Daily Mass: Monday through Friday
At 8:00 AM
Call the Office for: Baptism, Confirmation,
Marriage, Communion to the Sick, Anointing and Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Pastor: Rev. Luis R. Rivera
Deacon: Rev. Mr. John T. Kirk
Plant Manager: Paul Navara
Office Staff: Sis & Deacon John Kirk
Office Hours: 9:00 - 3:00 PM (M-F)
Telephone: (305) 289-0636 Fax: (305) 743-8192
Religious Education Director: Terry Walters
Telephone (305) 393-1407
Music Director: Ray Myslakowski
E mail: [email protected]
Emergency Number: 305-587-4383
Please remember San Pablo Parish in your will
Page 2
April 17, 2016
Flowers are dedicated to the
Living and Deceased Members of the Pinder & Pezzi Families
Each Mass is offered for the intentions of everyone
present. Please join us in praying for:
MONDAY, April 18
+ Daniel Pinero
By Nancy Arrowsmith
+ Anthony Morrone
By George & Lorraine Lees
TUESDAY, April 19
8:00 AM
+ Daniel Pinero
By Jean Pinder
+ Tom Kellerher
By Dennis & Joan Bowman
8:00 AM
+ Daniel Pinero
By Pat & Pol Raynal
L Marie DeGraw
By San Pablo Parish Family
+ Sr. Antoinette D’Amato by Mary McFadden
THURSDAY, April 21 (St. Anselm, bishop & doctor)
8:00 AM
+Daniel Pinero
By San Pablo Parish Family
L Marie De Graw by San Pablo Women’s Club
FRIDAY, April 22
8:00 AM
+ Daniel Pinero
By San Pablo Women’s Club
+ Sr. Antoinette D’Amato
By Mary Mc Fadden
SATURDAY, April 23 (St. George, martyr, St. Adalbert bishop)
5:30 PM
+ John B. Cabay by Egizio Family
+ George Fijux by Frank &Helen Gessell
+ Sr. Antoinette D’Amato
By John and Colleen Repetto
+Melquides Malagon
By Family
Sunday, April 24 (Fifth Sunday of Easter)
8:00 AM
L&D Pinder & Pezzi Families
+ Simone Hebert by Marie Flood
+ Bill Thomas by Rosemary Thomas
+ Irma Gallagher by Hanora Donovan
11:00 AM
+ William Keck by Lynn & Ralph Ridolfino
+ Chuck & Marian Hanson by Pat & Bob Becker
1:30 PM
People of the Parish
April 10, 2016
2nd- $1460
2nd- $1642
Thank you to our parishioners and visitors
for their generous support of San Pablo.
The following questions and answers may help to focus on
some important points of Amoris Laetitia, “The Joy of
Love: On Love in the Family”, the
Exhortation written by Pope Francis
after the two Synods of Bishops on
that topic in October 2014 and October 2015. Included are questions that
might well be asked by journalists.
1. What’s new in this exhortation,
Amoris Laetitia?
AL draws on a long history
of Church teaching, and a very intense Synod experience. It draws on both new and old.
What’s new above all is an attitude of accompaniment.
Pope Francis, like his predecessors, recognizes the
complexity of modern family life. But he puts an added
emphasis on the need for the Church and her ministers
to be close to people no matter what their situation
might be or how far from the Church they might feel:
to understand, to accompany, to integrate, and to have
their arms open especially for anyone who is hurting.
(AL 311) AL is not simply a theoretical text with no
connection to people’s real problems.
