The Redemptorists - Boston`s Basilica
The Redemptorists - Boston`s Basilica
Third Sunday of Easter From the Rector Very Rev. Joseph Tizio, C.Ss.R. One of the beautiful things about the Holy Week celebrations which touched me deeply was watching everyone work together. Despite our differences in language and culture, we were all able to worship as one community, each member helping the other. I was especially touched with the washing of the feet on Holy Thursday when I saw everyone working together, literally washing one another’s feet. I have always said that when we work together, united in our faith, anything is possible. When we are divided and working separately, nothing wonderful can really happen. I would like to give you a very simple project that maybe we can work on together. We are hoping to expand our weekly Sunday bulletin by adding four more pages while still keeping the beautiful format which we have. We hope to add information about our grammar school, and also more information for our Haitian and Hispanic communities. So many events are not placed in the bulletin because we do not have enough space. However, to expand the bulletin we need to find more businesses who are willing to advertise in order to defray the cost of the additional pages. You can help by seeking out new advertisers for our bulletin, if there are businesses which you frequent perhaps you can see if they would be interested in advertising. If you know of a business owner who would be interested in advertising please share with me or Fr. Dabney. Inquiries or contacts can be sent to [email protected] I have learned over the years that faith communities do not move forward in big dramatic leaps but in small steps taken together. Seeking an advertiser for the bulletin does not sound like much but it will allow that bulletin to get into more hands and make more people aware of what a special community the Basilica really is. April 10, 2016 Staffed by The Redemptorists Weekday Masses 7:00am and 12:10pm Saturday Masses 8:00am and 12:10pm Vigil: 4:00pm, 7:00pm (Haitian) Sunday Masses 9:00am,12:30pm, 5:00pm 11:00am (Spanish) Sacrament of Penance Monday-Saturday at 11:50am Saturday 3:30pm Wednesday Novena Service 12:10pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm (Spanish) Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Wednesday 8:00am to 5:00pm Friday 8:00am to Noon Apr 09 8:00am 12:10pm 4:00pm 7:00pm MASS INTENTIONS Saturday TV Novena Donors Shrine Members Living/Deceased John and Bridget Murphy McDonald Family +Jean Sergiles Apr 10 Sunday 9:00am 11:00am 12:30pm 5:00pm R. MIchael Yaras +Milagors Santiago Oscar and Maria Teresa Madrid +Luis Cortes +John G. Spellman Purgatorian Society Apr 11 7:00am 12:10pm Apr 12 7:00am 12:10pm Apr 13 7:00am 12:10pm 6:30pm Apr 14 7:00am 12:10pm Apr 15 7:00am 12:10pm Apr 16 8:00am 12:10pm 4:00pm 7:00pm Monday Frances Preskul Marianne Cashman Tuesday +Joseph Browman +Joseph D. and Helen F. Cree Wednesday Marcehte Jean Louis and Family Herry Family Purgatorian Society Thursday Shrine Members Living and Deceased In Thanksgiving to OLPH Friday TV Novena Donors +Daniel Doherty Saturday TV Novena Donors Shrine Members Living/Deceased +Denis Hourihan +Germain Sergiles FROM THE RECTOR En Español Una de las cosas bellas acerca de las celebraciones de la Semana Santa, que me ha tocado profundamente estaba viendo todos trabajando juntos. A pesar de nuestras diferencias en el lenguaje y la cultura, todos podemos adorar como una sola comunidad, cada miembro ayudando al otro. Me tocó sobre todo el lavatorio de los pies el Jueves Santo cuando vi a todos trabajando juntos, literalmente lavando los pies los unos a los otros. Siempre he dicho que cuando trabajamos juntos, unidos en nuestra fe, todo es posible. Cuando estamos divididos y trabajando por separado, nada realmente maravilloso puede suceder. Me gustaría darles un proyecto muy sencillo que tal vez podamos trabajar juntos. Esperamos ampliar nuestro boletín dominical semanal por la adición de cuatro páginas más mientras manteniendo el bello formato que tenemos. Esperamos añadir información sobre nuestra escuela, y también más información para nuestras comunidades haitianas e hispanas. Tantos eventos no están anunciados en el boletín porque no tenemos suficiente espacio. Sin embargo, para ampliar el boletín necesitamos encontrar más negocios que están dispuestos a hacer publicidad en el boletín con el fin de sufragar el costo de las páginas adicionales. Ustedes pueden ayudar mediante la búsqueda de nuevos anunciantes para nuestro boletín. Si hay negocios que ustedes frecuentan tal vez ustedes pueden averiguar si estarían interesados en la publicidad. Si ustedes conocen el dueño de un negocio que podría estar interesado en la publicidad, favor de compartir esta información conmigo o con el Padre Dabney. Preguntas y contactos pueden ser enviados a [email protected]. He aprendido con los años que las comunidades de fe no se mueven hacia delante en grandes saltos dramáticos pero en pequeños pasos tomados juntos. Buscando un anunciante para el boletín no suena como mucho, pero