June 19, 2016 - Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
June 19, 2016 - Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel 627 East 187th Street, Bronx, New York 10458 | T: (718) 295-3770/ 3771 | F: (718) 367-2240 www.ourladymtcarmelbx.org | Parish E-mail: [email protected] Sunday, June 19th, 2016| XII Sunday in Ordinary Time- Year C PARISH STAFF Pastor Rev. Fr. Jonathan Morris Parochial Vicar Rev. Fr. Urbano Rodrigues Coordinator of Religious Education Sister Edna Loquias, S.M.C. Office Manager & Spanish Choir Director Sebastian Amaro Parish Secretary Elizabeth Mannini Music Director & Organist Dr. Stephen Rapp Cantor Bilen Eminov Youth Minister Jesus Vargas School Principal Mr. John T. Riley LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST Saturday: 8:30am (English) | 12:00pm ( English) Saturday Evening: 5:00pm (English) Sunday: 8:30am (English) | 9:30am (Spanish) 11:00am (Italian) | 12:15pm (English) 1:30pm (Spanish) PARISH CENTER 2380 Belmont Avenue Bronx, NY 10458 Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 9:00am to 8:00pm Thursday & Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm RITE OF MATRIMONY Wedding dates may be scheduled after initial meeting with a priest. PASTORAL VISITS TO THE SICK Weekday: 8:30am / 12:00pm / 6:30pm (All English) If you or someone you know is in the hospital or homebound and would be served by a pastoral visit by a Priest, Religious Sister or a lay Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist, please contact the Parish Center. RITE OF RECONCILIATION NEW PARISHIONERS Saturdays 4:00pm to 5:00pm or any time by calling the Parish Office. We invite new parishioners to register at the Parish Center. RITE OF BAPTISM RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM 2 Sunday of every month in Spanish at 2:30pm 3rd Sunday every other month in English at 2:30pm For information please call Sr. Edna at the Parish Office at (718) 295-3770. Attendance at Pre - Baptism Class is required. Please stop by the Parish Center to register or call for more information. MOUNT CARMEL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL nd Please contact the School Office at (718) 295-6080. June 19, 2016 CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL ANNOUNCED MASSES Sunday,June19th|XIISundayinOrdinaryTime 8:30am 9:30am 11:00am 12:15pm 1:30pm Felice Moschetta Isaia Barone Rosario e Calogero D’Armetta, Giulio Di Maggio Lawrence & Ronnie Schafer Pro Populo 2 From the Desk of Father Jonathan It's impossible even to imagine the degree of suffering among the families of the victims in last week's massacre in Orlando. Let us pray, pray, pray....for their comfort and that this may never happen again. Tuesday,June21st|SaintAloysiusGonzaga We should also use our intellect to understand the causes and motives of the shooting. Until we have all of the facts, we can't know with certainty all of what was in the mind of the killer. But we do know he was filled with hatred toward his victims. Based on his own statement of allegiance to the Islamic State, we know he justified his action with an ideology that says God blesses the killing of infidels. 8:30am 12:00pm 6:30pm This is a lie. God never commands us to kill the innocent. As Pope Francis says often, "the name of God is mercy". Monday,June20th|Weekday 8:30am Luisa and Casimiro Cibelli and Children 12:00pm Vito Signorile and Gino Raguso 6:30pm Gennaro Scotti Rose, Paul and Rocco Neglio Jean and Emidio Subranni Luigi D’ Angelo Wednesday,June22nd|SaintPaulinusofNola 8:30am Michele and Anna Maria Pascarelli 12:00pm Vincenzo Mannini 6:30pm Luigi Capriglione Thursday,June23rd|Weekday You and I can't stop every hateful action, but we can work together to build a civilization of love. We begin by rejecting every form of hatred. In this case, the killer targeted people at a gay club. We know he also expressed previously his hatred toward black people, Jews, and Christians. None of this is acceptable. 8:30am Carmine Navarra 12:00pm Maria, Michael and Mario Campanelli 6:30pm Richard Pizzonia Our children need to hear, over and over again, in our families and in our churches, that we reject every type of violence, bigotry, and prejudice. And we treat people with respect, even people with whom we disagree. Friday,June24th|TheNativityofStJohnTheBaptist By doing so, we might just be saving our nation from another tragedy. 