HERE - St. Brendan the Navigator


HERE - St. Brendan the Navigator
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 25, 2015
The Navigator
El Navegante
St. Brendan the Navigator Catholic Church
Cumming, GA
Go… Baptize… Teach…
Vayan… Bauticen… Enseñen…
Pope Francis’ Prayer Intentions for October
Universal: That human trafficking, the modern form of
slavery may be eradicated.
Evangelization: That with a missionary spirit, the
Christian communities of Asia may announce the Gospel to
those who are still awaiting it.
Additional Mass on All Souls Day
On Monday, Nov. 2, Mass will
be held at 8:30am and at
6:00pm in honor of All Souls
Daylight Savings
Sunday, Nov. 1, Daylight
Saving Time ends. Don’t forget
to change your clocks!
Mass Etiquette
The Church is a holy place
where God dwells. Keeping the
pews clean from trash and gum
is one way we can respect
God's house. Another way is by
not writing in the books. Clean
pews and books will help you
and those around you
remember that you are in God’s
Spiritual Warfare
Presentation Tonight
Join us for Deliver us from the
Evil One: An Introduction to
Spiritual Warfare. Presented by
Dr. Paul Thigpen, author of the
bestselling Manual for Spiritual
Warfare. Join us tonight at
6:30pm. Free admission. Books
available for purchase.
Highlight from Pope Francis’
Trip to the US:
“Perfect families do not exist.
This must not discourage us.
Quite the opposite. Love is
something we learn; love is
something we live; love grows
as it is ‘forged’ by the concrete
situations which each particular
family experiences. Love is
born and constantly develops
amid lights and shadows.”
Pastoral Staff
Rev. Fr. Matthew VanSmoorenburg, L.C., Pastor...
Rev. Fr. Octavio Ventura, L.C., Parochial Vicar ......
Rev. Fr. Patrick Langan, L.C., Parochial Vicar …….
Rev. Fr. Jason Brooks, L.C, Parochial Vicar……......
Rev. Mr. Roger Fraser, Deacon ..............................
Rev. Mr. Luis Carlos Lorza, Deacon ……………….
Rev. Mr. Ed Rubio, Deacon ....................................
[email protected], ext. 42
[email protected], ext. 12
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected],
ext. 43
[email protected]
How Do I?
Register at the parish?
Visit or pick up a “Welcome” packet in the Narthex.
Receive personalized offertory envelopes?
Elba Banderas at [email protected] or ext. 10.
Make arrangements for a wedding?
Contact Fr. Octavio, ext. 12 at least six months before an anticipated wedding date.
Contact someone about my interest to become Catholic?
Don Conklin, [email protected] or ext. 26.
Contact a Priest in a Sacramental Emergency?
Phone 678-224-8448, 24 hours a day.
Arrange for Communion to the sick or homebound?
Call the parish office at 770-205-7969.
Arrange to have my child baptized?
Sandy Spera, ext 27 (English), Deacon Luis Carlos Lorza, ext. 43 (Spanish)
Request Baptismal, Confirmation or Marriage certificate?
Luisa Rubio, [email protected] or ext. 15.
Place an announcement in the bulletin?
Online form available at
Receive information about an annulment?
Deacon Roger Fraser, [email protected].
Reconnect with the Catholic Church?
Don Conklin, [email protected] or ext. 26.
Register my child/children for Religious Education?
Stacy Applegate, [email protected] or ext. 13 (English), or Monica Plew,
[email protected] or ext. 40 (Spanish)
Make arrangements for a Funeral or Burial?
Deacon Luis Carlos Lorza, [email protected] or ext. 43 or
Lynne Sterritt, [email protected] or ext. 20.
Schedule an appointment with a priest?
Mary Ann Mallon, [email protected] or ext. 11.
Request a Mass intention?
Elba Banderas ext. 10.
Reserve a meeting space at St. Brendan?
Online form available at
Volunteer in the parish?
Opportunities are updated weekly and listed online at
Seek counseling services for myself or my family?
Holy Family Counseling Center, 678-993-8494 or Catholic Charities of Atlanta, 404-920-7725.
Seek bereavement support?
Debbie Rigby, [email protected], 678-617-726.
Receive assistance from the St. Joseph’s Food Pantry?
Open Wed. 4:30 – 6:30 pm in the Barn behind the Church or contact Barbara Gordon at
[email protected], 404-431-9924.
Seek emergency financial assistance?
Good Samaritan Hotline: 770-205-2324; leave a message and expect a call back within 24 hours.
