19th Sunday of OT 8/7/16
Page 2 Nineteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time August 7, 2016 A Fun Week at Vacation Bible School ! The Beauty of Holiness Most of the folks we know aren’t bad people, by any means. They’re not hopelessly corrupted by greed, sacrificing their children to their own ambitions, or cheating on their spouses. Most people we keep company with are not cruel, careless of the poor, bigoted, or addicted to power for its own sake. But in the same way, most people we know aren’t what we’d call “holy” either. That is, their lives and choices aren’t centered on God and the desire for goodness above all else. But we probably do know some holy people, and they’re marvelous! They seem to breathe the Holy Spirit and seek God’s will as naturally as the rest of us seek our next meal. They’re wonderfully kind; not cynical or suspicious of others’ motives; not quick to criticize or pass judgment. They show mercy to people who don’t “deserve” it. They do good not because they’re being watched, but because it gives them pleasure to do it. We want to be like these people. As we watch holiness in action, our hearts ache for it. Where have you seen holiness in action? Where can you create more opportunities in your life to become holier? —This Transforming Word The month of August is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The memorial of the Immaculate Heart of Mary takes place on the day after the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, usually in June, but in this month when we celebrate Mary’s Assumption (August 15) and her Coronation or Queenship (August 22), we also give honor to her Immaculate Heart. There are many prayers to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Here is one short enough to memorize and pray every day during the remainder of this special month: O Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, obtain for me from Jesus a pure and humble heart. You are invited to attend a performance of the play PONDER Friday, August 12 at 7pm in the Parish Hall Ponder, a new play written by Sister Mary Dietz, will be performed by the actors of Maryworks, as a one-hour dramatic reading. Ponder takes a mature look at the challenges of faith. Based on Our Lady’s annunciation and visitation stories in Luke’s Gospel, we enter the home of two less known persons: Elizabeth and Zachariah. Join us to ponder the beginning of Mary’s story in anticipation of her great feast of the Assumption on August 15th. Admission is free, but donations are very welcome. Page 3 Nineteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time August 7, 2016 Stewardship—Building up the Community of God Current number of Registered Families receiving envelopes: 691 — 163 of whom tithed last weekend using their envelopes Our GOAL this year: ALL parishioners tithing each week! The Joy of Giving Amount we need each week to cover parish operating costs: General Collection, July 31, 2016: Deficit for the week of July 31, 2016: $7,155.00 $4,878.00 — $2,277.00 Building Fund—July 31, 2016: $1,343.00 Jesus encourages us to build up our treasure in heaven. The world encourages us to build up our treasure in real estate, investments, and material goods. How much time are you investing in building up a worldly treasure? How much time are you investing in building up a heavenly treasure? To invest more time in the things of heaven, you must let go of some of the things of this world. Mass Intentions Saturday………….........August 6 5:00PM………...…...…..Florence Stowski, Spec. Int. Sunday………….....…...August 7 8:30AM……...…………..†Maria Ho 10:00AM……….....…….Emily Weedman, Spec. Int. 11:30AM...….…....……. People of St. Didacus Monday………………...August 8 7:30AM………...……….†Jenna McPherson Tuesday………..…..…..August 9 6:00PM……….…….….John & Brenda Kober, Spec. Int. Wednesday…….......….August 10 8:30AM……………....….†Chuck & Lita Hutchings Thursday………...…….August 11 7:30AM……………..…..†Marian Krueger Friday…………...……...August 12 7:30AM...………….…....†Mary Catherine Schoelles Saturday………….........August 13 5:00PM………...…...…..