Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Parish
Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Parish
Buying, selling, need a mortgage or line of credit? Free evaluations to your email or over the phone: Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Parish Amparo Foster Licensed Broker/Realtor AMP Realty (403) 455-5571 Clergy: REV. SHIBU KALLARAKKAL, CFIC, PASTOR REV. EDWIN NGAH, CFCI, ASSOCIATE PASTOR REV. UGO STURABOTTI, CFIC RESIDENT PRIEST Rev. Mr. Ron Nowell, Deacon Rev. Mr. Alex Martinez, Deacon Directory: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Website: Facebook: 403-276-1689 403-230-0603 [email protected] Mary Mother of the Redeemer Parish Office Hours: Monday: Tuesday to Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 1714 – 14 Avenue N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 1G3 Served by the Congregation of the Sons of the Immaculate Conception Italiano-English-Español Weekend Readings: “ Turn your eyes, O God, our shield; and look on the face of your anointed one; one day within your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere .” Psalm 83.10-11 First Reading: Jeremiah 38.4-6, 8-10 Psalm: 40 Second Reading: Hebrews12.1-4 Gospel: Luke 12.49-53 Weekly Mass Intentions August 16th-21th Thursday 18 Saturday 20 Sunday 21 7:00pm 6:30pm Nicolas Nieto Ramos Granados Esteban Ndong Membia Asangono Sebastian Perez (Cumpleaños) Marta Ramirez (Cumpleaños) Letty Bushting (salud) Patricia Rivas 9:00am Emma Tignanelli Armando Durante Antonio Durante Concetta Morrone 11:00am Mama Julia Ngum Catherine Maboh Christopher Maboh 1:00pm Clara Saenz Rafael Alvarez Ventura alvarado Axel Aredondo Carmen & Bernardo (38 Aniversario Boda) 6:00pm Adriana Nuñez Daniel Fuentes Ema Jara Closed (Office and Church) 9:00am - 8:00pm 10:00am - 6:00pm Closed (Office) Mass Times Weekend Masses: 4:30 pm (Saturday - English) 6:30 pm (Saturday - Español) 9:00 am (Sunday - Italiano) 11:00 am (Sunday - English) - Children’s Liturgy 1:00 pm (Sunday - Español) 6:00 pm (Sunday - Español) Weekday Masses: 9:00 am (English) Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri/Sat 7:00 pm Thursday (Español) Adoración del Santisímo Sacramento 7:30 pm first Saturday of the Month Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament From 9:00am to 12:00pm and 6:00pm to 7:00pm first Friday of the Month Reconciliation/Reconciliación: English: Saturday 4:00 - 4:30pm (followed by English mass) Spanish: Thursday, Saturday and Sunday 30min before of each Spanish Mass) Healing Mass / Misa de Sanación: 6:00 pm every first Tuesday of the Month Memorial Mass: 7:00 pm every first Wednesday of the Month Weddings / Quinceaños: Please call the office 6 months in advance. Baptisms: Baptism Preparation Course please call the office. 14 AGOSTO AUGUST 14th 14 DE AGOSTO 20° DOMENICA DEL TEMPO ORDINARIO 20th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 20° DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO LEARN ITALIAN "Level I" Italian classes will be given on Wednesdays and Fridays, from 6 to 7 pm, starting on August 3, until September 16. You are all welcome! CLASES EN ITALIANO Se impartirán clases gratis de Italiano “Nivel I” los días Miércoles y Viernes de 6 a 7pm, a partir del 3 de Agosto hasta el 16 de Septiembre. Sean todos bienvenidos! AVVISO IMPORTANTE Lunedì 15 Agosto si celebreranno 3 S. Messe solenni in onore della Beata Vergine Maria Assunta in cielo. Messa in inglese alle ore 9 di mattina Messa in italiano alle ore 6 di seraMessa in spagnolo alle ore 7 di sera. Contiamo sulla vostra presenza! EDUCANDO AL CORAZON La Parroquia Maria Madre del Redentor y la Sociedad de Misioneros del Amor de Dios invita al retiro “Educando el Corazón” el día 20 de Agosto de 9 a 4 pm en el salón principal de la parroquia. El