Sign up for electronic giving?
Look for the “online giving” link on our homepage at or Laura Myers,
[email protected], ext. 21.
Receive a tax receipt for donations?
Laura Myers, [email protected], ext. 21.
Find out about St. Brendan’s Preschool?
Julie Lahey, [email protected], ext. 19.
Saturday Vigil:
5:00 pm & 7:00 pm (en Español)
7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am,
1:00 pm (en Español), 5:00 pm
Daily Mass
Monday – Saturday: 8:30 am
Tuesday, Thurs. & Fri.: 6:00 pm
Wednesday: 7:00 pm (en Español)
Rosary – after weekday am Mass
The Chaplet of Divine Mercy
en Español
Sundays at 12:30 pm
Eucharistic Adoration
in St. Sebastian Chapel
Tuesday - 6:30 pm – Wednesday
6:45 pm
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. until last person
served and 3:30 - 4:45 pm
Tuesday: 4:30 - 5:45 pm
Wednesday: 5:30 - 6:45 pm English
and en Español
Please note: Mass times may vary on
Holy Days. Check the Mass Intentions in this bulletin or the website
Parish Office Hours:
Oficina Parroquial:
Mon – Thurs
9:00 am – 4:00 pm,
Fri 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Maintenance Personnel
Contact Info:
Mac McKinney – 678-467-6490
Melvin Rogers – 404-313-2330
Alex Ayala – 770-500-9341
St. Brendan the Navigator
Catholic Church
4633 Shiloh Road
Cumming, GA 30040
Phone: 770-205-7969
Fax: 770-205-5040
Archdiocese of Atlanta
24 hour Abuse Reporting Line
Benefit on taxes by donating stock
and securities to St. Brendan’s
Now is the time to consider making a
special end of year donation to your
favorite charitable organization or
church, including St Brendan’s.
Consider donating appreciated stock
as your gift; this allows you to take full
advantage of the donation value, while
forgoing the tax on the appreciated
value. For detailed information on how
to accomplish this, or to get details on
how this type of gift saves you tax
dollars and doesn't affect your cash
flow, please contact Sebby Russo at
[email protected] or
Million Dollars in Savings is just
months away!
As of the end of September,
St. Brendan’s has put into
savings almost $845,000
toward the Building fund.
This is a great
accomplishment which has
picked up steam in the past
few months. Our second
collections specifically for
the Building Fund (run twice
monthly) have been running
about $5,000. That is phenomenal and indicates that
the desire for improvements
to our campus and church
are fully understood and
much needed.
In November, Fr. Matthew,
the Building Committee and
Stewardship Committee will be
presenting information on the Master
Plan for our campus, including rough
cost estimates by phase. We have
been working with local architects,
Smith-Boland to fine tune the
requirements that were created from
our strategic planning efforts of 2014.
By the second week in November, we
will have renderings to share with the
parish. At that time, we will conduct a
final survey on the most preferred
expecting to confirm the Campus
Master Plan and our phased approach
to build out.
In the meantime and through the end
of this year, let’s focus on raising the
remaining $155,000 to hit the goal of
$1,000,000 by the beginning of the
new year.
Garden Help Needed—Fall Planting
The Garden Ministry has one team coach
to tend our garden each week. If you can
lend an hour or two to work at the
Garden, please contact one of our coaches
for their work schedule.
 Viviana Sykes (Oct 25-31) [email protected]
Town Hall to discuss Master Plan and Capital Campaign
On Thursday, Nov. 12th, beginning at 7:00pm, Fr. Matthew will
host a town hall meeting in the Church to provide more detail on
the Master Plan for our campus. This will be an opportunity to
see details of the phases and costs related to the build out. It will
also be the first opportunity to fill out campaign pledge cards for
the first phase, which begins as soon as we have raised the
necessary funding.
Pinecrest Academy Open House
PINECREST ACADEMY, a private, PreK–12, College Preparatory
Catholic School, invites you to an open house on Sunday, Nov. 8th,
1:00-3:00pm. Pinecrest Academy is a 2014 National Blue Ribbon
School and has been recognized by the Catholic School Honor Roll
as a School of Excellence for eight consecutive years. Pinecrest is
located at 955 Peachtree Parkway in Cumming, just minutes from
St. Brendan. For more information, please visit or call (770) 888-4477. We look
forward to welcoming you to Pinecrest Academy.
