St. Brendan the Navigator


St. Brendan the Navigator


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St. Brendan the Navigator

St. Brendan the Navigator Catholic tradition offering all academic and extracurricular classes for homeschoolers. Our mission is family-centered, grounded in the Magesterium, and devoted to excellence in classical education...

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February 2nd bulletin - St. Brendan the Navigator

February 2nd bulletin - St. Brendan the Navigator available for those who are in a job search due to loss of job or desire to make a change. Meetings are held twice monthly. Please see the parish calendar on our website or contact Rick Sullivan at...

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April 21st bulletin - St. Brendan the Navigator

April 21st bulletin - St. Brendan the Navigator Mary Ann Mallon, Parish Secretary .................... [email protected] ........... ext 11 Elba Banderas, Receptionist............................... [email protected]..............

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October_7th bulletin - St. Brendan the Navigator

October_7th bulletin - St. Brendan the Navigator [email protected] ............ ext 21 Laura Myers, Accounts Receivable Bookkeeper .. [email protected] ............... ext 21 Susan Shirley, Communications Coordinator....... sshir...

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June 8th bulletin - St. Brendan the Navigator

June 8th bulletin - St. Brendan the Navigator Mary Ann Mallon, Parish Secretary ...................... Elba Banderas, Receptionist................................. Arthur Senecal, Special Projects……………........

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