†Eva Diaz-Rondon Welcome to St. Didacus Parish! Masses Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 8:30am & 10:00am English 11:30am in Spanish Daily Mass Mon., Thurs., Fri. 7:30am Wednesday 8:30am & Tues. 6:00pm Eucharistic Adoration Wed. 7:30am—8:30am / Saturday 3:30pm—5:00pm First Fridays 8:00am—9:00am Confessions—Saturdays 3:30pm or by appt. Baptisms: 1st Saturday of each month. Arrangements must be made 3 months in advance. Contact the Parish Office for information. Weddings: Arrangements must be made at least 9 months in advance. Please contact the Parish Office. Pastor, Rev. Michael J. Sinor The Parish Office is open 8am-noon, 1-5pm M-F 619-284-3472 Weekly Events at St. Didacus Sunday, August 7, 2016 Monday, August 8, 2016 Encuentro Matrimonial Misa Tuesday, August 9, 2016 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 Eucharistic Adoration Thursday, August 11, 2016 Encuentro Matrimonial Friday, August 12, 2016 Reading of “Ponder” Play Saturday, August 13, 2016 School’s Campus Clean-up Day Eucharistic Adoration Location Location 7:00pm Church Location Location 7:30am-8:30am Church Location 7:30pm Hall Location 7:00pm Hall Location 8:00am-noon School 3:30pm-5:00pm Church Almighty God, may your grace enkindle in all of us a love for the many unfortunate people whom poverty and misery reduce to a condition of life unworthy of human beings. Grant, O Lord, peace in our days, peace to souls, peace to families, peace to our country, and peace among nations. Amen —Ven. Pope Pius XII Rosalba Alarcon Maria Luz Arrellano Diann Bauer Dan Bauer Herbert Baxter Robert Bayles Jessica Becerra Martha Becerra Rita Bonnell Norm Boyer Herminia Brignoni Ibeth Brignoni Ruben Campos Gail Cedercrans Eileen Connolly Joana Cisneros Cecil Crews Aaron Damishia Irene Davis MaryLou De Luca Pauline Dease Bob Demers Cecelia Dueber Mary Farrell Santiago Fontes Susan Guenzel Dolores Hansel Cam Ihle Kelley Kessler Marilyn Kober Elizabeth La Costa Virginia Lantry Juanita Lopez Maria Lopez David Lujan Marlene S. Magers Anthony Martinez Rosalie Martinez Claire Meighan Terrence McCabe Trish McCutcheon Emma McPherson Dolores Mediano Vernon Meyers Dominick Palestini Gladys Palestini Lupita Plascencia Diane Porter Matthew Rau Antonia Raya Dolores Robertson Atina Rodriguez Aaron Rodriguez Alette Rodriguez Jeff Salazar Christine Segura Mark Silke Michael Smith Gerri Strachan Angel Tapia Pedro Tapia Merida Tirado Therese Tucker Carol Verdon The Webb Family Jason Williamson Joan Williamson Adalina Zarate Josephine And the special intentions in our Book of Needs P R A Y E R L I S T Page 4 Nineteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time August 7, 2016 REGISTRATION OPEN NOW! 4630 34th Street, San Diego CA 92116 284-8730 School Campus Clean-up Day Saturday, August 13th—8am-noon — Come help us put those sparkling touches on the campus before the start of school! Gift Card Sale after Masses on Sunday, August 14th. Make a list of all the gift cards you need for retail, restaurants and gifts and do your shopping with us. Your purchases support the school. Saturday, August 20th New Family Orientation at 9am Preschool & Kindergarten Open Houses at 10am First Day of School Wednesday, August 24th! Mark your calendars for our next DINNER & A MOVIE NIGHT! Friday, August 19th 6pm in the Parish Hall We’ll watch the movie WOODLAWN. A great family movie that tells the story of a gifted high school football player who must learn to boldly embrace his talent and his faith as he battles racial tensions on and off the field. WOODLAWN, is a moving and inspirational film based on the true story of how love and unity overcame hate and division in early 1970s Birmingham, Alabama. Many Thanks!!! Thank you to everyone who donated items for our Vacation Bible School! We are grateful for such a generous community! And thank you to all our wonderful volunteers! Thanks to those who helped during the set-up week, and to all the volunteers who worked with the kids and in the kitchen during VBS. This is truly a community event that celebrates the gift of the Holy Spirit who continues to breath life into our parish! Registration is now open for: —2016-2017 Religious Education classes —Confirmation —RCIA Do you want to be more involved in the life of the parish? Do you want to learn more about your faith while helping children or teens? Maybe this is just the