costo del boleto es de 10 dólares. Habrá venta de comida en el evento. IMPORTANT NOTICE AVISO IMPORTANTE On August 15 a Mass will be held in El 15 de Agosto celebraremos Misa solemnity to the Assumption of the en Solemnidad a la Asunción de la Blessed Virgin Mary. English mass Santísima Virgen María. A las at 9 am, Italian mass at 6 pm, and 9:00am en Ingles, 6:pm en Italiano Spanish mass at 7 pm. We count on y a las 7pm en Español . your presence! Te esperamos! FAMILY COUNSELLING & PSYCHOLOGY THERAPY FOR TEENS Free Family Counselling and Psychology therapy for teens is available from 1:00pm to 7:00pm every Thursday evening at Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Parish through Family Counselling. If you would like to making appointment please contact the parish office. ASESORIA Y TERAPIA PSICOLOGÍCA PARA ADOLESCENTES Y FAMILIA Gratis Consejería Familiar y terapia psicología para adolescentes todos los jueves de 1:00 - 7:00 pm, en la Parroquia María, Madre del Redentor a través de Consejería Familiar. Si usted desea hacer una cita, por favor comuníquese con la secretaria de la parroquia. SETTIMANA DI SPIRITUALITÀ DELLA COMUNITÀ ITALIANA Parrocchia “Mary, Mother of the Redeemer” CALGARY (Canada), 8-11 Settembre 2016 ● 8 Settembre – Giovedì, ore 19 Laudato sì’: Papa Francesco ci scrive Lettera sulla terra, nostra casa comune ● 9 Settembre – Venerdì, ore 19 FORMULA 121 El grupo de Jóvenes en español JUBILEE invita a muchachos entre 15 y 25 años a su retiro anual Fórmula 121 los días 16, 17 y 18 de Septiembre. Para más información dirigirse a los coordinadores al final de cada misa. Te esperamos! Ti piacerebbe essere un missionario Would you like to be a Missionary in nella tua famiglia, nella tua your Family, your Parish and Socieparrocchia o nella società?Ci ty? piacerebbe parlare con te Society of We would like to talk to you!Society Missionaries of God’s Love of Missionaries of God’s Love. 403-590-1630 403-590-1630 [email protected] [email protected] CONSULENZE E TERAPIE PSICOLOGICHE Gratuite per adoloscenti e famiglie sarà disponibile ogni Giovedì sera dale ore 13:00pm alle ore 19:00pm nella chiesa parrochiale di “Maria Madre Del Redentore” tramite Family Counselling. Per un appuntamento si prega di contattare l’ufficio parrocchiale. ¿Te gustaría ser un Misionero o Misionera en tu Familia, tu Parroquia y la Sociedad? Nos gustaría platicar contigo Sociedad de Misioneros del Amor de Dios 403-590630 [email protected] RINNOVAMENTO NELLO RENOVATION IN THE HOLY RENOVACION EN EL ESPIRITU SPIRITO SANTO SPIRIT SANTO Invita le assemblee di preghiere Invites to the Prayer Assemblies Invita a las asambleas de Oración “Sabati Di Miracoli, Lode, “Sábados de Milagros, alabanzas, “Saturdays of Miracles, praise, Adorazione E Testimonianze” Tenute worship and testimonies" after adoración y testimonios” despúes de dopo la Messa delle 18:30. Per la Misa de 6:30pm. Para más the 6:30 p.m. Mass. For more eventuali chiarimenti, si prega di información llamar al (403) 288information call (403) 288telefonare a (403) 288-9318 9318. 9318. (In Spanish). (in Spagnolo) (En español). L’artista dei migranti: Trento Longaretti a Calgary In occasione del suo 100° compleanno ● 10 Settembre – Sabato, ore 19 Farsi santi: storie possibili anche a noi Luigi Monti e i suoi compagni ● 11 Settembre – Domenica, ore 9 Santa Messa della comunità Presiede P. Shibu Kallarakkal, CFIC - Párroco
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Weekly Mass Intentions Weekend Readings
Buying, selling, need a mortgage or line of credit? Free evaluations to your email or over the phone:
Más detallesMary, Mother of the Redeemer Parish
Para más información comuníquese con Fanny Oliphant al 403-263-4414 Ext. 134 o [email protected]
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