Productos - USAnatural


Productos - USAnatural
A. Category: Weight Loss (Adelgazantes)
Less Vientre Plano( Less Flat Belly)
Reduce Appetite
Slims your figure
Metabolize the body fat
Price Bottle 30 Capsules: $44.95
Slimming Cream: $29.95
Combo Special: $59.95
Directions: (1) capsule twice daily with food.
Slimming Cream: Anti Cellulite & Fat
Reducing. Apply a small amount once or
twice daily by massaging in a circular
motion in to skin, concentrating on targeted
problems areas of your abdomen, waist and
Adipessum is a Chinese weight-loss pill marketed as a “miracle”. Some
of the ingredients in the supplemental include kola nut, artichoke,
astragalus root, cassia seed, lotus leaf, and alfalfa. You are only
required to take one pill a day. Adipessum 100% original, help people
who want to lose weight and inches of fat. They are excellent in
suppressing appetite and fat removal. In turn increase the energy level
which is a great help to spend those energies doing exercise, which is
essential for healthy weight loss and promoting a healthy lifestyle.
Price: $39.99
Directions: 1pack/30 pills. Take one pill a day.
Although it is a tropical fruit that is not grown in many countries,
pineapple is increasingly present in our food and is excellent for
improving our health and physical appearance thanks to its diuretic
properties. Because of this benefit it has become the star of many diets,
managing to reduce fluid retention and swelling and improving our
Price: $18.99
B. Category: Nutraceuticals/ Nutraceuticos
Bioxtron: Stem Cells are an undiffentiated cell of a multicellular
organism that is capable of giving rise to indefinitely more cells of
the same type, and from which certain other kinds of cell arise by
differentiation. During the natural aging process stem cells are
drastically reduced, afecting the inmune system and limiting the
body’s abilities. Bioxtron’s exclusive formula works to support and
maintain stem cell health, thereby providing an overall sense of
Bioxtron es un tratamiento 100% natural hecho en base a una
super alga que se conoce como AFA (Aphanizomenon Flos Aquea)
llamado el descubrimiento del siglo 21 porque permite que su
propio organismo genere celulas madres adultas de la medula
osea en el torrente sanguineo.
Las celulas madre adultas a diferencia de las celulas comunes, son
celulas pluri-potentes las cuales son capaces de convertirse en
cualquier tipo de tejido reponiendo los tejidos afectados. Las
celulas madres se multiplican reponiendo cartilagos, musculos,
nervios, piel, globulos rojos y organos. Coadyudando asi a tratar la
mayoria de las enfermedades.
Si usted padece sintomas como:
 Dolores musculares
 Inflamacion en las articulaciones
 Falta de energia
 Alto nivel de azucar en la sangre
 Manchas o cicatrices
Le recomendamos Bioxtron. Bioxtron le va a ayudar a
regular su metabolismo para que vuelva a sentirse mejor
con mas energia, integrando a su vida las vitaminas y
antioxidantes necesarios de manera natural.
Bioxtron es 100% Natural y no tiene efectos secundarios.
Directions: 1 capsule twice daily / 1 capsula dos veces al dia.
Bottle 60 capsules/ Frasco 60 capsulas.
Price: $49.95
Vital Cure
Recientes investigaciones, revelan que la mayoria de las 148
enfermedades mas conocidas en nuestro pais son causadas por la
Candida Albicans, el parasito responsible de muchos de los problemas
de la salud.
Vital Cure es un Purificador Organico 100% Natural con una profunda
accion desintoxicante, combatiendo la Candidasis y devoliviendole una
vida llena de energia. Vital Cure tambien actua como una barrera
inmunologica. Vital Cure es la solucion rapida, segura y natural que
combate sus problemas de salud en apenas 7 dias.
Indicacion: 1 Capusula una vez al dia. Precio: $44.95
Cannabis Oil – Organic Extra Virgin
Fights aching joints and soree muscles.
Intestinal discomfort.
Helps the digestive system and helps to control the body sugar in your
Helps control ansienty and depression.
It helps insomnia sufferers get back their sleep.
It helps the digestive system functions.
Very effective in reducing inflamation, nasuea and vomits.
Helps to a healthier heart, assists in preenting certain cardiovascular conditions.
The body regulatory system must maintain internal stability, this product when
use properlly can help reduce and assists with:
Eplipsy, Parkinsons, Alzheimer, Chron Disease, Multiple-sclerosis, PSTD,
Neuropathy, Diabetes, Cronic Pain and much more.
(continues on the next page…)
Precio: Cannabis Oil
1oz. $ 29.99
2oz. $45.00
Precio: Cannabis Frasco (60) capsulas $ 39.99
Precio: Canabis Cream 4oz. $32.95
Precio: Cannabis con Graviola 1 oz. $39.99
C. General Health/ Salud General
Tienes dolor y ardor al orinar? Te levantas muchas veces en la noche
para ir al bano? Sientes que la vegiga no se vacia completamente?
Seguramente estas padeciendo de la prostata y no te has dado cuenta.
Tienes que actuar ya! No dejes que tu vida se siga alterando por esto.
Presentamos la solucion 100% Natural que ya ha ayudado a miles de
hombres…. Extra Mega Prostamax puede ayudarte con su unica y
exclusiva formula a recuperar la salud de la prostata en solo 30 dias.
Con Beta- Sitosterol, Saw Palmeto, Zinc, Lycopene, Semilla de Calabaza,
Una de gato y Pygeum Africanum.
Indicaciones: (1) capsula tres veces al dia.
Precio: Frasco 90 capsulas $44.95
Company Name: USA NATURAL
Mission: Our mission is to help people thrive for a better
health through the alternative medicine and the natural
healing methods. To provide a better quality of life based
on the mother nature gifts.
Mision: Nuestra mision es ayudar a las personas a
desarrollar una mejor salud atraves de la medicina
alternativa y de los metodos de sanacion natural. Para
lograr una mejor calidad de vida basada en los regalos
que nos da la madre naturaleza.
Motto: A Driving Force to Wellness/ La Fuerza Que
Impulsa al Bienestar