opportunity you’ve been waiting for... HELP WANTED: We are in need of Religious Education teachers for several grades. Classes are on Wednesdays 5:30-7pm from September through May. For more information call Elena at the Parish Office. We also need adult volunteers for our teen Youth Nights from September through May. Our Youth Nights are on Tuesdays from 6:308pm. You wouldn’t be required to teach, we just need more of an adult presence at these youth nights. For more information, contact Zeke at the Parish Office. Readings for the Week of August 7, 2016 Sun: Mon: Tue: Wis 18:6-9/Ps 33:1, 12, 18-22/Heb 11:1-2, 8-19 Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c/Ps 148:1-2, 11-14/Mt 17:22-27 Ez 2:8--3:4/Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131/ Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 Wed: 2 Cor 9:6-10/Ps 112:1-2, 5-9/Jn 12:24-26 Thu: Ez 12:1-12/Ps 78:56-59, 61-62/Mt 18:21--19:1 Fri: Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63 or 16:59-63/Is 12:2-6/Mt 19:3-12 Sat: Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32/Ps 51:12-15, 18-19/ Mt 19:13-15 Next Sunday: Jer 38:4-6, 8-10/Ps 40:2-4, 18/Heb 12:1-4/ Lk 12:49-53 Second Collection Today we’re taking up a second collection for our Building Improvement Fund. Thank you for your generous donations! We will be having a Mexican Food Sale after the Masses next Sunday! Bring your appetite! Page 5 Nineteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time God, the Father of mercies, through the Death and Resurrection of his Son, has reconciled the world to himself and sent the Holy Spirit among us for the forgiveness of sins; through the ministry of the Church, may God give you pardon and peace, and I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. These are the words of absolution that every penitent hears as his or her sins are forgiven when going to confession. What would a Jubilee Year of Mercy be without hearing these same words ourselves? God is the Father of mercies, and as a prayer in the liturgy of the Church reminds us: “O God, who manifest your almighty power, above all by pardoning and showing mercy…” (CCC 277). He extends that mercy to us constantly. No matter how far we have gone astray, no matter how distant we feel, no matter what we have done, God extends his mercy to us constantly in the confessional. We need to hear the words of absolution in our lives because we need the human confirmation of God’s forgiveness and mercy. Married couples know that they love each other, but imagine how that knowledge might fade when neither spouse speaks the words “I love you” any longer. August 7, 2016 The One Who is Coming The Lord came the first time in the humility of Bethlehem. He will come again with glory and majesty at the end of time which is the dawn of eternity. He will come again on the morning of our eternity, at our death. While awaiting the brightness of that dawn, he continues to come also at each moment of your life. You have welcomed him with faith and love. Keep open the doors of your heart; he always arrives unexpectedly. The one who is coming is the one who will always surprise you. He surprises you like the unforeseen coming of one whom you love. The one who is coming is the one who loves you as no one else can love you in heaven and on earth. He will always surprise you, for to serve you, he took the apron of a servant; he loves you “until the end.” Kid’s Corner The one who is coming is the one who keeps your treasure in his hand. He will always surprise you, for he will give a joy infinitely greater than one you could ever desire or imagine. Jesus tells us in this week’s Gospel that we should work for those things that will get us to heaven. The one who is coming is the one who lights the lamp in your hand. He will always surprise you, for he will lead you to the Kingdom of light where you will not need a lamp because God will be your light. —Father James M. Sullivan, O.P., Magnificat The one who is coming is the one who welcomes you into his house. He will always surprise you endlessly since he wants his house to now be yours. For eternity. Amen. —God’s Word is Our Joy, by Lucien Deiss, CSSP A Blast From the Past... This was printed in our parish