Holiday Bazaar, sponsored by St. Benedict Catholic Church
Women’s Guild. Over forty vendors, raffle drawings, baked goods
and lots of fun! Saturday, Nov. 7th, 9:30am-5:30pm, Parish Life
Center at St. Benedict Catholic Church at 11045 Parsons Road in
Johns Creek. For more information, call Susan at 770-7534374 or Carol at 404-918-9727.
Fabulous Fathers Priest Talent Show
You're invited to the 10th Annual Fabulous Fathers Priest Talent
Show on Saturday, Nov. 7, 2015. This years show features Fr. Josh
Allen, Fr. Brian Baker, Fr. Neil Dhabliwala, Fr. Jack Durkin, Fr. Tim
Hepburn, and more! Enjoy the talents of our local priests while
supporting Catholic homeschooling families. Join us for an
evening of dinner, entertainment, and auctions with emcee, Lino
Rulli, "The Catholic Guy.” You never know what talents will be
unveiled! The event will be held at Regina Caeli Academy in
Roswell. Doors open at 5:00pm. Get your tickets EARLY for the
BEST SEATS! Go to for tickets and more
Haiti Reach: Go, Baptize, Teeth!
HaitiReach will collect toothbrushes
(various sizes) throughout the month of
October. Please drop off donated toothbrushes in the bin in the Narthex after
Mass. They will then be
transported to the students at Notre
Dame de Fatima in Bassin-Zim during
the upcoming HaitiReach trip in
November. Fr. Meres will educate the
children and their families on the
importance of healthy teeth and gums.
Next Sunday:
Readings for the Week of October 25, 2015
Jer 31:7-9/Heb 5:1-6/Mk 10:46-52
Rom 8:12-17/Lk 13:10-17
Rom 8:18-25/Lk 13:18-21
Eph 2:19-22/Lk 6:12-16
Rom 8:31B-39/Lk 13:31-35
Rom 9:1-5/Lk 14:1-6
Rom 11:1-2A, 11-12, 25-29/Lk 14:1, 7-11
Rv 7:2-4, 9-14/1 Jn 3:1-3/Mt 5:1-12A
4th Annual Ernie Johnson Golf Tournament
The 4th Annual Ernie Johnson golf tournament will be held
on Oct. 26th at the Polo Golf and Country Club, starting at
11:00am. All proceeds will benefit the American Cancer Society in
Giving Tree Volunteers and Sponsors Forsyth County. For more information contact the Pro Shop at
St. Brendan’s Giving Tree program is
designed for families who are part of
our parish community that are
Giving Tree Registration
struggling or having difficult times
St. Brendan’s active families in need of holiday assistance are
financially. Ornaments will be hung on invited to register for our Giving Tree program. Registrations will
our Giving Tree that will represent the be accepted for one toy and one clothing article for children
wish of these children or seniors for this
through the age of 18. Participants will be asked to verify their
Christmas season. Planning for this
involvement at St. Brendan’s. St. Brendan’s is very happy to
outreach effort is underway. If you can
continue to offer this service and outreach program to our
help coordinate this effort OR if you
families. Register today, Oct. 25th at 2:00pm in the Sacristy
would like to sponsor an entire family
Conference Room. See the flyer in the Narthex for more details or
from our Giving Tree program, please
contact Kelle Russo at [email protected].
email [email protected].
Getting through the Holidays—
Bereavement Ministry
Did you have someone special die
recently? Are you wondering how you
will get through the holidays this year?
Come to our session on Getting Through
the Holidays on Saturday, Nov. 7th after
the 8:30 Mass until noon. We will meet
in the Sacristy Conference Room.
Contact Debbie Rigby at 678-617-7268
[email protected] for questions.
Assistant Director of Music
St. Brendan’s Music Ministry has an
immediate opening for a part-time
Assistant Director of Music (15 hours).
The Assistant Director, under the
direction of the Director of Music, will
help plan, develop, communicate, and
implement the music for liturgical
worship according to the norms of the
rites and the church for the weekly Mass
celebrations, special feast and solemnity
celebrations, and other special events
requiring music for the parish
community. The role will concentrate
on directing and leading the weekly
Sunday 9 AM Adult Choir. Please send
cover letter (including salary
requirements) and resume to Laurie
Johnson, Parish Business Manager at
[email protected].
Halloween Candy Collection
Extra Halloween Candy? Consider bringing it to the Church
Narthex and leave in the marked tub. Goodie bags will be made
and distributed to the homeless and less fortunate in our local
community. You will make their day!
