Estabilización de taludes KALKBERGSTADION BAD SEGEBERG, DE KALKBERGSTADION BAD SEGEBERG Estabilización de taludes Proyecto Calle Código postal Lugar País / Región Kalkbergstadion Bad Segeberg Año de instalación: 2010 Cliente Ingeniería: Contratista Stadt Bad Segeberg Geomontan GmbH, Grossschirma / OT Rothenfurth Stump Spezialtiefbau GmbH, NL Chemnitz, GEOTECHNIK PROJEKT, Leipzig / TU Bergakademie Freiberg Bad Segeberg Alemania Subcontratista: Situación The Kalkberg is mainly composed of anhydrite. Under the influence of humidity, dew and rainfall, this turns to gypsum and increases volume. this process, known as gypsification, creates shell-like "bulges" up to several meters thick which protrude from faults running parallel to the slope. Every year until 2007, before the concert season began, the rock faces were cleared of debris to protect performers and spectators from the threat of rockfalls and avalanches. This often causes considerable damage to the stage and scenery. If a fault were to crack open, this could increase the tension along the plates of gypsum. There is thus the residual risk that these "bulges", which are over 100m2 in size and up to several meters thick, could come loose and crash down without warning. Descripción Before protective work began, extensive tests and calculations were carried out and trial anchorages were installed to select the most suitable grouting mortar. The SPIDER rock protection system was dimensioned in part using SPIDER ONLINE-TOOL software by the TU Freiberg. Around the stage, the appearance of the rock face could not be altered, meaning that no nets could be hung in this area. Rock nails with countersunk heads were used instead. The SPIDER rock protection system was installed in 2009 and 2010 on several rock faces, e.g. near the cave exit and above the spectators' area, in some cases while events were in progress in the theater. At between 20 and 30 meters, the heights of the rock face posed an additional challenge to the contractor due to the limited accessibility it afforded. A mobile crane with attached drilling platform was used for some of the drilling work. Objeto protegido Sistemas Infraestructura turística Protección contra la corrosión GEOBRUGG SUPERCOATING ® Estabilización de taludes | Kalkbergstadion Bad Segeberg, DE 2/5 problemas del terreno Área estabilizada 2000 m² terreno Medida de protección Anclaje tipo revegetación Geomalla de control de erosión Exposición Estabilización de taludes | Kalkbergstadion Bad Segeberg, DE No No - 3/5 Estabilización de taludes | Kalkbergstadion Bad Segeberg, DE 4/5 Si tiene preguntas por favor póngase en contacto con nuestro especialista Geobrugg en su área: Eberhard Gröner Project Manager North-West Germany, Regional Manager UK T +41 71 466 81 57 [email protected] Geobrugg AG Aachstrasse 11 | 8590 Romanshorn | Suiza [email protected] | www.geobrugg.com A company of the BRUGG Group | Certified to ISO 9001 Estabilización de taludes | Kalkbergstadion Bad Segeberg, DE 5/5
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