8:30am Giovanni Cozzolino 12:00pm Giovanni Trombetta 6:30pm Rosa Cuomo Saturday,June25th|Weekday 8:30am Guglielmo D’ Angelo 12:00pm Maria, Giuseppe and Luigi Florio 5:00pm Andrea Maria, Steve and Anthony Acierno Sunday,June26th|XIIISundayinOrdinaryTime 8:30am 9:30am 11:00am 12:15pm 1:30pm Tina Di Palermo Pro Populo Giovanni Trombetta Christiane Joseph Manuel Amadeo WEEKEND MASS COLLECTION - 6/12/2016 Collection ........................................................$4,671.65 Last year’s Collection …..................................$3,549.01 Thank you all for your generosity!! LAST WEEKEND’S ATTENDANCE - 6/12/2016 Adults: 818……. Children: 207..……. / Total………1,025 “Don’t take a vacation from God” God bless, Father Jonathan WEDDING BANNS II. Kellen Scantlebury & Marianna Trombetta Javier Cariño & Jennifer De La Cruz Francisco Romero & Ariana Suarez I. Francis Illuzzi and Lauren Passero REST IN PEACE Please pray for the deceased members of our parish & our fallen military. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION/HOLY HOURS 1st, 2nd & 4th Thursdays from 5:30pm to 6:30pm Third Thursday from 7:15pm to 8:15pm - Spanish Every Saturday from 12:30pm to 1:30pm First Friday of every month from 12:30pm-6:30pm NOVENA DEVOTIONS: After each Mass Monday: Miraculous Medal Wednesday: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Thursday: Saint Joseph Friday: Divine Mercy Chaplet June 19, 2016 CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL 3 REFLECTING ON GOD’S WORD Sunday Gospel: Luke 9, 18-24 RIFLESSIONE SULLA PAROLA DI DIO Vangelo della Domenica: Luca 9, 18-24 asks his disciples “Who do you say that I am?” (Luke 9:20). Peter replies that Jesus is the Messiah, the anointed one of God. Jesus’ question is one that we have to answer for ourselves if we are to live as his disciples today. It is easy to avoid a direct answer, just following the rules and saying the right prayers, without ever facing this question. Marianne lives in a small town. “I’d heard this passage many times before, but one day in parish Bible study it was as if I were hearing it for the first time. Driving home, I knew Jesus was the one whom God had sent into this world for me. Is Jesus the center of your life? If not, why not? La confessione di Pietro, l’annuncio della passione di Gesù e l’invito a seguire il suo esempio costituiscono un’unità organica. Gesù è il Messia, ma non come quello di cui fantasticavano gli uomini. Egli segue il cammino tracciato da Dio, che è il cammino della croce. Chiunque vuole essere con lui, deve seguirlo in questo cammino. Rispetto agli altri evangelisti, Luca introduce alcuni cambiamenti ed accenti caratteristici. Non cita il luogo della conversazione di Gesù con i discepoli, lega questa conversazione alla preghiera di Gesù e, soprattutto, rivolge a tutti l’invito ad imitare Cristo. È un invito importante, che non è rivolto solo agli eletti, ai santi e agli uomini pronti all’eroismo. Tutti i credenti sono discepoli di Cristo. Egli non li tratta come mercenari, ma come amici, vuole che lo accompagnino nel suo cammino e prendano parte alle sue sofferenze. Il suo destino deve essere anche il loro. Che essi portino ogni giorno la loro croce. Gesù non parla del martirio, che può capitare una sola volta, ma delle sofferenze che ognuno incontra nell’adempimento serio del proprio dovere e delle difficoltà quotidiane che devono essere sopportate pazientemente grazie all’amore per lui. OLMC YOUTH GROUP - “ROOTED” MEMORIALS OFFERED THIS WEEK Jesus I knew there would be consequences! No more teasing my friend about her ‘What would Jesus do?’ bracelet!” she said. “I’ll be asking myself this question all the time.” Challenges remain for Marianne: she cares for her elderly mother and copes with diabetes, but she says, “I trust in God more and I’m more open with other people than ever before.” Living Stewardship Now Mass Wine Our Youth Group meets every Saturday in Fatima Hall from 2pm to 4pm. We invite all youth in 9th to 12th grades to attend. For more information please contact Jesus Vargas - [email protected]. A message from our Youth Group In the back of our church you will find pictures and a message from our parish Youth Group "ROOTED" after their retreat. Thank you to everyone who contributed. REGISTRATION CAMPAIGN 2016-2017 LAST WEEK!! Please pick up your new box of envelopes before or after Mass. The envelopes are for an entire year. Thank you for your continued support! PARISH PAY No need to look for your envelopes...sign up for ParishPay today! Please call the