bulletin on October 3, 1971: SPORTSWEAR IN CHURCH: is not appropriate. What one wears indicates the respect one has for the house of God. Please use good taste and all due respect in the matter of dress. Pagina 6 XIX Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Dichoso el sirviente que se encuentra preparado El evangelio de hoy nos presenta unas recomendaciones que tienen relación con la parábola del domingo anterior del rico necio. Es una exhortación a la confianza, expresa la ternura y protección que Dios ofrece a su pueblo, pero expresa también la auto comprensión de las primeras comunidades: conscientes de su pequeñez e impotencia, vivían, sin embargo, la seguridad de la victoria. La bondad de Dios, en su amor desmedido, nos ha regalado el Reino. Lucas invita a la vigilancia, consciente de la ausencia de su Señor, a una comunidad que espera su regreso, pero no de manera inminente como sucedía en las comunidades de Pablo. La Iglesia de Lucas sabe que vive en los últimos días en los que el hombre acoge o rechaza de forma definitiva la salvación que se regala. Cristo ha venido, ha de venir; está fuera de la historia, pero actúa en ella. La historia presente, de hecho, es el tiempo de la iglesia, tiempo de vigilancia. La predicación de Jesús invitan a la vigilancia y la confianza. El punto clave reside en la invitación “estén preparados”; o lo que es lo mismo, lo importante es el hoy. A la luz de una certeza sobre el futuro, queda determinado el presente. La vigilancia cristiana es inculcada constantemente por Cristo (Mc 14,38; Mt 25,13). La vida del cristiano debe ser toda ella una preparación para el encuentro con el Señor. La muerte que provoca tanto miedo en el que no cree, para el cristiano es una meditación: marca el fin de la prueba, el nacimiento a la vida inmortal, el encuentro con Cristo que le conduce a la Casa del Padre. La intervención de Pedro, demuestra que la exhortación de Jesús sobre el significado de actuar y perseverar en vigilancia es en primer lugar referido a aquellos que son “la cabeza” de la comunidad, o mejor dicho para los que “están al servicio” de la comunidad. La resurrección a la vida depende del modo como ejercitaron ese servicio. Para la revisión de vida... Que es lo que valoras más, lo que me mueve desde lo profundo...? 7 de agosto, 2016 CELEBRACION DE LAS QUINCEANERAS EN SAN DIDACUS Nuestras quinceañeras, serán comunitarias y se limitaran a solo 4 quinceañeras en el Año 2016-2017, por favor anotarlas con 6 meses de anticipación. 19 de noviembre, 2016 18 de febrero, 2017 20 de mayo, 2017 15 de agosto, 2017 REQUISITOS PARA QUINCEANERA: * Su padres deberán estar registrados en la parroquia por lo menos 6 meses. * La joven debe estar bautizada * la joven debe venir a Misa, los domingos * la joven haya recibido la Primera Comunión * la joven debe estar en el grupo de jóvenes y debe haber completado el primer año de preparación para la Confirmación GRACIAS A TODOS LOS QUE AYUDARON VENTA DE COMIDA Habrá venta de comida Mexicana el próximo domingo 14 de agosto después de todas las misas, los esperamos, el dinero será para ayudar con los gastos de la iglesia. REUNION PARA LECTORES SABADO 27 DE AGOSTO 10—12pm SALON PARROQUIAL S T. D I D A C U S C AT H O L I C C H U R C H W O U L D L I K E T O T H A N K T H E S E B U S I N E S S E S F O R M A K I N G O U R B U L L E T I N P O S S I B L E HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC CEMETERY & MAUSOLEUM 45th & Hilltop Drive, San Diego, CA 92102 No Interest Budget Plan | Up to 5 years to pay Honor Guard ROOFING Lic. # 691295 Se Habla Español Call 264-3127 References (619) 823-7208 Property Management Real Estate Sales Chris Bushard, Broker Krone & Bushard Inc. (619) 226-7368 www.bkbinc.com Mary Jean Anderson President/Owner Lic. #493163 & 876156 Peter Cardullo Comfort Advisor Cell (619) 672-3449 Tel. (619) 449-3852 • Fax (619) 449-0312 www.AndersonPHA.com 1150 N. Marshall Ave. • El Cajon Email: [email protected] Craig A. Fahey Attorney at Law Residential & Commercial ST. DIDACUS / 029 A (619) 280-6565 www.backfromtomboctou.com Specializing in Latin American ethnic folk art & crafts. Keeping Artisan Traditions alive. Marco A. 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