permitirá que el boletín estaría en más manos y haría más personas conscientes de que la comunidad de la Basílica es realmente especial. Multicultural Easter Celebration Our diverse parish community will come together for the annual Multicultural Easter Celebration to be held on Saturday, April 16, 2016 from 5:30pm-8:30pm in the Parish Center. Music, dance, poems, and a potluck will share cultural traditions from English, Spanish, Haitian, Caribbean and African Groups. Catholic Appeal Thank you to all those who have contributed to the annual Catholic Appeal. As of March 31st, the parish has reached 44% of the $25,400 goal. We encourage those who have not made a pledge or contribution to please consider doing so by picking up an information pamphlet at the back of the church. Weekly Collection For Weekend of March 27, 2016 (Easter Sunday) Total Mass Offertory ParishPay TOTAL: $7,821 $471 $8,292 All of us are challenged to show our love for Jesus by “feeding His sheep.” Through prayer ask God how you should best use your time, talent and treasure to assist those who are in need. Remember that giving is an act of worship and helps advance the mission of our parish and greater Church. NEWS & EVENTS Life in the Spirit Seminar The Life in the Spirit seminar is a time of renewal and rededication to establish a personal relationship with Christ as well as be aware of the Holy Spirit in your life. Join Rev. Robert Lennon, C.Ss.R. for a series of Monday evening meet ups from 6:30-8:30pm in the Parish Center: April 11th – God’s Love April 18th – Salvation April 25th – The New Life and Receiving God’s Gifts May 2nd – Praying for Baptism in the Holy Spirit May 9th – Growth/Transformation in Christ Parish Pastoral Council The Pastoral Council will meet Tuesday, April 19th at 7:00 pm in the rectory. We will continue to work on our plans for the parish assembly in the fall. Subsribe to Our Email Newsletter Once a month, the Basilica shares news and events via an email newsletter. Sign up by visiting our website: We respect your privacy and will not share your personal information. You may unsubscribe at anytime. Catholic Faith Workshop The Theological Institute at Saint John’s is offering engaging and informative workshops on the Catholic faith. Saturday, April 19th, 2016: Evangelizing the Post-Modern World Msgr. James P. Moroney, Rector, Saint John’s Seminary will offer this much anticipated workshop. For further information call 617.779.4104 or visit www. The Institute is located at 149 Washington Street in Brighton, MA. Summer Program at Northeast Catholic College Room is still available for the Summer Program at Northeast Catholic College in Warner, NH! The Collegiate Summer Program offers participants the opportunity to study theology, philosophy, literature and political science. During the summer program, students also attend daily Mass and enjoy sports, socials and day trips including hiking and canoeing. The program is for students who will be entering their sophomore, junior or senior year of high school in the fall of 2016. It is also open to students who have just graduated high school. The Collegiate Summer Program is a two-week session that runs from Sunday, July 24 – Saturday, August 6, 2016. Register today at! For more information, contact the admissions office at [email protected] or 603.456.2656. Concert in Honor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help On Saturday, May 21, 2016, at 7:00 PM in our Basilica, there will be a concert to honor Our Mother of Perpetual Help, whose image has been made known for 150 years by the Redemptorists throughout the world. The Concert will feature a wonderful Irish Chorale from Toronto, Canada and three Irish priests: Fr. Philip Dabney, C.Ss.R. (CatholicTV Novena Priest), Fr. Bob Reed (Director of the CatholicTV Network), and Fr. Chris Hickey (CatholicTV Host of Going My Way). Tickets are $10.00 each. Please sign up by visiting or calling the parish office. 1545 Tremont Street • Boston, MA 02120 617-445-2600 Rector/Pastor Very Rev. Joseph Tizio, C.Ss.R. Parochial Vicars Rev. Robert Lennon, C.Ss.R. Rev. Francis Sullivan, C.Ss.R. Rev. John Furey, C.Ss.R. Rev. John Lavin, C.Ss.R. Rev. Philip Dabney, C.Ss.R. Rev. Pierre Desruisseaux, C.Ss.R. Director of Students Rev. Denis Sweeney, C.Ss.R. Religious Education Coordinator Br. Michael Cunningham, C.Ss.R. 617-516-0380 Healing and Restoration Ministry Office: 617-442-2008 Prayer Line: 617-442-3938 Society of St. Vincent DePaul Office: 347-776-0371 E-mail: [email protected] Our Lady of Perpetual Help Prayer Groups English - Mondays, 6:30pm in Parish Center Spanish - Mondays, 7:00pm in the Church Our Lady of Perpetual Help Mission Grammar School 94 St. Alphonsus Street • 617-442-2660 Principal: Mrs. Ali Dutson
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The Redemptorists - Boston`s Basilica
the summer program, students also attend daily Mass and enjoy sports, socials and day trips including hiking and canoeing. The program is for students who will be entering their sophomore, junior o...
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