The very title suggests the positive thrust of
the document. It continually offers concrete reminders
of the beauty of family life, despite all the challenges
this vocation can entail. Pope Francis writes eloquently about how forming a family means being part of
God’s dream, joining him in building a world “where
no one will feel alone.” (AL 320)
Sylvia Puto, Pat Miola, Cathy Mc Koy, Michael Lavallatto, Mary Weinstein, Barbara Arena, Daniel
Cuartas, Trey Noonan, Robert Robinson, Joe Lapomardo, Ernest Maseto, Steve Ligeikis, Mark Miller,
George Bratton, Fran Newman, Dorothy Pawlus,
Sara Joseph-Rager, Mike Doll, Diane Baubinas,
Stephen Schmitt, Shawna Johannes, Mary Burgess,
David Hill, Anneri Laureano, Mike Valentine, Lisa
Anderson, Mary Aucremanne, Roland Rochleau,
Rosa Maria Santos, Ann Kennedy, Sue Palguta,
Abe Kurtz, Fr. Paul Plante, George Pratt, Carl
Cormier, Jerry Mayette, Helen Gessell, Debbie Mac
Innes, Patrick Kelley, Carol Fay, Camille Westerman, Halley Feaster, Andre Alvarez, Marie Valentine, Morgan Leary, Richard Conn, Monica Haffey,
Faith Palguta, Annie Marill & Girls, Elisa Martinez,
Peter Pittman, Dallas Xavier Jimenez, Katherine
Harmon, Ellen Monahan Andary, John Taschler,
Nancy Magro, Jeannie Brock, Huffman Family and
Richard April.
April 17, 2016
Page 3
Amoris Laetitia
Las siguientes preguntas /
respuestas pueden contribuir a
individuar algunos puntos importantes de Amoris laetitia, "La
la familia", la Exhortacion escrita
por el Papa Francisco despues de
losdosSinodosdelosObisposdedicados a ese tema en octubre de
2014 y octubre de 2015. Se incluyen algunas
l. CualessonlasnovedadesdelaexhortacionAmoris laetitia?
The San Pablo Gift Shop is currently under construction.
The shop has been completely cleared out. We are in the
process of replacing the flooring and putting on a new
fresh coat of paint. We look forward to opening soon with
new inventory and a new look. We will keep you posted
on our progress.
Ongoing Activities
We welcome anyone new to the area and invite you to
register at the office. Registration forms are also availAl sebasaenunalarga historiade ense ianza dela able in the pamphlet rack in the church.
Porlotanto,sefundatantoenloantiguocomoenlo While at San Pablo, please take a walk through our
nuevo.Lanovedad,porencimadetodoesunaacti- beautiful prayer gardens. The entrance is located betuddeacompa iamiento.ElPapaFrancisco,aligual tween the church and parish hall.
quesuspredecesores,reconocelacomplejidaddela Religious Education Program meets in the Parish
vida familiar moderna. Pero acentua mucho mas la Hall. Families with children 1st grade and up meet on
necesidad de que la Iglesia y sus ministros esten Sunday at 12:00 PM. Confirmation class meets at 6:00
cerca de las personas sin importar la situacion en PM on Wednesday. Please call Terry Walters at 305393-1407 or [email protected]
queseencuentrenoloalejadosquesepuedansentirdelaIglesia:comprender,acompa iar,integrary The Women’s Club meets on the 2nd Monday of the
month in the Parish Hall from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.
For more information about activities or meetings, call
sufren (AL 312). AL no es simplemente un texto Joyce Hazuka at 289-8351.
te6rico desconectado de los problemas reales de la
San Pablo’s Hidden Heaven Gift Shop & Bookstore
has many beautiful religious items for sale. The shop is
El titulo mismo sugiere la actitud del documento. located in the parish hall and is open after the Masses
Recuerdaconstanteyconcretamentelabellezadela on Sunday.
vida familiar, a pesar de todos los problemas que
The Rosary Group meets First Saturday in the Rocon lleva. Francisco escribe elocuentemente sobre sary Garden @12:00 Noon and every morning M-F @
7:30 am before daily Mass. It’s a wonderful way to start
arunafamiliasigni icaserpartedelsue iodeDios, the day.
uniendose a El en la construcci6n de un mundo The Arts & Crafts Ladies meet on Wednesdays from
"dondenadiesesientasolo."(AL 321)
1:00pm to 4:00pm in the parish hall. We are looking
new members!! We can teach you how to knit.
AL-ANON @ 305-295-8886 or
if your life has been affected by someone’s
Do you wish to help the poor and needy? This is
your call! Nancy Arrowsmith is organizing groups of
men and women to periodically heat and serve food Alcoholics [email protected] or call
to the homeless at Independence Cay on Fridays 888-672-4442.
from Noon until 1:30 PM. Food is provided by KAIR. Electronic Giving @ ParishPay. Call 866-727-4741 or go
If you are interested in helping once a month or
more please call Nancy at 305-289-7676.
Habitat for Humanity please call Chris @ 305-743-9828

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