office or go to www.parishpay.com www.facebook.com/olmcbxchurch https://twitter.com/olmc_bronx www.ourladymtcarmelbx.org In Memory of Vincenzo Marano Requested by the Marano Family Altar Bread In Memory of Pasquale Marsibilio Requested by The Marsibilio Family Sanctuary Lamp In Memory of Pasquale Marsibilio Requested by The Marsibilio Family Mass Candles In Memory of Pasquale Marsibilio Requested by The Marsibilio Family Father Day’s Prayer God our Father, in your wisdom and love you made all things. Bless these men, that they may be strengthened as Christian fathers. Let the example of their faith and love shine forth. Grant that we, their sons and daughters, may honor them always with a spirit of profound respect. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen REFLEXIONEMOS LA PALABRA DE DIOS Evangelio del Domingo: Lucas 9, 18-24 Jesús le pregunta a sus discípulos: “Según ustedes, ¿quién soy yo?” (Lucas 9:20). Pedro responde que Jesús es el Mesías, el ungido de Dios. La pregunta de Jesús también la debemos contestar nosotros si hemos de vivir como discípulos suyos. Es fácil evadir una respuesta directa, conformarnos con cumplir las reglas y decir las oraciones correctas sin confrontar esa pregunta. Mariana vive en un pueblo pequeño. “He oído este pasaje muchas veces, pero un día durante un estudio bíblico en la parroquia fue como si lo escuchara por primera vez. Manejando de regreso a casa, caí en cuenta de que Jesús es el enviado de Dios para mí. ¡Y sabía que esto me iba a traer consecuencias! Ya no me iba a reír más de mi amiga con su brazalete con la inscripción, ‘¿Qué haría Jesús?’, pues yo misma me estaré haciendo esa pregunta todo el tiempo”, dice Mariana. Los desafíos continúan para Mariana, ya que aparte de sufrir de diabetes cuida también de su mamá anciana. Pero dice ella: “Ahora confío más en Dios y estoy más abierta que nunca a los demás”. Viviendo la Palabra de Dios ¿Es Jesús el centro de tu vida? Si no es así, ¿por qué no? GRUPO JUVENIL “ROOTED” Invitamos a todos los Jóvenes de 9 a 12 grado a participar del Grupo Juvenil todos los Sábado de 2pm a 4pm en el Salón de Fatima. ¡Te esperamos! Un mensaje de parte del Grupo Juvenil En la parte de atras de la Iglesia podrán encontrar un collage de fotos de nuestro Retiro. Les damos las gracias a todos los que nos han apoyado. Gracias ENCUENTRO DE PAREJAS “La pareja que ora unida siempre se mantendrá unida” Domingo, 26 de Junio 2:30pm a 5:00pm Salón de FATIMA HALL Invitación: Parejas casadas, no casadas, parejas de novios y solteros ¡¡LOS ESPERAMOS!! CAMPAÑA DE REGISTRACIÓN 2016-2017 ¡¡ULTIMAS SEMANAS!! Continuamos con nuestra Campaña de Registración. Por favor, sírvase pasar por el frente de la Iglesia para que se lleve su caja de sobres. Muchas gracias. Lectors for June 25th & 26th 5:00pm 8:30am 9:30am 11:00am 12:15pm 1:30pm Gina Vaccaro and Ricard Powers Nicky Watson and Mike Mongiovi Grecia Chavez y Henry Paulino Nicola Trombetta e Rosanna Bizzarro Gina Vaccaro and Vito Marcone Adriana Cardona y Jackie Mejia Readings for the Week June 20 to June 26, 2016 Monday: 2 Kgs 17, 5-8, 13-15, 18/ Ps 60, 3-5, 12-13/ Mt 7, 1-5 Tuesday: 2 Kgs 19, 9-11, 14-21, 31-36/ Ps 48, 2-3, 10-11/ Mt 7, 6, 12-14 Wednesday: 2 Kgs 22, 8-13, 23, 1-3/ Ps 119, 33-37, 40/ Mt 7, 15-20 Thursday: 2Kgs 24, 8-17 / Ps 79, 1-3, 5, 8-9/ Mt 7, 21-29 Friday: Is 49, 1-6 / Ps 139, 1-3, 13-14, 15/ Act 13, 22-26 Lk 1, 57-66, 80/ Saturday: Lam 2, 2, 10-14, 18-19/ Ps 74, 1-3, 5-7, 20-21/ Mt 8, 5-17 Sunday: 1 Kgs 19, 16, 19-21/ Ps 16, 1-2, 5,7,9-11 Gal 5, 1, 13-18/ Lk 9, 51-62 The Nativity of Saint John the Baptist Friday, June 24 Saint John was great before God because in complete forgetfulness of himself he lived only for Jesus Christ, who is the source of all greatness. Sacrifice every day some of your natural inclinations to the Sacred Heart of Our Lord, and learn little by little to lose yourself in Him. Oracion para nuestros Padres Padre Eterno, en tu sabiduría y el amor que hizo todas las cosas. Bendice a estos hombres, para que sean fortalecidos como padres cristianos. Que el ejemplo de su fe y amor brille. Concede que nosotros, sus hijos e hijas, pueden honrarlos siempre con un espíritu de profundo respeto. Por Jesucristo, nuestro Señor. Amén A los patrocinadores que están en este boletín. Gracias a estos patrocinadores este boletín puede hacerse. Dueños de negocios interesados en anunciarse por favor llamen a J.S. 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