Respect Life Month Highlight: Life Chain Sunday
On Sunday, Oct. 4th, St. Brendan’s Respect Life Ministry
participated in Life Chain, a national pro-life event. The
participants stood along Peachtree Parkway creating a chain and
holding Respect Life signs. The spent 90 minutes in prayer for the
respect of the sanctity of human life.
40 Days for Life Roswell
Join a peaceful prayer vigil outside of North Georgia Family
Planning, an abortion facility in Roswell, GA. Many congregations
will participate in full and half day sponsorships from Sept. 23–
Nov. 1. Join St. Brendan’s Parish during the prayer campaign or
sign up for your own vigil hours at
Parking can be found at North Fulton Community Charities. For
more information contact Rob and Heather Collins at
404-702-0274. Address:11205 Alpharetta Highway, Roswell, GA
Ministry Carnival Summary
Sunday, Sept. 20th at St. Brendan’s was a
great day! Our ministries spent all day
“spreading the Good News” of what they do to
help build the Kingdom of God. We would like
to thank our Gold Sponsors; Coriaceous Leather- Michael DeLise, Supreme Lending - Scott
Mackie, and State Farm Agent – Jan Rooney
for their generous support. Thanks to everyone
for coming out and supporting the event! Hopefully you were able to find a
ministry where you too can share your time and
talent. Below are the financials for the day:
Net Profit:
Amount to Building Fund: $6,290.93
Please Remember in Your Prayers
Recordemos en Nuestras Oraciones
The Sick (Enfermos)
Jacob Cautter, grandson of Eileen Rice
Harriet Brown, mother of Jacqueline D’Sa
Ann Von Bargen, sister-in-law of Jane Smith
Todd Young, nephew of Jane Smith
Recently Deceased (Fallecidos)
Evelyn George
Anthony Vincent Madda
Lucy Hildebrand
Ministerio Matrimonial “Primero
mi Pareja” le invita a participar en
nuestro Grupo de Parejas, donde
podemos revivir el entusiasmo de
estar juntos. Próxima reunión es el
Viernes, 13 de Noviembre de 7pm
a 9pm en el Centro de Formación
de Fe de San Brendan.
Para más información llame al
(678) 341-9631. o en el correo
[email protected]
Tenemos guardería de niños, llame y haga su reservación.
Gracias a los más de 50 feligreses
que nos acompañaron el pasado
10 de Octubre enfrente del edificio
de la corte del Condado de Forsyth
para rezar por las necesidades de
nuestro país.
El Árbol de la Generosidad de San
Brendan es un programa designado para las familias de nuestra comunidad parroquial quienes atraviesan por dificultades financieras.
Los ornamentos con los deseos y
necesidades de estas familias
serán colgados en el Árbol de la
Generosidad los fines de semana
del 14 y 15, y 21 y 22 de Noviembre.
Las donaciones del Árbol de la Generosidad serán recibidas los fines
de semana del 28 y 29 de Noviembre, y el 5 y 6 de Diciembre.
Si usted desea ayudar en este esfuerzo ó le gustaría patrocinar a
una familia completa esta Navidad,
por favor llame a Kelle Russo ó
Mariana Loredo al (770) 2057969, extensión 41.
Invitamos a todas las niñas de 5º a
8º grado a que participen en la
reunión el Sábado 7 de Noviembre
de 10 a 11:30am en el Centro de
Formación de Fe. El grupo de
niñas Challenge es especial para
niñas de 5º a 8º grado y es un
grupo social, basado en la Fe.
¡Las esperamos!
Una vez más queremos agradecer
a todos los patrocinadores de
nuestro Carnaval de Ministerios
celebrado el 20 de Septiembre.
El reporte final de los fondos recaudados es el siguiente:
Beneficio Neto:
$ 18,242.42
Fondo para la Construcción:
Los invitamos a la conferencia sobre la familia presentada por el
Padre Ángel Espinosa de los Monteros L.C., uno de los más grandes exponentes de fama mundial de la civilización del amor.
Al final de la conferencia, las parejas casadas podrán renovar
sus votos matrimoniales (traigan sus anillos matrimoniales).
Jueves 19 de Noviembre 2015, 7:00pm – 9:30pm
Parroquia de San Brendan el Navegante
Si tiene dulces extras por favor
considere donarlos para la distribución a los menos afortunados de
nuestra comunidad local.
Donación: $10 por persona. Se ofrecerá servicio de guardería y
el espacio es limitado, compre sus boletas con tiempo para apartar su espacio. Para informes, llame a la Oficina de Formación
de Fe, al (770) 205-7969 extensión 40.

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HERE - St. Brendan the Navigator

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